
Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

author:Zhang Qingfeng of the ancient and modern

Text: Banana drop-off

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On June 17th, Tencent launched a "Jin Yong Martial Arts World", according to the previous level of Jin Yong's novels, this TV series will be a big hit.

didn't expect that it was broadcast for 8 days but there was no splash, and even the reviews on the Internet were all bad, which is not worthy of the all-star lineup of this TV series.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

After watching this TV series, netizens discovered that Wang Shuo pointed out Jin Yong's "problem" in a sentence as early as 1999.

The source of this article comes from the authoritative report [Xinmin Evening News] [CCTV International] [Sohu News] [Qianshan Evening News] [] (the detailed source is attached at the end of the article). In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Wang Shuo: Jin Yong's novels are making the same mistake

In 1999, the media at that time was not as developed as it is now, but Wang Shuo's article "I Look at Jin Yong" successfully attracted the attention of the entire literary world.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

If you want to say who Wang Shuo is, his works have been on the big screen since the 90s, and the critically acclaimed "Sunny Days" is adapted from his works.

Feng Xiaogang's "Party A and Party B", which opened a precedent for Chinese New Year films, is also adapted from Wang Shuo's novel.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Wang Shuo said that he himself had never read Jin Yong's articles, and he had always disdained to read martial arts novels, thinking that martial arts novels were just bragging.

In 1997, "Dragon Babu", adapted from Jin Yong's novel, was broadcast, making Jin Yong's novel well-known to the public, and many Jin Yong's fans began to appear around Wang Shuo.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Friends have been telling Wang Shuo how good Jin Yong's books are, and Wang Shuo decided to read Jin Yong's novels under the recommendation of his friends, wanting to see if his books are as good as his friends.

He specially went to buy the whole set of "Dragon Babu", but he only read a little bit and couldn't read it anymore, he felt that Jin Yong's novels were not only too similar in plot, but also had no nutrition.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

He believes that there is always some reality in the novel, but Jin Yong's characters all exist for the sake of existence, and there is no value at all.

Wang Shuo's remarks aroused the dissatisfaction of many "Jin Yong fans", and many people thought that Jin Yong's novels have always been tightly structured, how could they be like what he said.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Some netizens believe that Wang Shuo said this because he hadn't read Jin Yong's novel at all, and he was completely blind to comment.

And Jin Yong's response was praised by everyone.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Jin Yong said that he was very calm in the face of Wang Shuo's doubts, and he said that the Department of Chinese at Peking University had opened a course "Jin Yong's Novel Research", which had made him feel very satisfied.

He said that Wang Shuo's criticism may be excessive, but his power is also limited, and it is also a helpless move.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Regarding Wang Shuo's rating of him and the "Four Heavenly Kings", Qiong Yao, and Jackie Chan as the "Four Great Customs" of contemporary times, he said that he can rank among the "Four Great Customs" alongside others, which is also a recognition of his own strength.

Later, another article "I Look at Wang Shuo" was published on the Internet, and the "melon-eating masses" wanted to see who wrote this article with the mentality of watching the excitement, but they didn't expect that the author of this article was Wang Shuo himself.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

In the article, he pointed out the problems in his works, which shocked netizens, this Wang Shuo is really "biting" everyone when he goes crazy!

In addition to Jin Yong, Wang Shuo has "scolded" a lot of people, even Mr. Lu Xun has "scolded".

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Wang Shuo believes that Lu Xun's writing has not completely departed from classical Chinese, and it reads a little pimple, and even some articles read like the writing of primary school students.

It also caused a lot of dissatisfaction from "Lu Xun fans", but Wang Shuo said that he was not called scolding, but criticism and self-criticism, and many netizens felt that Wang Shuo was not wrong with what he said.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

But in fact, Wang Shuo didn't "catch whoever bites whom" from the beginning.

A good hand is played poorly

Wang Shuo's famous work "Stewardess" is about the story of his wife Shen Xujia, a novella published of only about 30,000 words, which originally had 130,000 words.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

And Wang Shuo changed 9 drafts before and after, that is to say, for this work, Wang Shuo wrote more than one million words, and his hard work was not in vain, this novel won him the "Contemporary" Literary Newcomer Award.

After winning the award, Wang Shuo seemed to have opened the second vein of Ren Du, and successively published a number of "innocent" novels, and the response was very good.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Some netizens speculated that if Wang Shuo had been "innocent" like this, there would be no "ruffian" literati Wang Shuo behind.

For some reason, Wang Shuo suddenly gave up the "Innocence Series" he had been writing for many years and wrote "Playing is the Heartbeat", which is Wang Shuo's most proud work.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

From time to time, the sentence "There are so many hypocrites in the world, what's wrong with me being a hooligan", completely turning himself into a "rogue writer".

Many netizens believe that this is why Wang Shuo dares to argue with Jin Yong and dare to scold many writers in the literary world, because he doesn't care about his reputation at all.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

And Wang Shuo does have his arrogant capital, many of his novels have been adapted into TV series, "Desire" has become a classic in the minds of a generation, and "The Story of the Editorial Department" is the earliest sitcom in China.

But in fact, Wang Shuo also had a low period.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

In 1986, Wang Shuo published "Eraser Man", but was ridiculed that he lost his life after becoming famous, and there was nothing left to write about but those vague childhood memories.

After that, Wang Shuo was silent for a while, until 2007, when Wang Shuo began to publish works again, and a "Letter to My Daughter" attracted the attention of netizens.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

"Ruffian" writers also have timid times

In 1984, Wang Shuo met Shen Xujia, Wang Shuo was fascinated by this dancing girl at a glance, and Shen Xujia also admired Wang Shuo's talent very much.

At that time, Wang Shuo's pocket was empty, and his friends advised Shen Xujia not to marry Wang Shuo, but Shen Xujia didn't listen and insisted on marrying Wang Shuo.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

After marriage, the two went to live a happy life, Wang Shuo also wrote the story of the two into the book, and Shen Xujia also took on the burden of life alone in order for Wang Shuo to be able to write better.

Under Shen Xujia's care, Wang Shuo's career began to improve, Shen Xujia thought that the family was finally going to live a good life, but he didn't expect the two to divorce in 1994.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Some netizens broke the news that the two divorced because Wang Shuo cheated on Xu Jinglei in marriage, which made Shen Xujia unbearable, and finally chose to leave Wang Shuo with her 6-year-old daughter.

Although the two are divorced, Wang Shuo loves his daughter at all, although he didn't think about having a child at first because the living conditions were not very good, but from the moment his daughter was born, Wang Shuo liked the child.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

In 2007, Wang Shuo wrote "Letter to My Daughter" for his daughter, mentioning that he was full of regret about his marriage with Shen Xujia back then, saying "I smashed the scene of life".

To what extent does Wang Shuo love his daughter, he didn't even dare to attend his daughter's wedding, in 2013, Wang Shuo's daughter got married, and Wang Shuo's friend Feng Xiaogang was at the wedding scene, but Wang Shuo was nowhere to be seen.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

This "scared" man also has times when he is afraid, and another friend of Wang Shuo said that he understands why Wang Shuo does not dare to attend the wedding, because he will not be able to bear it.

Wang Shuo never cared what the outside world thought of him, but he cared very much about his daughter's opinion.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

After Wang Shuo and Shen Xujia divorced, Wang Shuo could never forget his daughter's frightened eyes, and since then Wang Shuo has vowed to deprive himself of the right to cry and laugh.

The daughter's sentence "It's unlucky to be your daughter" made the father who was "invulnerable" outside, and netizens speculated that Wang Shuo's failure to attend his daughter's wedding was also a punishment for himself.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

Wang Shuo is 66 years old this year, compared with previous years, Wang Shuo has not had much news recently, and he has written fewer books, and only published a "Beginning: Remembrance" in 2022.

On March 15, Feng Xiaogang also celebrated his daughter Duoer's 18th birthday on his social platform.

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all

And his favorite thing to share is work, 66-year-old Feng Xiaogang still insists on working on the front line, on June 17, Feng Xiaogang announced his new work "Catching Spies".

Many netizens are looking forward to this second period film after "Fanghua".

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all


Wang Shuo's intimidation in the literary world has caused many people to be dissatisfied, but some people think that there is nothing wrong with Wang Shuo doing this, and there will definitely be different voices in the literary world.

Looking forward to Wang Shuo can bring us better works in the future!

Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all
【Disclaimer】The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.
The content information in this article comes from: Xinmin Evening News, CCTV International, Sohu News, Qianshan Evening News, and
Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all
Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all
Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all
Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all
Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all
Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all
Wang Shuo: People who like to read Jin Yong's martial arts novels are all laymen, and I look down on them all


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