
(END) What should I do if I prickle a pin into the chest of the leader when I pin a small red flower on his chest

author:A small bok choy

When pinning a little red flower to the leader's chest, what should I do if the pin pierces his chest?

When the pin pierced, I realized that something was wrong, didn't the ordinary fabric pass by, why can't I pierce it? So, I tried my best......


The leader whimpered, his body trembled, and then he found that his face was red and his neck was thick, like a boiled crab, I don't know why.

Just as I was about to buckle the brooch, he grabbed my hand, got angry, and gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words: "Don't move!"

Well? Why? But if you don't buckle the brooch, what should you do if the little red flower falls off when you speak for a while, and the big leaders in the audience look at it.

It wasn't until I saw a small red flower the size of a sesame seed gradually oozing from the leader's white shirt that I finally knew what I had done.

I saw his chest trembling, and trying to straighten his waist, his slightly trembling body, telling his unspeakable pain, the warm body temperature transmitted through the fabric to the skin on my hands, it was a little hot, ah, God, you save the child.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the other little sisters had finished offering flowers to the leader, and stood next to him with a smile on their faces to take a group photo.

But my little saffron hasn't been buttoned up yet, and the most important thing is that after a while, the little saffron with the size of a sesame seed has become the size of a corn kernel, and it is extremely dazzling on the white shirt. Obviously, the leader's eyes were also pierced, and the body that was trying to straighten just now collapsed instantly, just begging that the clothes and the wound would not fit so well.

"Come, please withdraw from the center of the stage with the little red flower, and the leaders will gather in the middle, and we will take a group photo together." This is the voice of the photographer.

What to do, it's too late, my hands are faster than my brain, and before the leader can react, I quickly stroked the little saffron to the blood-stained little saffron, and used the little saffron to block the blood stains on my chest. Then he walked off the stage with his chest up, his head up, and a smile on his face.

Who am I, where am I, what did I just do?

"Manager Jiang? Are you so excited, lean in the middle, let's take a picture, come, everyone look at me, smile." The voice of the photographer.

Although I didn't look at him, I could feel a strong gaze, and suddenly my neck was cold, my scalp was numb, and I couldn't help but shiver.

The little sister next to her found, "What's the matter, is the air conditioner too cold?"

"Well, it's like the North Pole." I rubbed the hairs standing up on my arms. 2

On the stage, after the leader took a group photo, he turned around and strode off the stage, as if he didn't want to stay longer for a moment, he was tall and long-legged, and he jumped off the stage in a few steps, but the next step was stopped by the host.

"Manager Jiang, oh no, you should shout Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang is really young and promising, he won the Coatsini project in City B at a young age, what do you want to say about this promotion."

I don't want to say anything, let me go, I'll make up my brain.

Mr. Jiang straightened his waist, as if he had touched something, and immediately collapsed again, and had to walk back to the stage, revealing caution and reluctance at every step. Of course, in the eyes of others, it was the newly promoted executive Mr. Jiang who walked in front of the big leaders, modestly owed a debt to express his respect, and after being stopped by the host, he calmly walked back to the stage and cooperated with the host to ask questions.

The leader walked in front of the host, bent down slightly, and looked at it from a distance, as if to match the host's height, and wanted to bend down and borrow the microphone in the host's hand to make a speech.

The host's little sister dared to let the leader bend over for herself, and hurriedly beckoned the ladies in the audience to find a spare microphone and hand it to him.

I swear to God, I really saw that the leader's hand hesitated for a moment before slowly picking up the microphone and making a speech.

The leader made a speech on the stage, and the little sisters listened with admiration, my ears seemed to be equipped with a filter, and I couldn't listen to anything, and my eyes were stuck to the trembling little red flower on his chest, for fear that the little red flower would suddenly slip and the scene of the leader's death.

Maybe my mind is strong enough, or maybe the leader has worked hard enough to maintain the balance between my chest and clothes, although the little red flower looks trembling, it miraculously did not fall, but I don't know if it is my illusion, the little red flower seems to be more colorful.

The little sister secretly came over: "Fei Fei, Jiang is always not the highest position among the leaders promoted this time, you can see that the little red flowers on his chest are brighter than others!" The human resources are so thoughtful!"

"Hmm...... Possibly!"

Mr. Jiang finished speaking in 2 minutes, his tone was relaxed, and he made a few jokes in the middle, which made the audience laugh, and it was impossible to see that he was actually a person with "serious internal injuries" at the moment.

I even heard a big leader whisper to another big leader next to him, "The young man is good, he is not arrogant or impatient, his face is red with joy, and he speaks so methodically."

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for your wonderful speech, and I wish you all the best in your work and a bright future, thank you for taking a seat." The host's voice came from the stage.

I saw that the leader's gaze was firm, his gaze was firmly locked on me, and he stepped down from the stage with murderous anger and came straight in my direction.

I'm dying!


Suddenly, a cold hand grabbed his arm, it was the big leader who had just praised him. At the same time, the little red flower on his chest was also pulled hard.

Hiss, in the dark, I felt a pain in my chest, as if I was the one who was hurt twice, and the leader's face turned a little pale, and he tried to maintain his expression that was about to crack.

I put my hands on my forehead, and I couldn't bear to look at it anymore.

"Good boy, come and sit with me!" The big leader motioned to the human resources to move a chair and put it next to his table, with a posture of a long talk.

"Leader, this is out of place, I'd better sit in the back!" Mr. Jiang struggled.

Another big leader looked kind: "Mr. Wang asked you to sit down, just tell us about your project in Shanghai."

Mr. Jiang couldn't refuse, and before sitting down, he touched his chest without a trace, and his eyes were just on line with me, so I saw him raise his eyebrows at me.

What do you mean?

Is he saying to keep me waiting? Leader, you can't just give me small shoes because I hurt you by mistake!

I didn't listen to a word of sleepwalking during the whole conference, and looked at the back of Mr. Jiang's head.

The little sister touched me, "What's wrong? Fancy it?" An expression that I understand.

What do you know? The little sister smiled very kindly, what do you know?

We have all seen it, Mr. Jiang has grabbed your hand, look at your eyes, tsk."

God, if you love Feifei, take Feifei away......

After the end of the year-end summary meeting, followed by the celebration banquet, Mr. Jiang, as a new celebrity in front of the big leader, was hugged to the banquet hall by the stars, and he was not given the opportunity to pee away during the whole process.

First of all, the host opened, and then the big leaders and directors spoke and received the wine, and we had to sit honestly throughout the whole process, not playing with mobile phones, and not making any small movements. The leader sat at the front, his body straight, and my eyes slipped uncontrollably towards him.

The pin was still stuck in his nipple, and I laughed out loud when I thought of his experience of being assassinated, persevering, struggling, persevering, and hurting again and again.

"Hahahaha, hahahaha...... Gah!" What a sound, what the hell is Ga!

There was silence all around, and everyone, including the big leaders on the stage and Mr. Jiang under the stage, paid attention to me. The little sister next to me was so nervous that she didn't dare to come out, and pinched the corner of my clothes.

A hot breath emanated from my face, quickly spread to my neck, then to my whole body, to my toes, and I hated myself for why I couldn't use my toes to cut out a four-room living room so that I could shut myself in, bury myself in the earth, and say goodbye to this world.

The big leader smiled on the stage: "Is this year's performance too gratifying, it doesn't matter, everyone can laugh out loud, you are worth it!"

For a while, screams, whistles, and applause were overwhelming.

Great leader, listen to me, thank you, because you have warmed the four seasons.


After the big leader and the directors finished speaking and receiving the wine, it was Mr. Jiang's turn to take the stage to make a toast, and the little red flower still stood tenaciously on his chest.

In view of the social death just now, I pursed my lips and resolutely did not allow myself to make any more discordant sounds.

Mr. Jiang held the wine in one hand, and at the same time seemed to caress the placket of his chest and clothes inadvertently, his eyes passed through the crowd, and stopped on me coolly.

"Today is a big day for the company, we have worked hard for a year, thank you for the support and help of all leaders and colleagues, and thank you to the staff tonight, so that we can have such an unforgettable night, especially me, I will remember it for the rest of my life!" After speaking, he looked in my direction, and the wine glass was dried first.

I seemed to see the fate of the future, either by him or by him in a different way, I really couldn't stay for a moment, I chose the safest way to escape, urinated, hid in the toilet and grinded for more than 20 minutes, the little sister frantically called me, only to shock me out. I went out of the women's toilet and washed my hands in the common area.

"What were you laughing at?"

Who is the handsome guy next to the sink who looks like Feng Yuanzheng with a smile on his face? It looks familiar, is it Mr. Jiang who was pierced through my nipple two hours ago?

"What about you, speak, what were you laughing at when Mr. Wang received the wine just now?" Mr. Jiang changed his clothes, and the little red flower was taken off, but the chest on that side was obviously swollen, and my eyes were unconsciously attracted......

I lowered my head and pursed the corners of my lips tightly, what should I do, I want to laugh.

Hold back, if I laugh today, I'll have to pack up and fuck off tomorrow.

His face was red, tears came out, he lowered his head vigorously, and his fingers desperately twisted the placket of his clothes, squeezing out a few words.

"I'm sorry......"

But the other party obviously didn't want to let me go.

"Why did you apologize? Is it to apologize for laughing when Mr. Wang spoke just now, or to ...... at the conference? Apologize?"

Damn, it's out.

I raised my head, clasped my hands into fists, and my eyes were misty with tears: "My lord, I know that I am wrong, please let go of the small one."

My operation obviously made Mr. Jiang unable to rectify it.



"Let you reach out."

Oh, spread out.

He placed a small red flower in my hand, the petals were bright, the petals were dark and light, and the dark petals had obvious dried blood stains on the edges.

"Bring it to my office tomorrow." Mr. Jiang turned around and walked to the banquet hall, leaving me with a cold figure.

I'm holding a little red flower, but Mr. Jiang, we have a holiday tomorrow!


At the celebration banquet that day, everyone drank a lot, and as the upstart of the group, Mr. Jiang must be the key object of being poured wine. At the end of the drink, I didn't notice that the red wine was spilled. It was our big leader who discovered the anomaly first.

"Xiao Jiang, are you allergic to alcohol?!!! A meal for people around.

Mr. Jiang's face was red from drinking, his eyes were drunk, he waved his hand, and he lay on the table and didn't move.

The crowd was terrified, if it was really allergic to alcohol, it would be fatal. Almost all but a few people in the banquet hall gathered around, and the chief financial officer slapped him on the cheek and called his name.

"Oh, look at his chest!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

One side of Mr. Jiang's chest is abnormally swollen, and with the red wine on his body, the visual effect is extremely brutal.

I squeezed in, it was so big, I lowered my head and gestured at my chest, it was bigger than mine......

My eyes suddenly met the big leader, the big leader's eyes were complicated, and he had a constipated expression, and I silently put down my blind hand.

Just look at it, what is the blind comparison!

It was proposed to be sent to the hospital. Seeing the team sending Mr. Jiang to the hospital, the little sisters in our department hesitated to go with them to see if they were properly concerned. If you don't go tonight, you have to go tomorrow, but tomorrow is a holiday, and many friends have bought tickets back to their hometowns.

"Otherwise, let's go see him tonight!"

"I think it's okay, let's put down our things and leave, I can't disturb Mr. Jiang's rest, I bought a ticket back to my hometown tomorrow, and I definitely won't be able to go tomorrow."

"I think so."

"I think it's okay too."

Let's go together.

We got in the car and arrived at the entrance of the hospital, and bought some fruits, milk and other standard items for visiting patients on the side of the road, and one of the little sisters bought a box of Yakult, saying that she was going to take it to the leader to relieve hangover, and she was smarter than us at first glance! As the initiator, I felt a little guilty, and I ruthlessly spent 200 yuan to buy a fruit basket.

As I passed by the lobby on the first floor, I caught a glimpse of a few people queuing in the registration room.

"You go first, since you're here, I'll take a look at my teeth by the way."

By the time I had finished registering, the little sister had already completed the visitation ceremony and was waiting for me at the top of the stairs.

I waved my hand and motioned for them to look at their phones, and I told them to wait for me for five minutes in the small group, and I solved it quickly and waited for me to go to the taxi together.

Through the glass, the leader was hanging a drip, heard a knock on the door, and turned his head to look at me.

I pushed open the door and slowly moved to his bed, putting down the fruit basket, a little embarrassed for a moment.

"Leader, that ...... Tomorrow is the holiday, I'll come to see you." After saying that, I regretted it, I look at you, I will look at you, what to mention tomorrow's holiday, for fear that the leader will not remember him, so I will take Xiaohonghua to the office to find him tomorrow.

"Well, that's what you brought with you?" The leader didn't seem to notice my slip of the tongue, and looked at the fruit basket on the ground with a disgusted expression, no way, the table was full of fruit snacks brought by the little sisters and the bigwigs who sent him to the hospital before, and the Yakult sent by the witty little sister was piled up in the corner of the table and crumbling.

What does that mean, is it too little, or is it too low?

"Actually, I brought this ...... with me," he handed over a crumpled piece of paper.

Mr. Jiang looked puzzled, took it, opened it, and a surgical registration list was still an expert number.

The reason why Mr. Jiang was sent to the hospital was because the chest that I had pierced before was inflamed and abnormally swollen, and he was sent as an alcohol allergy. I looked at the drip he was into, and I didn't know if it had the function of reducing swelling, and if it wasn't for now, it would be too late to go to surgery.

Mr. Jiang was still lying lazily, but suddenly sat up straight with a black face, waved the registration slip with his hand that had not been dripped and asked, "Li Feifei, what do you mean?"

The registration order was thrown in the air, and the tiger was full of wind, and there was no sign of the seriously injured number being taken to the hospital.

"That's how you fooled your leader? Li Feifei? What do you mean by sending this registration slip?!! The leader roared, and the registration slip was finally overwhelmed, breaking a horn in the air and falling from the air to my feet.

The leader laughed angrily.

I touched the little red flower in my bag, I don't know how to tell him about tomorrow's holiday, if I say it, will he kill me on the spot?


Mr. Jiang calmed down and threw over an ID card: "Go, book me a ticket to Beijing tomorrow, book it now."

"Leader," I looked at him carefully, "can I get reimbursed?" Going home is a private matter, and the air ticket company will not reimburse you.

"Li Feifei, I have been harmed like this by you, is it aggrieved for you to buy a ticket?"

"No grievances, no grievances!" As long as you can forgive me and forget about it.

"Is it okay for a 12 p.m. ticket?"


"Treat me for another three months of coffee next year."

"Huh?" I froze.

"You don't want to?" Angry eyes.

"Yes, yes, I do!"

The leader was finally satisfied, bent the corners of his lips, and laboriously peeled a banana with his hand that had not been slinged.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" This kind of thing, how can I bother you with a serious injury, I finished booking the ticket, rushed forward, peeled the banana, and stuffed it into his hand.

"Come early tomorrow morning and go through the discharge procedures." Lead inch.

"But...... My high-speed train tomorrow morning." Actually, no, I'm on the high-speed train in the afternoon, and I'm going to go to a shopping mall tomorrow morning to pick out a sweater for my parents at a discount during the Chinese New Year.

The leader looked angry, and I looked aggrieved.

"That's it, get out!"

"Gotta ~" happily rolled.


The next day off, I went to the largest local shopping mall early in the morning, went from store to store, first went to choose a sweater for my parents, and then took a coat in a store, I received a call from Mr. Jiang.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, are you feeling better? Have you been discharged from the hospital?" The sound is pleasant.

"Hmm, your high-speed train this morning?"

I gathered the microphone on my phone and found a slightly quieter place: "Yes, on the high-speed train, I'm almost in Jinan!"

What I didn't know was that at this time, Mr. Jiang was looking at the familiar figure in the women's clothing area on the second floor, listening to the cheerful voice of the other party on his mobile phone, mixed with the shopping guide of the shopping mall "Dear customers, welcome to the ×× shopping mall".

Bad lies are leaking everywhere.

"You're almost in Jinan now?"

"Yes, yes! Mr. Jiang, aren't you on the plane at noon, go to the airport early, don't miss the flight!" Go on, go on, it's just over four hours.



"Well, Happy New Year!"

"Haha, Happy New Year, Happy New Year, thank you, leader, I'm hanging?"

"Well, see you next year!"

After this phone call, the coat in my hand instantly stopped smelling, and asked me to invite him to drink coffee for three months, then cat coffee!

"Miss, do you still want this coat?"

"Yes!" Why not?! Grandpa Mao said that to defeat all reactionaries, where there is oppression, there will be resistance!

This kind of sour and complicated feelings lasted until I got on the high-speed rail, looking at the words "Qingdao" at the terminal station, the happiness of going home instantly hit my heart, and now it is pleasing to everyone, including a face that looks like Mr. Jiang coming over.


I'm a little stunned, I look like everyone looks like Mr. Jiang, but it's really like, even the small moles in the corners of the eyes are exactly the same, and they really look like everything. Oh, it's not like it, the chest is not swollen...... Uh, what the hell was I thinking.

With a strong sense of unreality, I took out my mobile phone and sent WeChat to Mr. Jiang.

"Mr. Jiang, guess who I saw on the train just now?"

"I met someone who looks very similar to you, to be honest, isn't it your own brother, hahaha."

I speculated that he should still be on the plane now, and I must not be him in front of me, and I was planning to send another "safe journey" emoji.

A reply from Mr. Jiang popped up on his mobile phone: "I changed my ticket and took the high-speed rail."

The man by the aisle had already sat down, gave me a strange look at his phone, and continued typing.

"Arrived in Jinan?"


I sat by the window, and he sat by the aisle, with a cool boy in between. I covered my face with a cool BOY and typed, "Haha, what Jinan, I've already passed Jinan, I'm all in Qingdao, I'm ready to get off, I'll see you next year without chatting!" Turn off the screen and go to sleep.

As long as I don't admit it, it is not Li Feifei in front of you. I tugged at the scarf around my neck to cover my face as much as I could.

When the train started, I felt a strong gaze constantly sweeping towards my face, and for a moment I really wanted to jump up and recognize Mr. Jiang.

God opened his eyes in the end, and when I couldn't hold it anymore, the cool tide BOY sitting in the middle said to Mr. Jiang: "What are you looking at?" Yo, it's still a Northeast BOY.

I closed my eyes for a long time and didn't hear the legendary phrase "Look at you!" couldn't help but squint sideways, but unexpectedly faced Mr. Jiang, and quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

"I'm not interested in men, you know?" The cool tide BOY was not shocking, and half of the people in the carriage came to see it, Mr. Jiang was stunned, maybe he never thought that one day he would be misunderstood like this.

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at me, Cool Tide BOY: "Old girl is awake? Brother quarreled with you? There's an old man next to me, and he's educating him!"

Help, I want to laugh so much, my cheeks are so uncomfortable, in view of yesterday's painful lesson, I have to hold it anyway, otherwise I don't know how this guy will fix me in the future.


Finally found Jinan Station, the cool tide BOY got off the train, and before getting off the train, he didn't forget to educate Mr. Jiang: "Look at the girls around you, how good-looking, how eye-catching, don't think about those stinky men all day long."

Hahaha, hahaha, it's funny, how can it be so joyful, and then I grinned at Shangjiang's eyes like he was always going to kill, the corners of my mouth quickly recovered, and I silently twisted my head out of the window, and the corners of my mouth opened again, hahahahahaha.

"Haha...... Mr. Jiang ...... What a coincidence...... You're going to take this high-speed train too?" How to say the next sentence, Ah, what iniquity!

Mr. Jiang looked at me for a long time, and reluctantly opened his mouth: "It's a coincidence." Coincidentally, you who should have been in Qingdao appeared here again, and I silently helped him make up for it.

racked his brains to search for a few words: "Mr. Jiang, aren't you on the plane at noon?"

"Didn't you tell you to change to high-speed rail?"

It's good, one sentence choked me to death.

"Leader, listen to my quibbles......


didn't seem to see my embarrassment, Mr. Jiang continued to tease: "Continue to be cunning, I'll listen!"

"Mr. Jiang, actually, I have crossed over, and now in front of you is Li Feifei ten years later...... Do you believe it or not?"

Mr. Jiang looked at me with a look of "as if you have a serious brain disease".

"Haha, in fact, I don't believe ......" Ah, why can't the windows of the high-speed rail be opened, let me go with the wind!

"Leader......" I gestured to my breasts, "how's it going?"

"Thanks to you, I got a tetanus shot, and I will add three months of coffee next year!"

Why should I mention this stubble, isn't it good to let it go with the wind?! Added coffee for another three months!!

Seeing that I can't speak in Bengbu, Zhou Papi held the mobile phone, frowned and output it to the keyboard of the mobile phone, and my 5.0 eyesight glimpsed the chat partner with the remark "second aunt", and some blind date words.

The gossip motor was instantly activated: "Leader!"

Mr. Jiang's fingers were wrong, and a loud female voice came out of the mobile phone: "Dabao, you are thirty years old and you still can't find a partner, do you want to be a bachelor for the rest of your life?"

"Dabao, Mr. Jiang's nickname is Dabao, hahaha...... ......"

Mr. Jiang looked at it with a black face, I can't wait to slap a few big ears and shave myself, why can't I control this broken mouth!

The rest of the time, Mr. Jiang competed with the relatives on the other end of the phone, and I shrank in the corner to pretend to be quails the whole time. The name Dabao reminds me of my shameful nickname, not to mention, it's quite a match. Match? Bah, bah, what is it with, how can the flower of Kaolin be climbed by ordinary people like me!


Until the end station arrived, both me and Mr. Jiang invariably breathed a sigh of relief, and saw that Mr. Jiang was also trying his best to be with me, although he was a little disappointed in his heart, he couldn't resist the joy of going home.

Mr. Jiang took off the suitcase for me very gentlemanly, and the two of them lined up to get off the bus and line up to leave the station, saying nothing all the way, so embarrassing.

Far away, I saw my dad at the exit of the station, my dad saw me come out, his short and fat body, his high-pitched voice, and the joy of seeing his daughter, regardless of the eyes of the people around him, frantically shouted my shameful nickname: "Bao'er Bao'er, here! Here! Daddy is here!"

It's hard to see it, but it's hard not to see it! Don't bark anymore.


When I looked over, Mr. Jiang instantly put away his sneering face.

"Mr. Jiang, my dad is here to pick me up, I'll go first, I wish you a successful blind date and get off the list as soon as possible!"

I ran in my father's direction, and I opened my arms far away, happy as a bird returning home, and gave my father a strong bear hug.

After returning home, our little old lady just came out of the pot with the last dish, and a big table was full, all of which were my favorite food.

I took a bite and gave a thumbs up: "Mrs. Li is a great cook!"

My mom gave me a look of disgust, first asking about work, then about life, and finally the topic finally turned to finding a boyfriend.

"Bao'er, it's not that my mother said you, you're almost thirty years old, why can't you find a partner, do you want to beat a single?"

Why does this sound so familiar?

My dad played a round: "Isn't it not yet thirty, it's early, our Bao'er would rather not marry than marry the wrong one, right, girl!"

Yes, my parents and my parents are married at an older age, and when my grandparents and grandparents thought that they were going to fight for a lifetime, they knew each other and fell in love with each other and got married.


I was comfortable at home for two days, the first day was like a treasure, the second day was like a grass, and the third day was disgusted as a waste and was kicked out of the door on a blind date.

The blind date is my mother's best friend's distant nephew, the photo is a photo of playing basketball, I can't see the face clearly, keep the student's head, look at the muscles and look at the body, a bit like Guo Allen, I just don't know if the face is handsome Guo Allen, my mother said that the other party is one meter eighty-three, looks twice handsome, and said to her the three words "twice handsome", I decided to spell.

Early in the morning, I put on delicate makeup and blow a beautiful look.

As soon as I entered the restaurant, I saw Mr. Jiang in a straight suit at a glance, although I have seen him wear a lot of suits, but I have to say that Mr. Jiang is the most handsome today, which made me think a little bit of nonsense.

I cut my hair on the glass at the door and looked at my makeup, walked into the restaurant, and smiled like a flower: "Oh, Mr. Jiang, it's such a coincidence that I can meet you here."

"Unfortunately, I'm waiting for you."

Well? Until I saw a picture of my youth in high school in front of him, with thick bangs and a baby fat face, wearing a red dress that didn't pull a few dirt to face the camera.

I pulled out the picture of me playing basketball, "Is this you?"

"You don't know it's me?"

Shake your head, shake your head again, I knew it was you, I wouldn't come!

To sit or not to sit now, why is there no phone call for me? Even if it's an advertising call, I can definitely talk for twenty dollars.


I sat down.

"What do you want to eat?"


"There's no casualness on the menu."

"Ah, then I'll take a look at the menu." It's so embarrassing, why is the floor under my feet concrete, I can't pick it.

I called in the waiter, and in a hurry, I ordered a large table. I decided to get back all the 6 months of coffee I had lost after the year.

Mr. Jiang didn't say anything, but I had to wait for the food to be served after ordering, and during the long wait, I kept drinking water to hide my embarrassment.

"You're thirsty?"

"Also...... I'm not very thirsty."

I was out of the way, I put down the water glass, looked at him with an arrogant face, pointed at him and then pointed at me: "You were forced to come on a blind date, I was also forced to come on a blind date, after eating, we are not allowed to say anything bad about me when you go home, I don't say anything bad about you when I go home, don't torture each other, it's good for both of us, understand?"

"Huh!" Mr. Jiang laughed.

This smile is so handsome, I almost didn't hold it.

Mr. Jiang said, "I was not forced."


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Poor Jiang was sprayed all over the face by me, this has to be a loss for not eating, otherwise this handsome face will be sprayed with leeks by me!

I picked up a tissue and rubbed it directly on his chest.


I forgot that he had a wound on his chest, and that his hand was neither light nor heavy.

"That's it." Mr. Jiang wiped his face with a tissue, looking helpless, "Why is there such a big reaction?"

"That's it...... I didn't hear it for a while."

"The first blind date was sprayed in the face."

Mr. Jiang said that he was on a blind date for the first time!

"I mean, I wasn't forced."

Mr. Jiang said that he was not forced to go on a blind date!

"I think I'm in my thirties, and it's time to start a family."

Mr. Jiang said that he should start a family!

Get married? Who do you start a family with? I shivered and wanted to drink water, and found that the water in the cup had just been sprayed by me.

Mr. Jiang poured me water again.

"I came to Qingdao to visit my second aunt, and she said that she wanted to introduce me to someone, and as soon as I saw the photo, you came."

As soon as I saw that it was me, you came, and then what? Go on!

Seeing that I didn't answer, Mr. Jiang had no choice but to continue to play.

"I think my conditions should be okay, an only child, a Beijinger, his parents are both university teachers, I have a house in Beijing and Hangzhou, and I was promoted to the general manager of the entertainment business group this year......

I picked up my glass and drank it to the end.

"I'm quite impressed with you, I've noticed you since you joined the company last year, you're smart, beautiful, and cheerful, although sometimes out of tune, but it's good."

It turns out that you noticed me so early, and I noticed you as soon as I joined the company! Shy, blushing, hot.

"So, what do you think of me?"

I nodded shyly, my eyes not daring to look at him.

"Do I have the privilege of being your boyfriend?"

Nodding his head and nodding frantically, he suddenly thought of something and shook his head frantically.

"What do you mean by nodding and shaking your head?"

Nodding my head is that I am willing, very willing, shaking my head is that I remembered that Jiang is always the famous kaolin flower of our group, our little sisters have reached an agreement, we can only watch from a distance and not blasphemous, if anyone vainly tries to pick this river flower, it is the common love enemy of the little sisters!

Seeing that I had been silent for a long time, Mr. Jiang was obviously mistaken, stood up and picked up his coat: "I was presumptuous."

"No presumptuous, no presumptuous!" I hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed his arm, "I do, I do!" I want you to be my boyfriend!!


On the way home, I sat on Mr. Jiang's big run, the warm wind was blowing on my body, my face was so hot that it was like sleepwalking, this was it? Jiang is my boyfriend? I'm going to pick the kaolin flower? Who can give me a slap in the face to wake me up!

Get out of the car and enter the community, the street lights in the community are not on, it is dark, we put the speed extremely slowly, I secretly want to pull his hand, but I don't dare.

Suddenly, my fingers were hooked, and my heart itched, and then the whole palm was wrapped, and my heartstrings bloomed, so warm.

I haven't had time to enjoy it yet.

"Bao'er, Bao'er, is that you?"

My hands spread out in an instant, and the happiness was too short-lived, and I wanted to cry without tears.

My dad and mom were walking around the neighborhood, and my dad saw me greeting me from afar.

When he turned around again, Mr. Jiang disappeared.

Isn't it, so cowardly?

The mother and fetus have been single for more than 20 years, and the first time I held hands with a male god was broken up by my father, and the happiness was short-lived for only a few seconds.

I was angry in my heart and evil in my guts, and strode over to my dad and asked, "It's all said, don't call me by my nickname outside!"

Then he looked at my mom, "Did you go out and play without him?"

Before my mom could speak, I interrupted her, "Well done!"

My Mom: ?

As I walked out of the distance, I heard my dad mutter, "Did she eat a cannon fight?"

In view of this inexplicable tantrum, my mother naturally thought that today's blind date was not successful, and made a lot of delicious things to comfort me.

Go home at night, lock yourself in the house and turn on your phone.

Mr. Jiang: I'm sorry, I suddenly saw my father-in-law and mother-in-law a little flustered, leaving you and running away, I'm sorry.

staring at the words "father-in-law and mother-in-law", shy and happy, he rolled five or six times on the bed with a pillow.

I replied: They are very easy-going, you will know the next time you come to our house.

Mr. Jiang: Then when should I go to your house?


Mr. Jiang: Did they see me today?

Me: No.

Mr. Jiang: Next time, dress more formally and bring gifts to see them.

I remembered that Mr. Jiang was wearing a suit today, ah, he was handsome, and such a male god was actually taken down by me. Li Feifei, you must have been a great good person in your previous life, the kind with boundless merits!

Me: When will you go back to Beijing?

Mr. Jiang: Tomorrow.

Me: I'll send you.

Mr. Jiang: Don't send it, the weather is too cold, I'll come to see you after the New Year.

I think there are still two days before the Chinese New Year, it's not that I can't get through, it's just a little lost, especially when we only hold the hand for a few seconds, KISS doesn't have it, ah, it's a shame!


On the thirtieth day of the Chinese New Year's Eve, our family went to my grandmother's house, helping to paste the Spring Festival in the morning, helping my mother make dumplings in the afternoon, and did not have time to look at the mobile phone for a day.

After the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner in the evening, my mother played mahjong with my aunt and aunt, my father and a group of old men ran out to light fireworks and set off firecrackers, a group of small online games played heartily, and only grandparents watched the Spring Festival Gala with relish.

I sneaked into the car and sent a WeChat message to Mr. Jiang.

During the day, Mr. Jiang sent two messages but didn't have time to reply, a selfie in a down jacket in the heavy snow, and quickly saved it. A group photo of a family dinner, he compared a yes at the front of the camera, with the text - dinner at his grandparents' house.

I sent a photo of my dad and them setting off fireworks, with the text - Dabao, Happy New Year!

Mr. Jiang suddenly called, I was startled, and leaned down on the seat with a thief's heart: "Why did you call?"

"I just want to hear your voice."

There was a burning fire in my heart.

"Bao'er?" Mr. Jiang suddenly called me by my nickname.

"Hmm." Shy.

"Haha ~"

「嘿嘿 ~」

The two of them were as tired as a psychopath for a long time.

Suddenly there was a burst of cheers outside, a huge beam of fireworks rose in the sky, one, two, countless fireworks bloomed in the night sky, and people on the street cheered for the arrival of the new year.

"Happy New Year, Dabao!"

"Happy New Year, Boa!"

Since joining the work, I really look forward to the New Year, but also hate the New Year. To be precise, I only love the holidays before the year, and I can unscrupulously want to sleep until what time I sleep, and I will feel uncomfortable after the year, and I have to go door-to-door to visit relatives and friends' homes for the New Year, especially if I am so old and have no object, it is the focus of the care of relatives and friends, and everyone is ready to introduce me to the object.

My mom had a lot of fun, collecting profile photos of single men from all walks of life, and I deeply felt that it was a pity that she didn't go to matchmaking.

Just as I was hesitating to tell her Mr. Jiang, my phone rang.

"What floor is your house, how many units, how many are there?" Mr. Jiang.

"Unit 1002, Building 38, what's wrong?"

The phone hangs up.


My mother asked me who called, and I was a little weak for a while, my mouth was bald, and I delivered the courier.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and I wondered, did Mr. Jiang really send me a courier? That's too fast, right?

When he opened the door, Mr. Jiang was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and he even had wax, his leather shoes were shiny, and he was carrying large and small gift boxes in his hands.

Me: (⊙o⊙) Oh!!

"The courier has arrived? Uh, you're ......" My mom came out with a fried rice spatula.

"Hello Auntie, I'm ......"

"Ah, Mom, Mom!" I stood in front of Mr. Jiang and confessed to my mother, "Mom, let me confess to you, this is my boyfriend, the one introduced by Aunt Zhang years ago, he is my colleague, and we met before......

Before I could finish speaking, my mom pulled me away.

"You are Jiang Chao, the real person is much more handsome than in the photo, come in quickly, come in quickly, Fei Fei, this kid didn't tell us in advance that you were coming." Lao Li is about to make tea, and Fei Fei's boyfriend is here. You see, you kid come here, what kind of gifts you bring, what a lot of money."

Jiang Dabao is very in a hurry, just stuck in front of lunch, my dad saw at first glance that there was a "arch cabbage", or genuine, I didn't know what to say for a while, and was sent to the kitchen by my mother to fry a few more dishes.

My mother pulled Mr. Jiang to sit on the sofa for a pleasantry, how long have you known each other? When did you talk about it, where is your home? What do parents do? When I learned that Mr. Jiang was from Beijing and his parents were both university teachers, my mother was stunned, and she probably didn't expect her daughter to be so promising, and burst out with greater enthusiasm.

I was so embarrassed that I was afraid that my mom would continue to ask more shameful questions, so I hurriedly interrupted her.

"Why did you come here, didn't you say you'd see you back in Hangzhou?"

"It's hard to find such an excellent and beautiful girlfriend, of course I have to come to visit her parents, Auntie, I have often heard Fei Fei mention you before, Fei Fei has such a good personality, it looks like a child who grew up in a happy family, in fact, I have long wanted to visit you."

I squinted at Mr. Jiang, this is too, who was scared when he saw my parents for the first time?

Is it the flower of our kaolin?

My mom was so amused that as soon as I let my guard down, my mom finally asked, "When are you two going to get married?"

I'm a little panicked, it's only been a week since the two of us confirmed that our relationship was full, and it's too early to talk about getting married.

Who knows, Mr. Jiang said, "I also want to settle down early, just wait for Fei Fei's idea."

I was stunned.

My mom said, "What can she think, I think it's going to be good this year!"

"Mom, don't talk about it......

She is afraid that the golden beetle son-in-law will fly!

"You still know that I'm your mother, and you won't tell me or your dad when you find a boyfriend, you have a serious ideological problem, you know? Now that you have a real boyfriend, you have to rush to get married and give people an official name, you know?"

is also famous, this little old lady is too feudal.

Mr. Jiang listened, nodded cooperatively, and pointed his finger at the chest that had been stabbed by me: "The one who is responsible, the one who wants to give the name, you know?"

I covered my face, I knew, I knew......


Many years later, his son Jiang Xiaobao lay on his father's chest and pointed to the side of his chest: "Dad, there is a hole in your little Doudou!"

"Well, that's your mom's mark for dad."

"Why do you want to make a mark?"

"If you make a mark, you have to be responsible, and your mother has to marry your father."

"Xiaobao also wants to have holes."

"Then find a girl to give ...... in the future."

I couldn't listen anymore and interrupted Jiang Dabao: "Xiaobao don't want to be holed, then your father was disobedient when he was a child and was pecked by a chicken."

"Chicks are horrible!" The son hugged his father.

"yes, chicks are terrible!" Mr. Jiang said.

Sunlight poured in through the window, illuminating the faded little red flowers on the table.

[End of this story]

(END) What should I do if I prickle a pin into the chest of the leader when I pin a small red flower on his chest

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