
"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

author:Maruko Bunsha
"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

In the Chinese entertainment industry, Li Yugang's story can be called a legend of ups and downs. This young man from a remote mountainous area, with his unique voice and appearance, became famous on the "Avenue of Stars" and quickly became a high-profile new artist.

However, the gears of fate always turn unexpectedly. Just when Li Yugang was at the peak of his career, the self-proclaimed "successor of the Mei faction" caused a storm that was enough to subvert his career.

The strong opposition of Mei Baojiu, the son of Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang, not only made Li Yugang an enemy of the entire opera industry, but also caused him to fall into an irreparable reputational crisis after Mei Baojiu's death.

This experience not only revealed the complex relationship between success, arrogance and tradition, but also brought us profound enlightenment. Li Yugang's story, like a modern version of Peking Opera, is full of dramatic twists and is embarrassing.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

Li Yugang's childhood was spent in poverty and hardship. Born in a remote mountainous area, his family was poor, and his siblings often starved. Despite the difficulties of life, Li Yugang was successfully admitted to the Jilin Provincial Art Institute with his own efforts.

However, fate always seems to work against him, and the family's financial situation prevents him from continuing his dreams of studying.

In order not to make his family's plight worse, young Li Yugang made a difficult decision: to leave his familiar hometown and set foot on Beijing, a land full of opportunities and challenges, alone.

With a vision for the future, he began his career as a "North Drifter".

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

However, the cruelty of reality soon made Li Yugang realize that the road to "North Drift" was far more difficult than he imagined. To survive, he tried various jobs: as a waiter, as a car salesman, and even as a clothing store.

Every job was full of hardships, but it never improved his living situation. During these difficult years, Li Yugang once fell into despair, and even had the idea of committing suicide.

Fortunately, the god of fate did not abandon him completely, and a group of kind strangers reached out in time to save this young man who was on the verge of collapse.

A twist of fate appears in a speakeasy. Under the recommendation of a friend, Li Yugang began to sing here. By chance, due to the temporary inability of his partner to be present, Li Yugang had to play the male and female roles alone, performing the song "For Whom".

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

Surprisingly, his performance won warm applause from the audience. This unexpected success is like a ray of light in the darkness, guiding Li Yugang in the direction of progress.

Since then, Li Yugang has focused on the study of female singing, and at the same time dabbled in the field of Peking Opera, in-depth learning of the basic skills of Peking Opera and the vocal skills of female characters. He skillfully blended the characteristics of female and male voices to create a unique singing style.

This way of breaking the traditional gender boundaries quickly won many fans in nightclubs, laying the groundwork for his future fame.

Looking back on these difficult years, Li Yugang often sighs that it is these experiences that make him cherish the hard-won opportunities even more, and also make him more resilient on the road of art in the future.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

However, he would not have imagined that this hard-won success would become the fuse for his predicament in the future.

2007 was an important turning point for 28-year-old Li Yugang. After years of grinding, he was determined to step out of the gloom of the speakeasy and onto the bigger stage.

At that time, the CCTV talent show "Avenue of Stars" was in full swing and was known as a stage for "grassroots stars" to realize their dreams. This stage has become popular with many artists, such as the northern Shaanxi singer A Bao, the group Phoenix Legend, etc.

Li Yugang saw the opportunity and resolutely signed up for the competition.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

In the competition, Li Yugang brought his carefully prepared work "The New Concubine Drunk". This song skillfully blends Peking Opera elements with modern pop music, coupled with his unique "male and female" appearance, which instantly attracts everyone's attention.

Li Yugang's performance not only shocked the audience, but also shocked the audience in front of the TV. People have remembered this newcomer singer with a mediocre appearance but a natural voice.

In the end, with his outstanding performance, Li Yugang won the third place in the "Avenue of Stars" and became famous in one fell swoop.

After becoming famous, Li Yugang seems to have started the acceleration mode of life. In 2010, he released his first solo album "New Concubine Drunk". The album was a huge success upon its release, not only causing a sensation among traditional opera lovers, but also successfully bringing opera elements into the field of vision of young people and opening up a new audience group.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

Li Yugang's success is not limited to China. In 2011, he held a solo concert in South Korea, which was the first time that a Chinese artist held a solo concert of classic works in South Korea.

Subsequently, he also carried out in-depth cultural exchanges and performance activities with many European countries. Li Yugang's performances have been highly appreciated by international audiences, and his unique artistic style is considered to represent the perfect fusion of traditional Chinese culture and modern art.

At this stage, Li Yugang has always insisted on innovation and breakthroughs. He is committed to organically integrating traditional Chinese art with world culture, and showing the charm of ancient Chinese art to the world.

His efforts and achievements can't help but remind people of the North Drifter singer who worked hard in the speakeasy, and it also makes people feel sincerely happy about his success.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

However, the wheel of fate is always unpredictable. Just when Li Yugang's career was thriving and enjoying the glory of all eyes, an unexpected turmoil was quietly brewing.

This turmoil will not only completely change the trajectory of his life, but also make him fall from the peak of his career to the bottom. Little did Li Yugang know that his success would become the trigger for future controversy, and that his vaunted attempts at innovation would become the source of his confrontation with the traditional opera world.

After becoming famous, Li Yugang seems to be a little fluttering. He began to try to associate himself with the Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang, and repeatedly referred to himself as a "successor of the Mei School" in public.

This move is undoubtedly to use Mei Lanfang's fame to expand her influence in the opera industry. However, he may not have realized what kind of storm the remarks would cause.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

Mei Baojiu, the son of Mei Lanfang, as an authority in the Peking Opera industry, is extremely dissatisfied with Li Yugang's self-pride. In Mei Baojiu's view, Li Yugang, a "layman" who lacks formal training, has no right to call himself a successor of the Mei faction.

Finally, on a TV talk show, Mei Baojiu publicly criticized Li Yugang, calling him a "clown who jumps off the beam" and warned him that the road ahead will be bumpy.

In the face of Mei Baojiu's severe criticism, Li Yugang not only did not relent, but intensified his promotion of his "Mei School art". This behavior undoubtedly exacerbated the conflict between the two.

During a joint recording of the program, Li Yugang once again declared that he represented the art of the Mei School, a move that completely angered Mei Baojiu, causing him to leave the table angrily on the spot.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

This incident became the fuse for the contradiction between the two to become public, and it also involved the entire opera industry in this controversy.

The escalation of the contradiction soon affected Li Yugang's career development. Back then, when the famous director Zhang Yimou was planning the movie "Mei Lanfang", he originally considered Li Yugang to play the leading role.

However, under Mei Baojiu's resolute opposition, Zhang Yimou finally chose other actors. This is undoubtedly a major blow to Li Yugang. He was extremely dissatisfied with this, and even publicly declared that "the entire Peking Opera art world is rejecting me".

This controversy not only completely broke the relationship between Li Yugang and Mei Baojiu, but also caused him to have a serious confrontation with the entire opera industry. was once a high-profile emerging artist, but now he is in trouble because of his words and deeds.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

Li Yugang's situation is becoming more and more difficult, and he seems to be caught in a dilemma. On the one hand, his innovative style has earned him a large number of fans; On the other hand, his opposition to the traditional opera industry has caused him to lose many opportunities for development.

This turmoil not only affected Li Yugang's career development, but also seriously damaged his public image. From a highly sought-after star to an "outlier" ostracized by the opera industry, Li Yugang's encounter can be called a dramatic turn.

As the conflict with Mei Baojiu became public, Li Yugang's situation in the opera industry deteriorated. The once "upstart" has now become a "street rat" that everyone avoids.

This dramatic transformation makes people sigh.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

In 2016, a shocking news came to the opera industry: the 82-year-old Mr. Mei Baojiu passed away. At this moment that should be remembered and remembered, Li Yugang's series of behaviors have once again sparked controversy.

He tried to defend his remarks by publishing a memorial article, claiming that those words were simply out of love for the art of the Mei School, but unfortunately misunderstood. However, the public did not buy it, but accused him of just taking the opportunity to hype up and use Mei Baojiu's reputation for his own benefit.

What's even more puzzling is that at Mei Baojiu's funeral, Li Yugang's behavior caused public anger. While he was crying bitterly at the scene, he posted photos of the scene in real time on social media.

This behavior was criticized by many netizens as contrived and shameless, which further damaged his image in the opera industry and in the eyes of the public.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

Li Yugang originally tried to win attention in the name of "contemporary Mei Lanfang", but he did not expect that not only did he fail to be recognized by the industry, but ended up asking for hardship.

It is undoubtedly an ironic turn that he has to face the predicament of notoriety after he was once glamorous.

From the highly sought-after celebrity to the "rat crossing the street" that everyone shouts at, Li Yugang's story makes people wonder: have we neglected to respect tradition in the pursuit of personal success? How can we properly handle disputes so as not to further deteriorate the situation? Li Yugang's story undoubtedly gives us profound inspiration.

Li Yugang's story, from grassroots to celebrity, to reputational damage, has undoubtedly left a deep inspiration for us. His experience is like a mirror that reflects some of the problems that are prevalent in the art world and society as a whole.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

His success is a testament to the power of talent and innovation, but his setbacks highlight the challenges and pitfalls that come with fame. All of this reminds us that success does not mean forgetting tradition and reverence.

The higher we stand, the more cautious we become, because the cost of falling becomes heavier.

Li Yugang's experience has also triggered us to think about the inheritance of traditional culture. How to respect tradition in innovation, and how to maintain humility while learning from the achievements of predecessors, these are all questions that every artist needs to think deeply.

Each of us should shoulder the responsibility of inheriting and promoting the excellent Chinese culture, and at the same time, we must keep pace with the times. So, will Li be able to learn from this setback, re-examine himself, and find a balance between cultural identity and personal innovation? This is undoubtedly a topic that deserves our continued attention.

"Jumping Beam Clown" Li Yugang stepped down from the altar and was no longer tolerated by the world, and Mei Baojiu resolutely refused to forgive

Li Yugang's experience tells us that a true artist must not only have extraordinary talent, but also have a respect for tradition and a correct understanding of himself. Only in this way can we go further and more steadily on the road of art.

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