
80 times more poisonous than cobra venom, why does it suddenly appear in seafood that has been eaten for decades?

author:Hello Coptics

"Even the rain does not know the spring, a sunny party feels the summer is deep" Fan Chengda's poem is simply a true portrayal of the recent weather, the rain of the past few days has passed, the sun has broken free from the seal of the dark clouds and sprayed the sun wantonly, the sweltering fire is burning people's skin, and the sweat is falling down, until people lament that the summer is too hot.

In addition to the heat in summer, there are of course delicious ice cream, cold shrimp, ice cream, hot pot and seafood. It is the European Cup, in the evening, call three or five friends to go to the food stall together, while snailing, while watching the ball game and then another ice drink, it is a happy game fairy.

80 times more poisonous than cobra venom, why does it suddenly appear in seafood that has been eaten for decades?

Tips: The European Championship generally refers to the European Football Championship. The European Football Championship, also known as the "European Championship", is the highest level of national football competition organized by the Union of European Football Associations and participated in among the member states of UEFA.

But beneath these spicy, fragrant delicacies lurk dangers, and if you are not careful, you will be dizzy and see many villains around you, and then you will be "honorably" sent to the hospital. Perhaps you will wonder, aren't these villains the "specialty" of Yunnan? I ate seafood and didn't eat mushrooms, so how did I get into the hospital?

The killer behind the deliciousness

In June 2017, the season of seafood harvest, residents of China's coastal cities feast on delicious seafood. However, in Fujian, there was a serious mass seafood poisoning incident. More than 30 villagers in Zhangpu County, Fujian Province, have been admitted to the hospital for shellfish poisoning, which is the largest poisoning incident in Fujian in recent years. After investigation, it was found that these people were paralyzed shellfish toxin poisoning caused by eating haihong, which is what we often call green mouth.

80 times more poisonous than cobra venom, why does it suddenly appear in seafood that has been eaten for decades?

Tips: Rainbow generally refers to mussels. Mussels are cooked and processed into dried mussels, a bivalve mollusk with dark brown shells that live on coastal rocks.

How can Qingkou be poisonous? Doesn't it mean that it is rich in amino acids and nutrients, and is known as the egg in the sea? How can it suddenly be toxic? Ordinary mussels are indeed not toxic, otherwise Wu Yanzu in "Single Men and Women" would not have given Gao Yuanyuan this dish, the real poison is the poisonous algae eaten into the stomach by qingkou, which is what we often call red tide, red tide contains paralytic shellfish toxins, after being eaten by qingkou, the toxins will accumulate inside the green mouth to form polymer toxic compounds, and people will be poisoned when they eat it.

Even after high temperature sterilization, there are still toxins in the mussel meat. Once the human body eats the toxic mussel, the toxin will spread to the human body with the decomposition of the meat by stomach acid, resulting in human poisoning, and the toxicity of paralytic shellfish toxin is comparable to tetrodotoxin, and the fastest 10 minutes will be poisoned and die. And in addition to green mouths, oysters, scallops, oysters and other shellfish seafood may also appear such toxins, which can also lead to human poisoning.

80 times more poisonous than cobra venom, why does it suddenly appear in seafood that has been eaten for decades?

Tips: The meat of pufferfish is delicious and nutritious, is a valuable high-grade aquatic product, known as the "crown of dishes", but its ovaries, liver, kidneys, eyes, blood contains high toxicity, improper handling or accidental ingestion, light poisoning, heavy death.

In fact, shellfish poisoning was discovered as early as the end of the 18th century, when 5 crew members were poisoned by eating mussels on ocean voyages, one of whom was even poisoned, and Captain George Vancouver, who was traveling on the ship at the time, recorded the incident in his diary and marked this poisonous shellfish.

Since then, this kind of poisoning has occurred frequently, and scallops and oysters that are usually eaten normally suddenly contain high poison for a certain period of time, which can cause death. People are puzzled, and shellfish poisoning has become an unsolved mystery. It was not until the beginning of the 20th century that the cases of shellfish poisoning were collected and analyzed uniformly, and the reason for shellfish poisoning was because they were contaminated with algae of the family Hematodonidae, and shellfish ate poisonous algae with toxins, causing human poisoning.

80 times more poisonous than cobra venom, why does it suddenly appear in seafood that has been eaten for decades?

Tips: Seaweed is an algae that grows in the sea, a cryptophyte plant in the plant kingdom, and algae include several different species of organisms that produce energy by photosynthesis.

In addition to the fact that shellfish eat poisonous algae in seafood, there are also textured snails that often feed on algae. Since 1967, more than 40 poisoning incidents have been reported, more than 100 people have been poisoned, more than 100 people have died, and the mortality rate is close to 10%, and the minor poisoning incidents that have not been reported are even more numerous. The above are all poisoning caused by paralytic shellfish toxin in seafood, as the king of shellfish toxin, this toxin is very fast, 10 minutes to half an hour can make people board the Western Sky Elysium.

The toxic algae in paralytic shellfish toxin (PSP) is a neurotoxin. In many shellfish poisoning, the proportion is the largest, the most toxic, the body intake of 1 mg will cause death. The poisoning mechanism is similar to puffer fish poisoning, which inhibits the conduction of nerves by blocking the formation of action points in nerves through the influence of sodium ions. This toxin can be soluble in water, does not react to acid, is easy to decompose and inactivate under alkaline conditions, is also very stable at high temperatures, and its toxicity will not disappear when heated and cooked.

80 times more poisonous than cobra venom, why does it suddenly appear in seafood that has been eaten for decades?

Tips: Weave snail, commonly known as sea snail, sea lion snail, wheat snail or white snail. The textured snail is a poisonous organism, which is more toxic every spring and summer, and the Ministry of Health has banned the sale and operation of the textured snail.

PSP is in a binding state in the shellfish, so shellfish ingestion of this toxin will not cause harm, and once ingested by the human body, the toxin will be quickly released and poisoning symptoms will appear, limb muscle paralysis, headache and nausea, serious will also lead to poisoning difficulty breathing and suffocation. If you are surrounded by people or yourself who eat seafood and feel lip paralysis, dizziness and nausea, see the little person shaking your head, it means that you are poisoned, first do not panic, and then immediately call 120 or ask a friend to send you to the hospital for treatment. Because of PSP, there is currently no specific antidote, so you can only quickly go to the hospital to wash your stomach and detoxify.

According to statistics, there are more than 2,000 poisoning incidents caused by accidental ingestion of poisonous shellfish every year, and the mortality rate is more than 15%, especially in island countries such as Japan, which is a high incidence of poisoning incidents. Because the shellfish themselves will not have symptoms of poisoning and the fresh shellfish are tightly closed in the shell, it is difficult for ordinary people to identify, so how to prevent shellfish poisoning? Haven't you eaten seafood all your life?

80 times more poisonous than cobra venom, why does it suddenly appear in seafood that has been eaten for decades?

Tips: There are many kinds of shellfish, common ones are red shellfish, salamander shellfish, field snail, conch, clams, wen clams and so on. The body of the shellfish is soft, symmetrical left and right, undisciplined, and consists of five parts: head, gastropod, visceral sac, mantle membrane and shell.

Because the toxic content of shellfish organs from low to high is shellfish column, gonads, gills, skirts, digestive glands, so as long as we remove the more toxic skirt and digestive glands and other internal organs, we can reduce the intake of toxins. For mild toxins, the body's immune system will automatically excrete them, and eating a little fruit before eating seafood will help the liver detoxify and play a second protective role. In addition, because PSP is soluble in water, whether it is braised or stewed scallops, its toxins will dissolve in the soup, so those who love to drink seafood soup and eat soup and rice must pay attention not to drink soup.

80 times more poisonous than cobra venom, why does it suddenly appear in seafood that has been eaten for decades?

Tips: The liver has a detoxifying function. Any toxic substances that are foreign or metabolized in the body should be detoxified in the liver to become non-toxic or solubility substances, and excreted with bile or urine.

In addition, in China's Chaoshan region also like raw pickled seafood, raw salt in the salt will lead to scallop tissue fluid precipitation, toxins will also appear, so try not to eat raw pickled shellfish seafood. Because the toxins in shellfish and seafood come from the toxic algae in the red tide, do not buy seafood during the spring and winter when the red tide is in full swing, because most of them are poisonous. Finally, do not eat your own fishing or pick up on the beach, be sure to go to the regular large-scale aquatic market to buy seafood, because these seafood must have been inspected by the regulatory authorities before listing, quality, source are guaranteed, there will be no major quality problems Relatively safe.

Shellfish poisoning incidents occur in an endless stream, and countries around the world have introduced corresponding policies to supervise and prevent it. Because shellfish generally feed on algae, a large number of poisoning incidents can be avoided by regularly checking the algae in their waters for toxins. As a result, many countries require periodic analyses from May to October each year, and if the above measurements are found to exceed the standard, a warning is issued that poisonous shellfish shall not be taken, sold and sold.

80 times more poisonous than cobra venom, why does it suddenly appear in seafood that has been eaten for decades?

Tips: Although the seafood methods in Chaoshi cuisine are various, raw pickling is the method of preserving its umami flavor to the greatest extent. Chaoshan raw pickled seafood has the reputation of "poison", which means that people who have eaten it will fall in love with the taste and cannot extricate themselves, as if poisoned.

The second is to directly observe the phenomenon of red tide, once the red tide occurs, it means that the water body of this water area has been completely polluted, and the algae in the water are all alienated into poisonous algae, which will produce paralytic toxins. Therefore, for the sake of the food safety of the masses, the aquatic products in such waters cannot be salvaged, and the aquatic products in the area around the red tide should also be purchased cautiously, because the water is extremely mobile, and no one knows whether these creatures will also be poisonous.

Third, because the toxins of shellfish are all stating in the internal organs, some countries directly stipulate that the listed shellfish cannot leave internal organs, but can only leave white muscles for people to eat.

80 times more poisonous than cobra venom, why does it suddenly appear in seafood that has been eaten for decades?

Tips: FDA generally refers to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Authorized by the U.S. Congress, the federal government, fda is the highest law enforcement agency specializing in food and drug administration.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that the maximum permissible amount of stone clam toxin (a type of PSP) in fresh, frozen, and canned shellfish must not exceed 80 μg/100 g of clam meat. Canada stipulates that the amount of shellfish toxin used as raw materials shall not exceed 160 μg/100 g. China stipulates that the toxin of listed shellfish must be lower than 4Mu/g.

What has led to the frequent occurrence of shellfish poisoning in recent years?

The toxins in shellfish come from the toxic algae in the red tide, which should be clear to everyone, then the question comes again, why does the red tide produce such a poisonous algae? What is Red Tide? In fact, this is a harmful ecological phenomenon caused by the explosive proliferation or high concentration of certain phytoplankton, protozoa or bacteria in the seawater under specific circumstances, causing discoloration of water bodies. This phenomenon that occurs in rivers and lakes is called water bloom.

80 times more poisonous than cobra venom, why does it suddenly appear in seafood that has been eaten for decades?

Tips: Red tide, also known as red tide, occurs when the color of the sea or lake will turn red, hence the name. It is also known internationally as a "harmful algae" or "red ghost".

The earliest record of red tide is in the Old Testament Exodus: "The water in the river has turned into blood, and the river has become smelly, and the Egyptians cannot drink the water here." ”。 When a red tide occurs, not only will it turn red, but the water will also become sticky and emit a foul smell, which is very pungent. According to research in recent years, the color of red tide is not limited to red, but also green, yellow, and brown red tide, and it is only because red tide first appeared that it is used as a collective name to this day.

Red tide is an abnormal ecological phenomenon with complex causes. Exactly what triggered the red tide is still uncertain, but scientists believe that the near-shore seawater is polluted by organic matter. Under normal circumstances, the low content of nutrient salts in seawater will inhibit the growth of ephemeral organisms such as algae, and when nutrient-rich industrial wastewater is discharged into the ocean in large quantities, resulting in seawater eutrophication, algal organisms grow rapidly, forming a red tide.

80 times more poisonous than cobra venom, why does it suddenly appear in seafood that has been eaten for decades?

Tips: Industrial wastewater includes production wastewater, production wastewater and cooling water, which refers to the wastewater and waste liquid produced in the industrial production process, which contains industrial production materials, intermediate products, by-products and pollutants produced in the production process that are lost with water.

In recent years, with the progress of society, the rapid speed of industrial and agricultural production, the development of maritime transport in coastal areas, the large population, the discharge of industrial wastewater, domestic sewage is more, many companies in order to save costs will directly discharge wastewater into the ocean, resulting in the deepening of marine eutrophication in offshore areas, causing the birth of red tide pollution waters.

In addition, the over-exploitation of the coastal and the expansion of the scale of the marine aquaculture industry is also one of the reasons for the cause, because in recent years, the people's living standards have improved, the demand for seafood such as crayfish and scallops is increasing, so the scale of offshore aquaculture is getting bigger and bigger, but due to the lack of modern system management, the water quality environment of the farm is poor, the feed contains a lot of nitrogen and phosphorus and other nutrients, and a lot of nutrients are left out of the farm every day, increasing the nutrients in the seawater, thus triggering red tide.

80 times more poisonous than cobra venom, why does it suddenly appear in seafood that has been eaten for decades?

Tips: Mariculture is a production activity that uses shallow beaches along the coast to cultivate marine aquatic economic flora and fauna. Including shallow sea aquaculture, tidal flat aquaculture, harbor aquaculture, etc.

In addition, the warming of the sea caused by global warming is also an important cause of the occurrence of red tide, because the algae life of red tide is generally in the temperature range between 20-30 ° C, as long as the water temperature in the sea suddenly rises by 2 to 3 degrees within a week, it is a harbinger of the occurrence of red tide.

The effects of red tide

Red tides not only threaten human health with toxins in shellfish organisms, but also affect the ecological balance in the oceans and disrupt fishery production.

After the occurrence of red tide, the water quality in this area is turbid, and some algae will secrete mucus, which not only thickens the seawater, but also stains the gills of fish, shrimp and other organisms, affecting breathing, resulting in hypoxia suffocation and death, fish and other dead bodies are deposited in the ocean, which will release a toxin, other organisms in the water will be poisoned, and the entire ecosystem will collapse.

80 times more poisonous than cobra venom, why does it suddenly appear in seafood that has been eaten for decades?

Tips: Ecosystem refers to the unified whole of organisms and the environment in a certain space of nature, in which organisms and the environment affect each other, restrict each other, and are in a relatively stable state of dynamic equilibrium for a certain period of time.

The algae in the red tide are poisonous, these algae are eaten by marine organisms, they will be poisoned and die, a large number of corpse decomposition needs to consume oxygen, resulting in a decrease in dissolved oxygen content in the water, which in turn leads to the death of other organisms in the water due to lack of oxygen, affecting the production and life of fisheries.


In recent years, ecological problems caused by frequent human overexploitation activities have emerged in an endless stream, first rising global temperatures, then frequent wildfires, and now red tides, which are the ecological warnings issued by the earth to mankind. Let human beings realize that the ecological environment of the earth has deteriorated, and it is urgent to protect the ecology.

80 times more poisonous than cobra venom, why does it suddenly appear in seafood that has been eaten for decades?

Tips: Environmental protection generally refers to the general term for various actions taken by human beings to solve actual or potential environmental problems, coordinate the relationship between humans and the environment, protect the living environment of human beings, and ensure the sustainable development of economy and society.

Human beings draw natural resources from the earth to develop and grow their own countries at an early age, and now that the countries of the world are developing vigorously, we should stop the pace of progress, slow down, and properly manage the ecological crisis caused by rapid development, so that the earth can return to its original vitality and leave green waters and green mountains for future generations.

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