
Lingyan, you kneel, sister has something to ask you! The genes are too magical, the same parents, different sisters and brothers



Lingyan, you kneel, sister has something to ask you! The genes are too magical, the same parents, different sisters and brothers

灵岩‬和‬姐姐‬阿‬杰‬,一个天生傻‬气‬,一个‬天生‬傻气‬; 一个‬憨憨‬搞笑‬熊‬,一个‬江湖‬大姐大‬。

妈妈‬是‬闽闽‬,爸爸‬是‬津‬柯‬教授‬,2014年‬阿杰出生‬,但是难产‬‬让‬闽‬闽‬生了‬三天‬。 阿‬在‬藏语‬是‬孩子‬的‬意思‬,牟‬仕杰奶爸‬取名‬“杰‬”,杰出‬,希望‬宝贝‬能‬无忧‬长大‬,熊界‬翘楚‬! 我们‬的‬阿‬杰‬有个‬可爱‬的小名‬“小‬虫‬虫‬”。

Lingyan, you kneel, sister has something to ask you! The genes are too magical, the same parents, different sisters and brothers
Lingyan, you kneel, sister has something to ask you! The genes are too magical, the same parents, different sisters and brothers
Lingyan, you kneel, sister has something to ask you! The genes are too magical, the same parents, different sisters and brothers

阿‬杰‬参加‬野培‬,因为‬闽‬闽‬奶水不够‬就被‬退出‬。 来到‬耿‬达‬幼儿园‬当‬插班生‬,年纪‬最小‬,但是‬野性十足‬,彪悍‬有‬攻击性‬,不和盆盆奶‬。


Lingyan, you kneel, sister has something to ask you! The genes are too magical, the same parents, different sisters and brothers
Lingyan, you kneel, sister has something to ask you! The genes are too magical, the same parents, different sisters and brothers

2017年‬灵岩‬出生‬,是‬都江堰‬四公子之一‬。 第一次‬露‬面‬是‬小‬牟‬奶爸‬抱着‬,喜欢自娱自乐‬。

Lingyan, you kneel, sister has something to ask you! The genes are too magical, the same parents, different sisters and brothers


Lingyan, you kneel, sister has something to ask you! The genes are too magical, the same parents, different sisters and brothers


姐弟‬两‬都‬开创了‬自己‬的‬赛道‬,阿‬杰‬是‬大姐大‬江湖‬隐退‬过上‬了‬懒熊‬闲散‬养生‬的‬日子‬; 灵岩‬在‬搞笑‬熊‬的‬路上‬越走越远‬,没有‬创作‬瓶颈‬,听说‬最近‬生了‬,‬在‬坐月子‬带娃‬中‬……