
Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

author:Flowers and flowers

Knowing people, knowing faces, but not hearts

This is really surprising, Ma Weidu Ma Ye's company. Because the compensation for layoffs was not in place, he was sued by the employee to labor arbitration. You know, watch Ma Ye's show. I always think he's smart and reasonable. If that's true, it's a real stagger.

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

In the collecting circle, the name Ma Weidu used to be a golden signboard, almost equated with rare treasures and high-end artworks. But lately, the once-glamorous cultural magnate and museum director seems to be in big trouble. There is an old saying that "the extreme of things must be opposed", which probably describes his current predicament.

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

Was it really said by a friend?

On July 1, the name Ma Weidu became popular, but the reason for the fire this time was different from usual, not because of his collection of antiques, but because of the layoff incident. Ma Weidu has always been a public figure with a good image, and this news made many netizens cry out in surprise, saying: "The original image is all shattered." ”

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

Some netizens broke out on the Internet that Ma Weidu's company, a Culture Co., Ltd., suddenly notified on May 31 that it would terminate the contract with 80 employees, which was quite surprising.


Video source: Douyin "Qilu Evening News Sure Video"

The company suddenly announced the layoffs of more than 80 people, saying that it was because "the circumstances on which the contract was based have changed significantly."

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

The announcement was as cold as ice, which caught many employees off guard in those years, not to mention that they didn't even see the slightest negotiation and compensation, which exacerbated the problem. News of the layoffs spread quickly online, quickly causing a high-profile labor conflict.

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

In the face of the company's unreasonable approach, many employees did not plan to just forget it. They decided to stand up and submitted an application to the labor arbitration body, vowing to fight for their rights. In July, the day of the arbitration hearing is approaching, which is not only a big test of the company's management, but also a test of whether the law is fair.

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

The 80 employees who were casually laid off by the company did not even settle their salaries for May, let alone compensation. Originally, everyone was optimistic about Ma Weidu and thought that he was a reasonable and good boss, but his image collapsed all of a sudden, and many people began to accuse him.

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

At first, many netizens were still hopeful and waiting for him to come out and explain. But waiting, waiting, everyone felt that there was no need to wait any longer.

Netizens also talked about this sluggish market economy, although it is becoming more and more difficult to do business, but as a boss, at least you have to follow the rules, and wages and compensation cannot be left unpaid, which is obviously illegal. Could it be that he, as a big boss, doesn't even have this bit of common sense?

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

Then netizens immediately became excited, turned into detectives, and began to dig into Ma Weidu's economic situation. After all, Ma Weidu's collection is well-known and valuable, and everyone is thinking, how can he not even pay his salary?

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

Some speculate that Ma Weidu may have invested too much in places such as museums and art centers in recent years, and his funds may be a little tight. Others feel that the antique market is inherently complex and prices fluctuate greatly, and perhaps some of his collections have depreciated, affecting the flow of funds.

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

Insiders revealed details

One blogger took the layoffs online and said that he would drag Ma Weidu's company to labor arbitration because he felt that the layoffs might be illegal. After that, Ma Weidu remained silent about the matter and did not provide any explanation or handling measures, which made people outside more and more suspicious and questionable of Ma Weidu's company's approach.

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

In addition, an employee who claimed to be Lao Ma Company said: I am an employee of Xiaoguan Auction Co., Ltd., and I belong to Guanfu Culture Co., Ltd. On May 31, the company unilaterally announced the layoffs of more than 80 employees by email without consultation, which violated the obligation of economic compensation and negotiation under the labor law. After trying to negotiate with the leaders to no avail, the employees initiated labor arbitration and asked for help on Weibo.

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

In the face of negative public opinion, the company tried to withdraw the layoff decision by email on June 26, but legal counsel pointed out that the move was invalid. The company only paid wages to employees who did not participate in the arbitration and agreed to do so only on the condition that the lawsuit be withdrawn. The latest resignation certificate is incorrectly marked "resignation due to personal reasons", and signing it is equivalent to waiving compensation. In addition, the company's large-scale layoffs were not approved by the local authorities, which was clearly illegal. Our request now is simple: to receive legal compensation in accordance with the law.

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

Netizens are hotly discussed

A netizen said in surprise: "It's impossible, I usually watch his shows, Ma Ye always talks about morality and principles; And now some people say that the value of works of art is depreciating, and no one takes over, so who will sell these antique toys to? ”

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

Another netizen said: "At the critical moment, we have to see whether Ma Ye can represent courtesy, righteousness and shame, not whether he is willing or not, but we must let him take on this important responsibility." ”

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

Some netizens ridiculed their company: "Our company is good, we keep cutting salaries, and you can't stand it anymore and leave; Is this the way to talk about benevolence and morality? Or is it an employee disturbance? There has to be justice. ”

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

An angry netizen said: "There is no compensation for layoffs, there is no legal awareness at all, everyone should complain, arbitrate, sue, and expose." ”

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

Some netizens sighed: "Whether conscience wins or legal reason, now it seems that Ma Lao may be cold." ”

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

Regarding the actual situation of private companies, a netizen shared his experience: "There are few people in private companies who can get high salaries, and they may really have no money." I was given 3,000 yuan and let go, and I was forced to leave without leaving my job. ”

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

It was also pointed out that "according to contract law, a company must pay compensation or compensation for unilateral termination of an employee's contract. ”

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

Finally, some netizens expressed their views on the art market: "The art market has been declining and depreciating in the past ten years. Ma Ye's company can afford to raise so many talents! Someone responded: 'Any work of art, it's just hype.' ’”

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

Write at the end

In this case, we can see that employees are actually in a very passive position, they originally wanted to improve their lives through work, but they had to leave their beloved positions. In the face of this situation, employees really need to be brave enough to stand up for their rights. But at the same time, they should also try to understand the company's difficulties.

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

After all, every company wants to keep improving, and there are challenges along the way. In this case, employees and management need to understand and support each other. A cooperative relationship based on mutual understanding and trust is very important to help both parties resolve conflicts and achieve a win-win situation.

Ma Weidu was in arrears and laid off employees in the follow-up, and the departing employees were exposed to the inside story, netizens: Wang Shuo's comments are too accurate

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1. Video source: Douyin "Qilu Evening News Sure Video"

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