
Sichuan Hongya photographed the "White Dragon" for the first time: a lizard-like fish instead of a fish, but a mountain stream salamander that was contemporary with dinosaurs

author:Red Star News

"When it was found, it was under the stones in the creek, and after the villagers removed the stones, the accompanying experts exclaimed, 'This is a mountain stream salamander'. Local villagers also said that they had not been seen for a long time. ”

On August 10, when he followed the rangers of Hongya Forest Farm in Meishan City, Sichuan Province, two days ago, he photographed a wild animal shaped like a "baby fish" in the territory of Wawu Mountain, and Deng Ning of the Rong Media Center in Hongya County was still a little excited.

Sichuan Hongya photographed the "White Dragon" for the first time: a lizard-like fish instead of a fish, but a mountain stream salamander that was contemporary with dinosaurs

↑ Hongya's first photograph of the national second-class protected animal "mountain stream salamander"

Dunning said that when he patrolled the mountain to an inaccessible spot in Wawu Mountain, he found a small stream. When everyone was resting for a while, when the guide's fellow villager lifted the stone by the stream, a wild animal shaped like a "baby fish" appeared in the clear stream.

"It may be 12 centimeters long, about a few dozen grams." Deng Ning said that because there were wildlife experts among the people who patrolled the mountain together, everyone quickly confirmed that this wild animal shaped like a "baby fish" was the national second-level protected animal "Mountain Stream Salamander", which was called "White Dragon".

"We shot it and let it go." Deng Ning said that when he came back to check the information, he found that this was also the first time that The mountain stream salamander was photographed in Hongya County.

According to public information, the mountain salamander is an amphibian reptile of the salamander family, commonly known as Qiang live fish, white dragon, fir fish, also known as "Chinese salamander", in the same era as the dinosaurs, together with the national treasure giant panda was included in the "IUCN Red List of Endangered Species".

The mountain salamander lives in the mountain stream at an altitude of 1500 to 3950 meters, and the water flow is relatively rapid. Morphologically, the mountain stream salamander resembles a lizard rather than a lizard, a fish rather than a fish, with a body length of 10 cm to 30 cm and a weight of 50 g to 250 g, mainly relying on the lungs and moist skin to exchange air for breathing. The salamander feeds on water lice and larvae of the order Pterophora and Diptera in the stream, as well as shrimp. It is found in Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou, China.

Sichuan Hongya photographed the "White Dragon" for the first time: a lizard-like fish instead of a fish, but a mountain stream salamander that was contemporary with dinosaurs

↑ The waters where "mountain stream salamanders" live

Not only the mountain salamander, the Red Star News reporter learned that this year, Hongya County, Sichuan Province, also used infrared cameras to shoot the national second-level key protected animal "iguana", as well as the activity video of various rare wild animals such as hairy-crowned deer, red pandas, and red-billed ya finches.

The forest coverage rate of Wawushan National Forest Park is as high as more than 98%, and the ecological environment is good, which is suitable for wild animals to live and breed here. With the continuous protection of the ecological environment in Hongya County in recent years, all kinds of rare and protected animals have increased significantly, and in the past decade, relevant scientific research reports show that wild animals have developed from 425 species to 475 species now.

Deng Ning Red Star News reporter Jiang Lin according to the interviewee

Edited by Yu Manga

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Sichuan Hongya photographed the "White Dragon" for the first time: a lizard-like fish instead of a fish, but a mountain stream salamander that was contemporary with dinosaurs

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