
Ye Feng participated in the group discussion of the delegation of Baishe Town

author:Nanfeng County Rong Media Center
Ye Feng participated in the group discussion of the delegation of Baishe Town

On the afternoon of October 17, Ye Feng, secretary of the county party committee, participated in the group discussion of the delegation of Baishe Town at the first session of the 18th People's Congress of the county.

Ye Feng participated in the group discussion of the delegation of Baishe Town

During the discussion, the deputies spoke enthusiastically and expressed their own views, while Ye Feng listened and took notes, and exchanged views with the deputies from time to time. He expressed his affirmation for the deputies' active speeches, heated discussions, and conscientious performance of their duties. Ye Feng pointed out that in the past five years, various undertakings in our county have developed rapidly, we have insisted on relieving people's worries and benefiting people's livelihood, achieved comprehensive victories in poverty alleviation, and the per capita disposable income of rural residents has led the province for 11 consecutive years. However, in the face of increasingly fierce regional competition, there are still many difficulties and challenges on the road of economic and social development in our county, and we must persist in adversity, think in good times, and do not shrink back, do not evade, and do not slacken off in order to find the right direction and continue to move forward.

Ye Feng participated in the group discussion of the delegation of Baishe Town

Ye Feng demanded that everyone should clarify their thinking, base themselves on the new stage of development, implement the new development concept, integrate into the new development pattern, comprehensively promote the overall layout of the "five-in-one", coordinate the promotion of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, comprehensively optimize the ecological environment, coordinate the development of urban and rural areas, vigorously grasp the investment promotion, and further fight the breakthrough battle of "industrial innovation and development". It is necessary to vigorously grasp implementation, adhere to the problem-oriented, administer according to law, make scientific decisions, combine the actual conditions of their own work, study early, plan early, and make early deployment, and with a sense of urgency and responsibility that the time is not waiting, seize the opportunity, accurately exert force, face difficulties, and promote the high-quality development of the county economy. We must bear in mind the masses, adhere to the concept of what the people want and what the government wants, pay attention to the troubles around the masses, worry about their worries, and other "urgent, difficult, and anxious" problems, and as always, do a good job in the people's livelihood, open up the last kilometer of serving the masses, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, security, and happiness. Ye Feng stressed that the whole county should take the initiative to take on the role of the passion of daring to climb new goals, the pride of overcoming new problems, and the enthusiasm of exploring new ideas, and strive to build a "central county in southern Fuzhou" and promote the accelerated rise of our county in the high-quality development of the new era!

Reporter: Ye Ling

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