
Agarwood is like crumbs: If Cheng Yi pulls his crotch a little, he can't suppress this group of male partners who are comparable to "stunning".

First, in this era of information explosion, the promotion of new dramas often lasts for months. However, "Agarwood Like Crumbs" breaks this convention and quietly debuts in a jaw-dropping way.

Without overwhelming advertisements and months-long trailer bombardment, this Xianxia drama appeared in the audience's sight without warning. This wave of precedent-setting operations made industry insiders and audiences exclaim again and again.

Some people praise this as a real powerful faction who dares to be so capricious, and some people wonder if there is another mystery behind this. But no matter what, the sudden airborne landing of "Agarwood Like Crumbs" did bring a fresh wave to the dull film and television industry.

The reason why "Agarwood Like Crumbs" has such confidence is undoubtedly because of the super popularity of the two leading actors Yang Zi and Cheng Yi. Sure enough, even in the absence of publicity, "Agarwood Like Crumbs" is still like a dark horse, firmly sitting on the second place on the hot list, second only to "Happiness to Ten Thousand Homes", which is ending.

Agarwood is like crumbs: If Cheng Yi pulls his crotch a little, he can't suppress this group of male partners who are comparable to "stunning".

Such an achievement is enough to prove that Yang Zi and Cheng Yi's appeal is extraordinary. What's even more surprising is that although the theme of Xianxia has been filmed over and over again for many years, and the audience has long been aesthetically fatigued, Yang Zi and Cheng Yi have won unanimous praise from the audience with their superb acting skills.

In the Douban comment area, four-star and five-star praise have sprung up, making people sigh: It's really a contest of strength! This drama not only performs well in popularity, but also in terms of word-of-mouth.

The audience has said that although the theme of the Xianxia drama has been filmed badly, "Agarwood Like Crumbs" can still bring freshness. This kind of performance, which has both traditional Xianxia elements and can bring forth the new, is undoubtedly one of the biggest highlights of this drama.

In the visual feast of "Agarwood Like Crumbs", the male protagonist Ying Yuan Dijun played by Cheng Yi is undoubtedly the most dazzling star. From the moment he first appeared, the audience was fascinated by his noble and cold temperament.

Agarwood is like crumbs: If Cheng Yi pulls his crotch a little, he can't suppress this group of male partners who are comparable to "stunning".

Emperor Ying Yuan seemed to be an immortal who came out of the painting, exuding an indescribable fairy aura in his gestures. The sense of alienation that people are not close to adds a bit of mystery to this character, and people can't help but want to find out.

Second, Cheng Yi vividly interpreted Emperor Yingyuan's "immortals and immortals". His eyes revealed the vicissitudes of a thousand years, and his gestures were filled with unattainable elegance. When playing against other characters, Cheng Yi's performance is even more comfortable, perfectly interpreting the majesty and unfathomable majesty of Emperor Ying Yuan as a god.

However, the most amazing thing for the audience is the battle damage makeup after Ying Yuan participated in a big war in the trailer. That scene can be called the finishing touch of the whole play. Blood bloomed on that fair face, like a red plum blooming in the ice and snow, both poignant and charming.

This scene directly ignited the audience's anticipation and made people can't wait to see it. Cheng Yi's appearance not only shows the heroism and fearlessness of Emperor Ying Yuan as the god of war, but also reveals the complex emotions in his heart, which can be said to be a perfect combination of acting skills and modeling.

Agarwood is like crumbs: If Cheng Yi pulls his crotch a little, he can't suppress this group of male partners who are comparable to "stunning".

Cheng Yi's performance in this drama, whether it is his appearance or personality, can be called the ceiling level of the male protagonist of Xianxia drama. He seems to have been born to play such a role, and he interprets the image of Emperor Ying Yuan to the fullest.

From costumes to makeup to facial expressions, every detail has been carefully polished to present a perfect image of the emperor of the fairy world. However, even such an outstanding performance seems a little precarious in front of the male supporting actors to be introduced next.

Because if Cheng Yi is a little careless and pulls his crotch a little bit, I am afraid that he will be suppressed by these "stunning" male supporting actors. This also reflects the strong cast of "Agarwood Like Crumbs" from the side, every role is dazzling, bringing the audience the ultimate visual enjoyment.

In the star-studded Xianxia drama "Agarwood Like Crumbs", Yu Mo played by Zhang Rui is undoubtedly an impressive character. Speaking of the name Zhang Rui, many viewers may feel unfamiliar, but if you mention the fifth elder brother Yongqi in "New Huanzhu Gege", I believe everyone will suddenly understand.

Agarwood is like crumbs: If Cheng Yi pulls his crotch a little, he can't suppress this group of male partners who are comparable to "stunning".

Third, in "New Huanzhu Gege", Zhang Rui successfully supported the role of Yongqi with his excellent appearance. Those thick eyebrows and big eyes look ignorant and green, but they reveal a hint of domineering from time to time, which perfectly interprets the affectionate and dedicated image of Yongqi.

Although it is difficult to compare with Su Youpeng's version of Yongqi, Zhang Rui still won the love of the audience in his own way. In "Agarwood Like Crumbs", Zhang Rui changed the aura of the male protagonist in the past and transformed into an affectionate male number two.

Yu Mo, played by him, loyally guards the heroine Yan Dan, protecting and caring for her at all times. Although he is just a second male who is destined to be in love, such a character is often easier to attract fans.

Zhang Rui vividly interpreted Yu Mo's inner struggle and helplessness, making the audience feel distressed for this infatuated character. Yu Mo's character setting is quite attractive. He surrounds the heroine Yan Dan, like a loyal guardian, ready to stand up for her at any time.

Agarwood is like crumbs: If Cheng Yi pulls his crotch a little, he can't suppress this group of male partners who are comparable to "stunning".

This kind of single-minded and affectionate characteristic, coupled with Zhang Rui's excellent acting skills, makes the role of Yu Mo deeply loved by the audience. Although he knew that he couldn't get the heroine's heart, Yu Mo still chose to guard silently, and this kind of silent dedication was even more moving.

However, the fly in the ointment is that Zhang Rui's appearance in the play seems to be somewhat controversial. The slightly abrupt bangs made many viewers call out for resignation. Fortunately, Zhang Rui's appearance is hard enough, so he was not completely ruined by the shape.

I have to say that if it weren't for Zhang Rui's outstanding conditions, I'm afraid that with this look, the audience would have to stay away from the role of Yu Mo. This also reflects the importance of the actor's own strength from the side, even if the unsatisfactory shape cannot hide Zhang Rui's charm.

In general, Yu Mo played by Zhang Rui adds a unique color to "Agarwood Like Crumbs". From the former male protagonist to today's affectionate male lead, Zhang Rui has proved with his acting skills that he is not only a "good look", but also a powerful actor with strong plasticity.

Agarwood is like crumbs: If Cheng Yi pulls his crotch a little, he can't suppress this group of male partners who are comparable to "stunning".

In addition to Zhang Rui, the other supporting actors in "Agarwood Like Crumbs" are also very strong, and all of them can play. This group of male supporting actors, who are comparable to "stunning", can not only compete with the male protagonist Cheng Yi in terms of appearance, but also have their own merits in terms of acting skills, adding a lot of highlights to this Xianxia drama.

The first thing to say is Lu Ming played by Xia Zhiyuan. Do you still remember the popular "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost"? Xia Zhiyuan played the fairy under the moon in the play, as the loyal guardian of the relationship between the male and female protagonists, and vividly interpreted the role of the tool man.

From helping the heroine block the knife, to resolving misunderstandings for the male and female protagonists, and finally sending the female protagonist to the male protagonist's wedding to get married, it is simply a model of love assistance. Such a role setting made Xia Zhiyuan leave a deep impression in the hearts of the audience.

Let's talk about Elder Zhanyi played by Zhang Tianyang. In the entertainment industry, there are many actors who are in a state of "drama fire is not popular", and Zhang Tianyang is one of the best. Xu Feng in "Ideal City", Lu Qiantang in "Sword in the Snow", Feng Chang in "Let's Try the World", and the weak third uncle in "Splendid Stars", almost all of these recent hit dramas have him.

Agarwood is like crumbs: If Cheng Yi pulls his crotch a little, he can't suppress this group of male partners who are comparable to "stunning".

Fourth, Zhang Tianyang's acting skills are stable, and each role can be performed just right, which is impressive. In "Agarwood Like Crumbs", Zhang Tianyang changed his previous bookish anger, and showed an otherworldly toughness on his angular face.

Although his current popularity is not top-notch, every role can stand firmly, both in appearance and acting skills, which are eye-catching. I believe that it won't be long before he will usher in his own male lead script.

The last thing to talk about is Ji Du Xingjun played by Li Xinze. As the villain who plays the pig and eats the tiger in the play, in the updated plot, Li Xinze played Ji Du Xingjun without a villainous atmosphere.

Dressed in white, full of fairy spirit, helping the heroine at a critical moment, and discussing the past and present with Emperor Ying Yuan, analyzing the situation, if it weren't for the character introduction, it was really hard to imagine that this was actually an ambitious villain.

Agarwood is like crumbs: If Cheng Yi pulls his crotch a little, he can't suppress this group of male partners who are comparable to "stunning".

In terms of appearance, Li Xinze can definitely be called a male god. The well-defined face, with the high bun, not only has the elegance of a fairy, but also has a bit of fireworks in the world.

Even if he is standing next to the male protagonist Cheng Yi, whether it is his appearance or aura, he will not fall behind at all. Looking at this posture, a big battle between the two is inevitable, and it depends on how they display their talents.

The wonderful performances of these supporting actors undoubtedly added a lot of highlights to "Agarwood Like Crumbs". Their respective characteristics and charm not only enrich the plot, but also provide the audience with more appreciation angles.

It can be said that it is these outstanding supporting actors who make "Agarwood Like Crumbs" a real group drama, not just a one-man show of the protagonist. In this group of handsome young male supporting actors, the Emperor played by Zhu Yongteng is undoubtedly a unique clear stream.

Agarwood is like crumbs: If Cheng Yi pulls his crotch a little, he can't suppress this group of male partners who are comparable to "stunning".

Although Zhu Yongteng can no longer squeeze into the ranks of Xiao Xianrou, he is definitely at the top of the list of charming middle-aged uncles. In fact, Zhu Yongteng when he was young was also an out-and-out beautiful man, Gao Yanling played in "Tomorrow I Am Not a Lamb", but he fascinated countless girls.

Fifth, the precipitation of the years has not worn out his charm, but has added a unique charm to him. In "Agarwood Like Crumbs", Zhu Yongteng brought the charm of a middle-aged uncle to the extreme.

Especially the two beards, which add a bit of elegance and majesty. Compared with those young and ignorant little fresh meat, Zhu Yongteng not only has a sense of vicissitudes precipitated by the years, but also has more perfect acting skills.

The Emperor of Heaven played by Zhu Yongteng has the momentum of the superior to death. Every look and every action is full of majesty, and people can't help but sigh: This is the real domineering side leak! His performance not only shows the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven, but also skillfully integrates the complexity of human nature, making the character three-dimensional and vivid.

Agarwood is like crumbs: If Cheng Yi pulls his crotch a little, he can't suppress this group of male partners who are comparable to "stunning".

In the fairy drama "Agarwood Like Crumbs", Zhu Yongteng's performance undoubtedly added a touch of color to the whole drama. He used his acting skills to prove that charm knows no age, and mature men can also shine in Xianxia dramas.

Throughout the whole "Agarwood Like Crumbs", not only the protagonists are radiant, but these male supporting actors are even more brilliant. To be honest, seeing this lineup, I really sweated for Cheng Yi.

You must know that if Cheng Yi's appearance or acting skills pull his hips a little bit, I am afraid that he will be compared to this group of "stunning" male supporting actors. Each character has their own characteristics and charms, from young teenagers to mature uncles, from decent gentlemen to hidden villains, there are all kinds of genres.

Sixth, Yu Mo played by Zhang Rui is affectionately guarded, Xia Zhiyuan's Lu Ming continues the image of loyalty, Zhang Tianyang's Elder Zhanyi shows the charm of the powerful faction, Li Xinze's Jidu Xingjun is immortal and does not lose the villain temperament, and Zhu Yongteng's Emperor is domineering.

Agarwood is like crumbs: If Cheng Yi pulls his crotch a little, he can't suppress this group of male partners who are comparable to "stunning".

Such a configuration not only makes the whole drama more colorful, but also provides the audience with more choices. The cast of "Agarwood Like Crumbs" can be described as star-studded, and each character is dazzling, bringing the audience the ultimate visual enjoyment.

This kind of healthy competition not only improves the quality of the whole show, but also makes the audience fascinated. So the question is, out of so many great male supporting actors, which one do you like the most? Is it Yu Mo, who is affectionately guarded, or is it the fairy Jidu Xingjun? Or is it the domineering Emperor of Heaven? Each character has its own charm, and I believe that the audience will definitely have their own unique choices.

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