
In 1974, Hua Guofeng attended the parent-teacher conference in civilian clothes, and his words on the spot attracted continuous applause from the audience

author:Ah Qi said history

On March 21, 1974, the high school graduation party of Hua Guofeng's youngest daughter Su Li was held as scheduled at Beijing 166 Middle School High School.

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, Hua Guofeng, who was then a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, appeared in the classroom as scheduled, and although the parents next to him thought that he was familiar with this plainly dressed man, they did not feel anything special. But then, when it was the turn of the parents to speak, Hua Guofeng's words as a parent attracted continuous applause from the audience and admiration. So what exactly did Hua Guofeng say? Why do people react in this way?

In 1974, Hua Guofeng attended the parent-teacher conference in civilian clothes, and his words on the spot attracted continuous applause from the audience

On the evening of March 21, at this time when Beijing was preparing to go to the parent-teacher conference, Hua Guofeng, who got up to go to the parent-teacher conference, refused the driver's kindness to drive him on the grounds of family affairs, and then stepped on the snow on the road in a half-new and half-old military coat and walked toward the school.

At this time, it is the graduation season of the children, and the school calls parents to come precisely to talk about the knowledge of young people going to the mountains and going to the countryside. Along the way, many parents are in a hurry, if they have a heart.

Walking through the sidewalk and through the teaching building, Hua Guofeng found a desk in the back row of the classroom and sat down. Soon a Li Demao dressed in workers' clothing sat next to him, and as soon as he sat down, Hua Guofeng began to talk to him cordially.

In 1974, Hua Guofeng attended the parent-teacher conference in civilian clothes, and his words on the spot attracted continuous applause from the audience

Hua Guofeng smiled and asked, "Comrade, did you come to the parent-teacher conference just after work, and what kind of work did you do?" ”

Seeing that Hua Guofeng was somewhat familiar and very amiable, Li Demao was not afraid to say that he was working in the factory. Next, the topic of the two people revolved around Li Demao's work in the factory, how the production in the factory was, and how the family lived.

For a time, although the parents present did not know each other, they were also attracted by Hua Guofeng's kindness. Among them, some parents felt very familiar with Hua Guofeng's loyal face, and couldn't help but ask, "Comrade, dare to ask your surname?" ”

Hua Guofeng replied, "My surname is Hua, the Hua of China." ”

However, some parents did not really listen because they were far away, and asked again, Hua Guofeng was not annoyed, laughing and writing his name on the desk with his fingers.

For this strange and rare surname, the people present felt more familiar, but for a moment they did not think who it was, and then said, "Comrade, where have we met?" ”

Just in time, the class teacher walked in and saw the parents gathered together, and the class teacher apologetically said that he had come a little late, and then the parents' meeting officially began.

In 1974, Hua Guofeng attended the parent-teacher conference in civilian clothes, and his words on the spot attracted continuous applause from the audience

At the meeting, the teacher briefly explained some matters, and when talking about the matter of the intellectual youth going to the mountains and going to the countryside, she said that the school would let the graduates go to Pinggu County to join the team, and also explained some arrangements for the intellectual youth after going to the countryside.

During the banquet, everyone was quiet, some people thought about the content of the teacher's speech, but some parents believed that Pinggu County was half a mountainous area, the living conditions were backward, the materials were not as good as the city in all aspects, the location was too remote, the conditions were difficult, the children did not know when they could come back, if they could still hope to keep them by their side.

Subsequently, after conveying everything, the hands of the clock also quietly arrived at 7 o'clock. The teacher invited all parents to the stage for a meeting, and Li Demao, who sat next to Hua Guofeng, was the first to speak on the stage, while other parents also came to the stage one after another.

Soon it was Hua Guofeng's turn, who said: "It is Chairman Mao's great instruction that intellectual youth go to the mountains and go to the countryside, and this decision is a good thing for the country and the people, and I resolutely support my little daughter to go to the mountains and go to the countryside." ”

In 1974, Hua Guofeng attended the parent-teacher conference in civilian clothes, and his words on the spot attracted continuous applause from the audience

At this time, the teacher in the audience, after hearing Hua Guofeng's words, hurriedly said, "You only have a little daughter around now, according to the policy regulations, she can stay by your side and accompany you." ”

The teacher's words made some parents envious, but Hua Guofeng did not accept the teacher's kindness, he said: "Although Xiaoli is my youngest daughter, her brothers and sisters have all gone up the mountain to join the queue, leaving her alone, but today's rural areas need more knowledgeable young people to go to construction, in this environment, intellectual youth can get better exercise, we as revolutionary parents must listen to Chairman Mao's words!" ”

Hua Guofeng's words made everyone present feel as if they had received a profound lesson, and applause instantly rang out in the classroom.

In 1974, Hua Guofeng attended the parent-teacher conference in civilian clothes, and his words on the spot attracted continuous applause from the audience

The parents' meeting was about to end, a military vehicle drove to the front of the school, and the sudden appearance of several comrades dressed in military green uniforms instantly caused a sensation among the parents and students who did not leave the school. At this time, the parents in the classroom learned that the person who had just dressed in a simple dress and said such a thing was Comrade Hua Guofeng.

However, this simple style of Hua Guofeng and his single-minded action for the country and the people are his consistent style. After the founding of New China, Hua Guofeng was also transferred by the state and came to Xiangyin, Hunan Province, as the secretary of the county party committee.

At this time, Hunan was still surrounded by a large number of Kuomintang agents and armed bandits, and the people were not happy.

What makes Hua Guofeng feel even more embarrassed is that as a native of the north, when he first arrived in Hunan, the discomfort of water and soil tormented him, and the dialect of the place he could not understand made it impossible for many comrades to carry out their work. Under the heavy difficulties, a large number of comrades in the south were discouraged and retreated.

In 1974, Hua Guofeng attended the parent-teacher conference in civilian clothes, and his words on the spot attracted continuous applause from the audience

The perceptive Hua Guofeng was aware of this situation, and in order to encourage everyone, he led everyone to study Chairman Mao's "Carry the Revolution to the End" published by Chairman Mao. Among them, he actively organized the local masses to form a militia to crack down on those spies who had been trying to sabotage the peace.

Because of the vast terrain at that time, the residents of various counties were very scattered, and in order to understand the situation, Hua Guofeng often stepped on a pair of straw shoes and carried a horse lantern to the underground grassroots level rain or shine. Everywhere he went, he made special trips to the poorest and most difficult homes in the village to help them carry water and cultivate the land and understand their difficulties. Finally, with the efforts of Hua Guofeng, the Xiangyin area was able to open up the situation and truly achieve liberation.

Soon after, Hua Guofeng was transferred to Xiangtan County as the secretary of the county party committee, a mountainous county with few roads, and it was very inconvenient for the villagers to travel. So although this small place has a large number of celebrities, there are still many problems.

Among them, the most serious is Chairman Mao's hometown of Shaoshan Chong, located in the deep mountains, Shaoshan Chong is a famous poor village, at that time there was a folk song singing that "the sheep intestine trail is unoccupied, there are women who marry Shao Shan Chong." ”

In 1974, Hua Guofeng attended the parent-teacher conference in civilian clothes, and his words on the spot attracted continuous applause from the audience

In order to understand the situation in Shaoshanchong, Hua Guofeng and several cadres carried small bags and walked dozens of kilometers in a row to Shaoshanchong to understand the local situation in Shaoshanchong. Subsequently, according to the actual situation in the local area, he used practical examples to persuade the local people that only by organizing themselves could they get rid of poverty, and then led the agricultural cooperative movement in the xiangtan area, which brought new vitality to the development of Xiangtan.

Among them, schistosomiasis is rampant in Hunan, and tens of thousands of patients have appeared in a small county town alone. After learning about the local situation, Hua Guofeng was very distressed and said full of self-blame, "This is a mistake in our work!" ”

Since then, Hua Guofeng, together with the staff, has risked being infected, visiting villages and households to truly understand the local epidemic situation, not only that, he will hold two meetings every day to understand the current problems faced by the masses and their needs. After a busy day, the first thing he did was not sleep, but to organize his notes for the day.

Then, after returning to Changsha, he formulated a series of plans for schistosomiasis infection areas, established and improved medical institutions, and eliminated the source of schistosomiasis infection by filling infected areas such as rivers and ditches and ponds into landfills.

Through the joint efforts of various parties, the source of schistosomiasis infection in Hunan has been effectively controlled, and fewer and fewer patients infected with schistosomiasis have been reduced.

In 1974, Hua Guofeng attended the parent-teacher conference in civilian clothes, and his words on the spot attracted continuous applause from the audience

Because Hua Guofeng is very down-to-earth and hardworking, many villagers are full of praise for this big county party secretary from the north. This also allowed Chairman Mao, who had returned to his hometown to visit his relatives, to know the name of his parents' official for the first time, so the chairman decided to investigate him in person.

At this time, the 34-year-old Hua Guofeng, dressed in a semi-old Zhongshan suit, wore cloth shoes, and his simple appearance was greatly appreciated by Chairman Mao. When he reported, the chairman was even more satisfied with his answers, not blowing or blowing, and began to pay attention to this simple and down-to-earth young man.

In 1974, Hua Guofeng attended the parent-teacher conference in civilian clothes, and his words on the spot attracted continuous applause from the audience

However, the chairman's affirmation did not make Hua Guofeng flutter, but he demanded himself more strictly. As a southern Hunan, the unique location has brought abundant water resources to this land, but this land has also experienced serious floods and droughts. For serious water problems such as low and unstable water flow in Hunan, Hua Guofeng looked anxious in his eyes.

But it is not an easy task to repair water conservancy. Especially in the early days, there was already a dismounting incident in Hunan's water conservancy, so it is necessary to pay more efforts to do a good job. To this end, after nearly a year of field investigation and planning, after handing over the specific plan to the central authorities, they introduced water into Shaoshan, and then improved the agricultural water conservancy projects in Xiangtan, Xiangxiang and other places, and Hua Guofeng became the commander and political commissar of the Shaoshan Irrigation Project.

In the nearly ten months of construction period, Hua Guofeng did not dare to have any slack, at the beginning of the project, he repeatedly walked through the various construction sites, and in order to better solve the construction problem, Hua Guofeng often communicated with the local masses, engineering and technical personnel and the heads of relevant units, so far under the command of Hua Guofeng, the water conservancy project was able to advance smoothly according to the plan.

Among them, when the construction team encountered serious difficulties in building the tunnel to the soap forest, the inclined well collapsed in a large area, the ground sank tens of centimeters, and cracks appeared in the depths of some hillsides. In this case, some staff members suggested a diversion, but if this were the case, it was likely to be in vain for the efforts made earlier.

In 1974, Hua Guofeng attended the parent-teacher conference in civilian clothes, and his words on the spot attracted continuous applause from the audience

After Hua Guofeng learned of this matter, he immediately rushed to the scene and insisted on going to the scene of the landslide despite the obstruction of others. Subsequently, he took a huge risk to enter the cave to check the situation, at this time everyone was overwhelmed and waiting for an idea, Hua Guofeng was about to gather everyone together, held a symposium, under the encouragement of Hua Guofeng, everyone actively contributed words and suggestions, after several discussions, finally came up with a plan that can work without changing the route.

In June 1966, with the use of the Shaoshan Irrigation Project, more than 1 million mu of farmland was watered, hundreds of thousands of people were benefited, and the originally worrying flood and drought problem was solved.

Under the leadership of Hua Guofeng, the life of the people of Hunan is getting better and better, and Chairman Mao also said in 1970 when he met his old friend Snow that the construction of Hunan is inseparable from the construction of several people, and Hua Guofeng is the first.

Soon after, Hua Guofeng was transferred to the central government, but despite this, he always maintained a simple style, in which he wholeheartedly assisted Premier Zhou to make important contributions to the national economy and price stability.

In 1974, Hua Guofeng attended the parent-teacher conference in civilian clothes, and his words on the spot attracted continuous applause from the audience

In 1976, after the death of Chairman Mao, Hua Guofeng became the new president of the country, at this time the turmoil in New China was undecided, Hua Guofeng and other central leaders, at a critical juncture in history, with the will of the people and the party as the direction, so that New China could open a new chapter.

In 1981, Hua Guofeng resigned as chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and began to have his own old age. But despite this, he has always maintained a rustic personality, and the furniture in his home is often broken and broken, and it is really impossible to repair it before it can be changed.

In order not to trouble the staff, after the clothes are dirty, Hua Guofeng will hide the clothes everywhere in order to avoid the dirty clothes being washed off by the staff, and then secretly give them to his wife. Because I don't want to cause a sensation and disturb people's lives, I rarely go out.

In 1974, Hua Guofeng attended the parent-teacher conference in civilian clothes, and his words on the spot attracted continuous applause from the audience

On August 20, 2008, Hua Guofeng, who had worked for China for most of his life, died of illness at the age of 87.

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