
National table tennis devil training exposed: get up at 5 o'clock, change more than 10 clothes a day, and attach the total schedule of the Olympic Games

author:Sun Yingsha Guardian Group
National table tennis devil training exposed: get up at 5 o'clock, change more than 10 clothes a day, and attach the total schedule of the Olympic Games

In the 24-day countdown to the Paris Olympics, the Chinese table tennis team immediately devoted itself to intense preparations after training. The national table tennis soldiers and Jinhua are all gearing up, eager to try, and can't wait to show their skills in the Olympic Games. World champion Fang Bo, through a novel and unique live broadcast, unveiled the mystery of the national table tennis training in Chengdu for the public, allowing us to see the hard work and perseverance behind this glorious division. When most people are still immersed in sleep, the national table tennis players at 5 o'clock in the morning have quietly gotten up and started to go for a hearty morning run to wake up the sleeping body and inject full vitality into the national table tennis training

National table tennis devil training exposed: get up at 5 o'clock, change more than 10 clothes a day, and attach the total schedule of the Olympic Games

F Fan Zhendong

After the morning run, they began to train on their serving skills. Strive for precision and a desire to win. The early morning training is not only to improve physical fitness, but also to hone willpower. The coach is divided into two sides and pays full attention to the state of the players, so that they can correct the movement in time and make every detail perfect. The training ground is tense and full of motivation, and every drop of sweat shines under the sun, telling the national table tennis players, their firm belief in victory, and their unremitting pursuit.

National table tennis devil training exposed: get up at 5 o'clock, change more than 10 clothes a day, and attach the total schedule of the Olympic Games

Sun Yingsha

After breakfast, the national table tennis players ushered in the training period, which was the most intense time of the day.

From 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., they gathered together for a group training under the patient guidance of the coach.

The "whoosh" sound of table tennis in the stadium continued one after another, and some of the players swung the racket quickly, some calmly thinking, and each swing showed the unremitting pursuit of technology.

Coaches guide or watch from the sidelines, or patiently explain the key points of the technique, and put forward specific suggestions for improvement if there are deficiencies.

Every member of the team is fully focused and does not dare to slack off. They know very well that these small improvements may be the difference between winning and losing future games.

National table tennis devil training exposed: get up at 5 o'clock, change more than 10 clothes a day, and attach the total schedule of the Olympic Games

Interview with Chen Meng

Engaged in the afternoon training, the players immediately finished lunch. Time was short, and their lunch was not long. From the extreme challenge of physical training to the meticulous attention to detail of stretching exercises, they used their actions to interpret what it means to "work for one minute on stage and ten years off stage".

Every member of the team works hard, strives to reach the limit in terms of physical fitness and technology, and goes all out to break through themselves and move towards the peak state. In the afternoon, the team members at the training ground were full of enthusiasm and struggle. Sweat is like rain, and the fighting spirit is high. Encourage each other and have a positive team atmosphere.

National table tennis devil training exposed: get up at 5 o'clock, change more than 10 clothes a day, and attach the total schedule of the Olympic Games

The overall table tennis schedule for the Paris Olympics

The players had dinner and went to the training ground for training without rest. They break through the limitations of their bodies, carefully polish the technical details, and water the flowers of their dreams with hard sweat. Their strong desire for victory and unremitting pursuit of victory with their actions are truly admirable!

The main players lead by example, often practicing until late at night, and their figures are particularly resolute and persistent under the reflection of the lights. Under the careful guidance of the coach, we are in hot form. Their technical guidance, professional and psychological support are also very powerful. tacit trust between master and apprentice; The key to the success of national table tennis.