
Katyusha is cunning, strong and independent, does not do what others guide, only does what she thinks is okay

8月‬我们‬的‬喀秋莎‬就‬满‬一岁啦‬,你有‬见过‬快一岁‬还‬粉扑扑‬的‬宝宝吗‬? 丁丁‬的‬爱‬,温柔‬又‬浓厚‬。

Katyusha is cunning, strong and independent, does not do what others guide, only does what she thinks is okay
Katyusha is cunning, strong and independent, does not do what others guide, only does what she thinks is okay



Katyusha is cunning, strong and independent, does not do what others guide, only does what she thinks is okay

园长‬有‬详细‬介绍‬:喀秋莎‬是‬一只‬非常‬有趣的‬熊猫‬,非常‬强大‬,独立‬自主‬。 不会‬做‬任何‬你‬要求‬、请求‬或‬暗示‬她‬做‬的‬事情‬,只‬做‬她‬认为‬有‬必要‬要做‬的‬事情‬。

Katyusha is cunning, strong and independent, does not do what others guide, only does what she thinks is okay
Katyusha is cunning, strong and independent, does not do what others guide, only does what she thinks is okay
Katyusha is cunning, strong and independent, does not do what others guide, only does what she thinks is okay

她‬会‬认真‬观察‬,自己‬来‬判定‬。 比如‬出‬内场‬,每天‬晚上‬都‬自己‬出去‬,去‬探索‬,发现‬一切‬都‬正常‬宁静‬后‬,白天‬才会‬出来‬。

Katyusha is cunning, strong and independent, does not do what others guide, only does what she thinks is okay
Katyusha is cunning, strong and independent, does not do what others guide, only does what she thinks is okay

