
"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and is no longer tolerated by the world, Mei Baojiu: Death Will Not Forgive "Clouds on the Clouds" is a film as delicate as Jiangnan ink paintings, telling the story of Li, a young man in a small town

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, Mei Baojiu: Death will not forgive

"Clouds on the Clouds" is a film as delicate as Jiangnan ink painting, telling the growth story of Li Yunfei, a young man in a small town. His loyalty to love and dedication to dreams constitute the emotional thread of the film. The love story between Li Yunfei and the heroine Qiu Shi is innocent and poignant, like a moving idyll. Through Li Yunfei's deep affection for his hometown, the film evokes the audience's resonance for nostalgia and thinking about dedication and perseverance.

As the director and starring role of this film, Li Yugang's artistic footprints have been interpreting the charm of traditional Chinese culture from the instant hit of "Avenue of Stars" to the brilliant performance at the Sydney Opera House. His masterpiece "The New Concubine Drunk" is a perfect example of the perfect combination of traditional opera and modern music. "Clouds on the Clouds" is not only a new attempt in his personal artistic career, but also a manifestation of his love and pursuit of film art.

In Li Yugang's artistic journey, his entanglement with Peking Opera master Mei Baojiu is particularly striking. At first, Mei Baojiu praised Li Yugang's practice of incorporating elements of Peking Opera into modern music, but as time went on, the relationship between the two gradually strained. Mei Baojiu believes that Li Yugang does not really understand and respect the art of Peking Opera, which makes it difficult to reconcile the contradictions between the two. This controversy is not only a personal disagreement, but also reflects different views on the inheritance and innovation of traditional art.

As the soul of the movie, the song "Clouds on the Clouds" carries Li Yugang's infinite attachment and affectionate confession to his hometown. The melodious melodies and soulful lyrics bring the audience into an emotional world full of love and nostalgia. Li Yugang uses his unique voice to vividly interpret the emotions of this song, as if telling everyone's longing for home and nostalgia for the past.

The reason why the movie "Clouds on the Clouds" is full of expectations is not only because of the fresh attempt of Li Yugang, a cross-border director, but also because of the strong creative team behind it. The joining of Cheng Qingsong and Guo Meiqing provides a strong guarantee for the production quality of the film. The film is expected to be released in 2024, when audiences will have the opportunity to witness Lee's magnificent transformation from stage artist to film director on the big screen. This film is not only a comprehensive display of his personal artistic career, but also a profound touch on the audience's emotions and aesthetics.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and is no longer tolerated by the world, Mei Baojiu: Death Will Not Forgive "Clouds on the Clouds" is a film as delicate as Jiangnan ink paintings, telling the story of Li, a young man in a small town
"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and is no longer tolerated by the world, Mei Baojiu: Death Will Not Forgive "Clouds on the Clouds" is a film as delicate as Jiangnan ink paintings, telling the story of Li, a young man in a small town
"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and is no longer tolerated by the world, Mei Baojiu: Death Will Not Forgive "Clouds on the Clouds" is a film as delicate as Jiangnan ink paintings, telling the story of Li, a young man in a small town
"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and is no longer tolerated by the world, Mei Baojiu: Death Will Not Forgive "Clouds on the Clouds" is a film as delicate as Jiangnan ink paintings, telling the story of Li, a young man in a small town
"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and is no longer tolerated by the world, Mei Baojiu: Death Will Not Forgive "Clouds on the Clouds" is a film as delicate as Jiangnan ink paintings, telling the story of Li, a young man in a small town
"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and is no longer tolerated by the world, Mei Baojiu: Death Will Not Forgive "Clouds on the Clouds" is a film as delicate as Jiangnan ink paintings, telling the story of Li, a young man in a small town
"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and is no longer tolerated by the world, Mei Baojiu: Death Will Not Forgive "Clouds on the Clouds" is a film as delicate as Jiangnan ink paintings, telling the story of Li, a young man in a small town
"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and is no longer tolerated by the world, Mei Baojiu: Death Will Not Forgive "Clouds on the Clouds" is a film as delicate as Jiangnan ink paintings, telling the story of Li, a young man in a small town
"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang fell off the altar and is no longer tolerated by the world, Mei Baojiu: Death Will Not Forgive "Clouds on the Clouds" is a film as delicate as Jiangnan ink paintings, telling the story of Li, a young man in a small town

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