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Python is catching up with Java's TIOBE Index record
Thanks to Python's concise and easy-to-understand syntax, it is the language of choice for beginners in programming, and its low barrier to entry makes it possible for more people to get up and running quickly and start writing useful code. At the same time, Python is widely used in a variety of fields, including data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, web development, automated scripting, and web crawlers, etc., and its diverse application scenarios have attracted developers from all walks of life.
For the first time in this month's list, Python usage surpassed 18%, reaching 18.04%. In this regard, Paul Jansen, CEO of TIOBE Software, revealed that the last time there was more than 18% programming language was in November 2016, when it was Java language, accounting for 19.01%.
Back in the day, Java usage peaked in June 2001 when it had a TIOBE index of 26.49%.
Today, Python surpasses 18%, showing momentum to catch up with the peak of Java back then. This also widens the gap between it and the second-place C++ language, which is now a full 8% behind Python.
Keep in mind that the biggest gap between first and second place in history was in November 2016, when Java was 9.55% higher than C. In short, Python's supremacy is undeniable.
As the Python ecosystem continues to grow, its powerful standard and third-party libraries enable a variety of features to be implemented quickly. In addition, Python is capable of running on multiple operating systems such as Windows, macOS, Linux, etc., which makes it very convenient to apply on different platforms. Many large companies and tech giants, such as Google, Facebook, and Netflix, are making extensive use of Python. A growing number of colleges and universities are also using Python as the primary programming language for computer science and data science courses.
In the wake of this trend, Paul Jansen predicts that Python is likely to become the most popular programming language of all time.
"As for the new language that is expected to approach Python in the near future? Potential contenders Rust and Kotlin are fast approaching the top 10 in the TIOBE index, but it will be a long time before they become a real threat to Python," says Paul Jansen.
In addition to Python, there are a few notable changes in this month's list:
- Compared to last month, PHP's ranking has risen three places, accounting for 1.46%, to 13th place.
- Kotlin jumped to 18th place from 20th last month, with the TIOBE Index rising to 1.13%;
Other programming languages
Here's a list of the top 21-50 programming languages:
第 51-100 名如下,由于它们之间的数值差异较小,仅以文本形式列出(按字母排序):4th Dimension/4D, ABC, ActionScript, Algol, Apex, APL, AutoLISP, Caml, CFML, CHILL, CLIPS, Clojure, Crystal, Curl, DiBOL, Elm, Erlang, F#, Forth, Groovy, Hack, Icon, Inform, Io, J, JScript, LabVIEW, Ladder Logic, Maple, Modula-2, Mojo, NATURAL, Nim, OCaml, Occam, OpenCL, OpenEdge ABL, PILOT, PL/I, PostScript, Q, Racket, Ring, S, Scheme, Smalltalk, SPARK, Stata, VHDL, X++
Top 10 Programming Languages TIOBE Index Trend (2002-2024)
All-time ranking (1988-2024)
Programming Language Who's Who (2003-2023)
The TIOBE Programming Language Community Leaderboard is an indicator of programming language trends, updated monthly, based on the number of technical engineers, courses, and third-party vendors around the world, including popular search engines and technology communities such as Google, Baidu, Wikipedia, CSDN, Bing, Hao 123, and many more. For details, please refer to Please note that this ranking only reflects the popularity of a programming language, and does not indicate whether a programming language is good or not, or how much code is written in a language.
This ranking can be used to see if your programming skills are up to date, and can also be used as a basis for language selection when developing a new system.