
"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

author:Gather in the big community
"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter
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"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

In the Chinese film and television industry, Xu Fan is an admirable actor. With her superb performances such as "See You or Leave" and "Tangshan Earthquake", she won the Huabiao Award and the Feitian Award, and her career is thriving.

One ordinary night, when Xu Fan overheard her stepdaughter Feng Siyu sobbing for fear of losing her father's love, her heart trembled suddenly. At that moment, she made a decision that was enough to change the fate of three people.

This choice not only creates a warm family, but also interprets what true maternal love is. Xu Fan's story shows how the power of love transcends the boundaries of blood and creates a touching mother-daughter relationship.

In 1991, 24-year-old Xu Fan just graduated from the Central Academy of Drama, and with her acting dream, she met Feng Xiaogang, who was the screenwriter at the time, in the crew of "The Great Satan".

"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

The gears of fate turn quietly, but in an unexpected way, their story begins.

When they met for the first time, Feng Xiaogang had a lot of complaints about Xu Fan's performance, and said bluntly: "This actress is not well chosen." As everyone knows, this unintentional sentence happened to be heard by Xu Fan, who was sitting behind him.

This awkward opening seemed to herald the end of their relationship, but it turned out to be the opposite.

Soon after, the two met again at the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony in Guangzhou. In the waiting room, Feng Xiaogang unexpectedly introduced Xu Fan to everyone as his girlfriend.

"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

Although Xu Fan was quite dissatisfied at the time, Feng Xiaogang's actions undoubtedly shortened the distance between the two.

On the plane, Feng Xiaogang took the initiative to approach Xu Fan, and skillfully resolved the embarrassment on the grounds of telling the story of "The Wolf is Coming". Although Xu Fan was a little resistant on the surface, he was moved by Feng Xiaogang's sincerity in his heart.

As time passed, the relationship between the two quietly grew in the haze.

However, the fact that Feng Xiaogang already has a family has become an obstacle between them. Until 1999, Feng Xiaogang made a difficult decision to divorce his ex-wife.

"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

One night after the divorce, he invited Xu Fan to dinner. After three rounds of drinking, Feng Xiaogang was drunk and hazy, Xu Fan saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. She was moved by Feng Xiaogang's sincerity and thought: Such an honest man is worthy of her care and care.

In this way, they came together as a matter of course, without even going through a formal marriage proposal. With the courage of her, Xu Fan accepted this love with responsibilities and challenges.

She knows that the road ahead may be full of bumps, but she is willing to be brave for love once.

This love story, which began with a misunderstanding and finally got to know each other, opened a new chapter in the lives of Xu Fan and Feng Xiaogang. However, neither of them expected that what awaited them would be a family life that would test love and patience.

"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

Xu Fan is about to face not only the role of a wife, but also a challenging stepmother.

In 2000, Xu Fan's life ushered in a major turning point. 10-year-old Feng Siyu moved in with his father and Xu Fan, marking Xu Fan's official step into the role of stepmother.

With apprehension and anticipation, Xu Fan carefully arranged Feng Siyu's room, hoping to give his stepdaughter a warm home. However, the reality is far harsher than imagined.

The first time they met, Feng Siyu unceremoniously accused Xu Fan of being a "bad woman" and refused to accept her carefully prepared doll. In the face of his stepdaughter's hostility, Xu Fan endured the loss in his heart and still kept smiling.

"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

She knows that winning the trust of a child who has lost her mother's love requires more patience and love than with her own child.

Over time, Xu Fan began to take over Feng Siyu's education. She strictly controlled her pocket money, required to practice the piano for one hour a day, and forbade eating late at night. These rules made Feng Siyu, who was accustomed to his father's favor, feel uncomfortable.

Once, Feng Siyu even added a large amount of salt to Xu Fan's tea in an attempt to retaliate. In the face of such a provocation, Xu Fan did not get angry, but strengthened his determination to resolve hostility with love.

Although Feng Xiaogang understood Xu Fan's intentions, he felt sorry for his daughter and often helped her secretly. This situation of secret competition has brought a lot of pressure to this newly formed family.

"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

Xu Fan felt caught between her husband and stepdaughter, and was in a dilemma.

During this period, Xu Fan experienced a huge psychological struggle. She has to play the role of a good wife while trying to be a competent stepmother. Whenever she encountered a setback, she would cry alone in the middle of the night, but the next day she still faced Feng Siyu with a smile.

She knows that only with sincerity and persistence can she slowly melt the ice in her stepdaughter's heart.

Xu Fan's persistence has finally paid off. Once, Feng Siyu had an argument with Xu Fan and left home angrily to return to his biological mother. Surprisingly, the biological mother comforted her and said, "Aunt Xu is doing this precisely because she loves you deeply."

"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

These words made Feng Siyu begin to re-examine Xu Fan's intentions.

Gradually, Feng Siyu began to understand Xu Fan's good intentions. She found that whenever she encountered difficulties, Aunt Xu was always the first to lend a hand. The school's parent-teacher meeting is always attended by Aunt Xu on time.

These details slowly warmed Feng Siyu's heart.

This difficult beginning not only tested Xu Fan's patience and love, but also gave her a deeper understanding of the true meaning of maternal love. She understands that being a good stepmother requires not only love, but also wisdom and perseverance.

"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

Xu Fan used his actions to plant the seeds of love in his stepdaughter's heart step by step, laying the foundation for deeper feelings in the future.

In 2002, Xu Fan and Feng Xiaogang's married life gradually improved, and the two began to discuss whether to have their own children. This seemingly ordinary family topic was inadvertently overheard by Feng Siyu, which instantly pushed her into a deep uneasiness.

That day, Feng Siyu sat alone on the bank of the moat, tears flowing non-stop. Her heart is filled with fear and anxiety that the arrival of a new life will take away the love of her father and stepmother.

Memories of what had been neglected and abandoned resurfaced, leaving her feeling lonely and helpless like never before.

"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

When Xu Fan and Feng Xiaogang found Feng Siyu, they saw a lonely figure curled up by the river. At that moment, Xu Fan's heart was deeply touched. She recalled the bits and pieces of getting along with Feng Siyu in the past two years, from the initial resistance to the gradual acceptance, she realized that she could no longer strip this child from her life.

That night, Xu Fan tossed and turned, unable to sleep. She thought carefully about her life and weighed the possibilities. She thought of her acting career, her relationship with Feng Xiaogang, and Feng Siyu's eyes full of expectation and fear.

After a night of thinking, Xu Fan made a surprising decision: to give up having his own child. The decision was not easy, and it meant that Xu Fan may never experience the joy of motherhood.

But she believes that true maternal love does not lie in blood, but in dedication and responsibility.

"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

Xu Fan hopes that through this decision, he will send a clear message to Feng Siyu: You are my only child, and I will love you wholeheartedly. This decision not only reflects Xu Fan's selflessness and courage, but also becomes an important turning point in her relationship with Feng Siyu.

From that moment on, Xu Fan was no longer an "outsider" in Feng Siyu's life, but a mother in the real sense. This decision injected new vitality into this reorganized family, and also opened a new chapter in the relationship between Xu Fan and Feng Siyu.

Xu Fan's decision to give up childbearing became a turning point in her relationship with Feng Siyu. This silent promise, like a warm sunshine, slowly melted the ice in Feng Siyu's heart.

She began to look at her stepmother with new eyes, and gradually understood Xu Fan's good intentions.

"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

Over time, the title "Aunt Xu" unknowingly became "Mom". When he heard this title for the first time, Xu Fan felt extremely relieved, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help but burst into tears.

This simple word carries too much emotion and trust.

Family life becomes harmonious. Feng Siyu no longer regarded Xu Fan as an outsider, but took the initiative to help her share the housework. There are also more and more conversations between the two, from study to life, to life ideals, and they find that they have so much in common with each other.

Xu Fan was pleasantly surprised to find that he was so similar to this stubborn little girl.

"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

In 2006, Feng Siyu was successfully admitted to Beijing No. 22 Middle School. Since the school was close to her birth mother's home, she decided to move back in. On the day of separation, Xu Fan and Feng Siyu hugged each other and cried, reluctant to give up.

Xu Fan said with tears in his eyes: "Siyu, no matter when and where, this will always be your home." This sentence made Feng Siyu feel a deep sense of love and belonging.

Even though they live separately, the relationship between the two has not been diluted. Xu Fan often took time to visit Feng Siyu, and each time he would bring carefully selected gifts. And Feng Siyu will also go back to "home" to visit Xu Fan and bring small gifts made by himself.

Every time we get together, we are full of laughter, like a real mother and daughter.

"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

When Feng Siyu participates in activities or competitions at school, he always thinks about bringing some local specialties to Xu Fan. Although Xu Fan often said that he didn't have to break the bank, Feng Siyu insisted on expressing his heart.

These small gifts have become a bond that connects their feelings.

From the initial hostility to the current intimacy, the relationship between Xu Fan and Feng Siyu has undergone earth-shaking changes. This mother-daughter relationship that spans blood ties proves that sincere love and perseverance can create miracles.

Now, Feng Siyu has grown up, but the mother-daughter relationship between her and Xu Fan is getting deeper and deeper. Despite not being related by blood, their relationship even surpasses that of many biological mothers and daughters.

"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

This family relationship across blood has become a solid foundation for a warm family.

Xu Fan used his actions to interpret what true maternal love is. Her dedication not only won the heart of her stepdaughter, but also the respect of society. It is often said that "it is difficult to be a stepmother", but Xu Fan solved this problem with love and set an example for stepparents who are facing similar situations.

The story of this family has brought us a profound enlightenment: blood ties are important, but sincere love and selfless dedication can also create deep family ties.

Xu Fan's decision to give up childbirth seems to be a sacrifice, but in fact, he has gained more valuable family affection.

"Model stepmother" Xu Fan: gave up having children for her stepdaughter, and now she is like best friends with her stepdaughter

She proved with her actions that being a good mother is not about whether she is biological, but whether she sincerely loves and cares for her children. The story of Xu Fan and Feng Siyu shows how the power of love can transcend the boundaries of blood and create a harmonious and warm family.

This warm family that is not related by blood is not only the result of the joint efforts of Xu Fan and Feng Siyu, but also the crystallization of love. It tells us that the true meaning of family lies not in blood ties, but in sincere feelings and selfless dedication to each other.

Xu Fan's exemplary stepmother shows us the infinite possibilities of love.

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