
JMC became the first electric pickup truck to win the bid for the north-south power grid at the same time this year, why is the Dadao EV?

{"info":{"title":{"content":"成JMC年内首款同时中标南北电网电动皮卡,大道EV凭什么?","en":"JMC became the first electric pickup truck to win the bid for the north-south power grid at the same time this year, why is the Dadao EV?"},"description":{"content":"近日,在备受瞩目的南方电网2024年度纯电动车斗式采购项目激烈角逐中,大道EV以其卓越性能与前瞻设计,从众多纯电皮卡中脱...","en":"Recently, in the fierce competition of the high-profile 2024 pure electric vehicle bucket procurement project of China Southern Power Grid, Dadao EV has stood out from many pure electric pickup trucks with its excellent performance and forward-looking design."}},"items":[]}