
High Bone Height Management Class: Be Alert to Thunderstorm Growing Taller Exercise What are the exercises that children promote

Trampoline is a kind of jumping exercise, which can play a certain auxiliary role in height growth by stimulating epiphyseal cells and stretching the muscles and ligaments of the lower limbs. However, in recent years, trampoline activities have thundered from time to time, causing parents to worry. Why are trampolines prone to accidents, and what are the safer exercises for children to grow taller? The high skeletal height management class will explain them one by one.

1. Be wary of thunderstorm-prone growth-tall movements

Trampolines, which are recognized as having an auxiliary effect on growing taller, have thunderstorms from time to time and cause polarizing comments from people. The following shocking news is all from the trampoline accident.

High Bone Height Management Class: Be Alert to Thunderstorm Growing Taller Exercise What are the exercises that children promote

"Three-year-old boy was injured by a shock while playing on a trampoline"

High Bone Height Management Class: Be Alert to Thunderstorm Growing Taller Exercise What are the exercises that children promote

"A 4-year-old girl was hit on a trampoline and broke her collarbone"

High Bone Height Management Class: Be Alert to Thunderstorm Growing Taller Exercise What are the exercises that children promote

"This kind of Internet celebrity facility has an accident again, and the life of an 8-year-old girl is in danger!"

High Bone Height Management Class: Be Alert to Thunderstorm Growing Taller Exercise What are the exercises that children promote

"Internet celebrity trampoline jumped out of accident again"

In these stories, the injured people ranged from 2 years old to their 20s, some fell and lost their teeth, some broke bones, and some even left them disabled. Looking at similar accidents, it is not difficult to find that in addition to the lack of safety measures, the injuries of young children are mainly caused by third-party collisions.

High Bone Height Management Class: Be Alert to Thunderstorm Growing Taller Exercise What are the exercises that children promote

"The baby was sat by the child next to him, which caused a broken collarbone"

High Bone Height Management Class: Be Alert to Thunderstorm Growing Taller Exercise What are the exercises that children promote

"Little girl knocks child down, resulting in broken ribs"

In the process of children playing with trampoline, once they fall, it is difficult to get up, because the surrounding children are still jumping, which is very easy to cause collisions and dangers. In addition, children who play trampoline have large differences in age, weight, and body shape, and if the older child accidentally falls on the child, the bottom child may be more than twice as stressed by himself, and the body's organs and bones are squeezed, which is very dangerous.

Therefore, parents are advised to choose such dangerous sports carefully during the holidays. If you want to help your child get higher in sports, you can try these exercises.

2. What are the exercises for children to grow taller?

Jumping and stretching exercises are recommended for children's growth and heightening, which can produce more external impact, help the accumulation of minerals in the bones, increase bone density, and make the bones stronger; Stretching exercises can improve the flexibility of children and adolescents' bodies and are conducive to bone development.

1. Touch the high jump

Hang a child's favorite toy at a high place and encourage your child to reach out and touch the target by jumping. This method is not limited by the site and is easy to operate.

2. Skipping rope

Skipping rope is one of the most common longitudinal exercises, suitable for children of all ages, which can speed up the blood circulation of the lower limb bones, increase the secretion of growth hormone in the child's body, and promote the growth of children.

3. Play badminton

Playing badminton requires both strength and flexibility, which can improve your child's coordination and agility, and at the same time, your child's muscles and joints can be exercised.

4. Swimming

Swimming works a balanced balance of muscle groups in the body, and since the body is horizontal when swimming, the spine and joints are not affected by gravity, so it helps to stretch and grow bones. (Qiu Xiaoshan)

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