Onmyoji for the 8th anniversary theme event opened this time,To say that the welfare degree is the most cost-effective for players who enter the pit,There is no doubt that it is the optional activity of the shrine SSR-style god.,For the overall arrangement and planning of this event,This time let's also talk in detail.,In the current environment,Among the Shikami,Which SSR-style gods are most suitable for exchange。
SSR Tiered Divine Relationship, Suzuka Gozen, Chihime, Yaki Orochae, Shiranui, Takiyasha-hime, Tamamo-mae, Ibaraki Boy, Otengu, Demon Sword-hime, Oshika-o, Hanamakaki, Seongko, Ichimoku, Enma.
The first point of this self-selection,That is, you will change whichever you like.,After all, you won't regret it.,This doesn't need to be doubted.,Choose the style god you like and are happy with.。
The second priority,That's naturally the first to choose the Shikigami that you don't have.,Because this time's SSR shrine's self-selection activities are all SSR rarity Shikami.,It involves the full Pokédex achievement.,So naturally choose what you don't have first.,The priority of making up the whole Pokédex is obviously higher.。
If you go for the intensity, PVE will give priority to Senhime, Fate Yujin, Yaki Orochi, Suzuka Gozen, Takiyasha Hime, Demon Knife Hime, Ichimokuren, Tamamo Mae, Ibaraki Boy, and Otengu.
If you want to play fighting skills, then according to the choice of the current environment of PVP, it must be Enma, Shiranui, Suzuka Gozen, a glance, don't think about the rest, there's no need.