
Internet rumors eat Xi'an citizens strawberries will get blood fever? Experts refute the rumors: the two are not related

Recently, some netizens on major social networking sites posted a message saying, "Friends in Xi'an don't eat strawberries, there are rats running around in the greenhouse to spread the virus on strawberries, resulting in hemorrhagic fever." ”

Some netizens also said in the news released, "All the fixed points in Xi'an City to treat hemorrhagic fever are all full." ”

Internet rumors eat Xi'an citizens strawberries will get blood fever? Experts refute the rumors: the two are not related
Internet rumors eat Xi'an citizens strawberries will get blood fever? Experts refute the rumors: the two are not related
Internet rumors eat Xi'an citizens strawberries will get blood fever? Experts refute the rumors: the two are not related

Is hemorrhagic fever really related to eating strawberries? In this regard, the Xi'an Chang'an District Agricultural and Rural Bureau revealed to the media that eating strawberries and hemorrhagic fever are not related. At the same time, the agricultural department of Chang'an District of Xi'an has carried out special risk monitoring of strawberries, and no pesticide residues have been found to exceed the standard.

On December 18, 2021, Xi'an News Network released the news that since the beginning of winter this year, major hospitals in Xi'an have successively received a number of patients with hemorrhagic fever. It is reported that hemorrhagic fever is a common infectious disease in the north. Starting every october, the Guanzhong region of Shaanxi Province, including Xi'an City, will also enter the peak season of hemorrhagic fever. Because the early symptoms of epidemic haemorrhagic fever are similar to those of the common flu, many patients will mistakenly think that it is a common cold.

Ye Feng, deputy director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, said in an interview that hemorrhagic fever is not related to eating strawberries, and the source of infection of hemorrhagic fever is rats. "The route of transmission of hemorrhagic fever may be the excrement of rats, such as defecation, etc., when these pollutants contaminate some items, and the items are not cleaned and then touched, they may be infected." Ye Feng said.

Ye Feng said: "The prevention of hemorrhagic fever is first of all not to contact mice, and secondly, wear a mask when cleaning, wash your hands frequently, etc., these daily measures can be avoided." ”

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Mei Mei

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