
Qian Xuesen was the deputy director of the Seventh Machine Department, who was his immediate boss? Dare to slap the table and angrily rebuke Qiu will do

author:Wenshi Teahouse 2018

The Seventh Machinery Department, full name is the Seventh Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China. This ministry is very good, it is responsible for the study of the aerospace industry, that is, missiles and nuclear weapons, etc., so it is also called the Ministry of Missile Industry, which can be described as a heavy weapon of the country. Professional departments should use professional talents.

In 1965, the great scientist Qian Xuesen served as the deputy director of the Seventh Aircraft Department and led a team of scientists to engage in missile research and development. Qian Xuesen was born in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and was a descendant of King Qian of Wuyue during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.

Qian Xuesen is a first-class student of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the California Institute of Technology in the United States, an internationally renowned aerodynamicist, the leader and pioneer of China's two bombs and one star cause. In 1955, Premier Zhou exchanged American prisoners of war on the Korean battlefield for Qian Xuesen's return to China.

Qian Xuesen was the deputy director of the Seventh Machine Department, who was his immediate boss? Dare to slap the table and angrily rebuke Qiu will do

While engaging in missile research, Qian Xuesen also has positions in government departments, such as vice president of the Fifth Academy of Sciences and vice minister of the Seventh Machine Department. The Seven Machines Department is a key department of the state, and the deputy minister is a professional talent. Who is Qian Xuesen's boss?

They were all founding generals. Such a critical department must have the general in command. For example, Lieutenant General Wang Bingzhang, such as Lieutenant General Yan Yu, and Lieutenant General Zhang Yixiang. Today I want to introduce Lieutenant General Zhang Yixiang, who when he was in charge of the Seven Aircraft Department, he was no longer called the minister, but the director of the Military Control Commission, and the Seventh Aircraft Department implemented military control in 1967.

Zhang Yixiang was a native of Liuyang, Hunan Province, a general from Peng Dehuai's Red Third Army, who served as Ye Fei's deputy and chief of staff in the East China Battlefield during the Liberation War, led the 20th Army to participate in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and was a founding lieutenant general who fought on the battlefield.

In 1968, Premier Zhou personally assigned Zhang Yixiang to take charge of the Seven Aircraft Department and was fully responsible for the work of the Seven Aircraft Department. Why choose Zhang Yixiang? As a founding general who made meritorious contributions to killing the enemy on the battlefield, Zhang Yixiang had the ability to deal with practical problems flexibly.

When he was deputy director of the Military Training Department of the General Staff Department, Zhang Yixiang's work was carried out with great results. Once, when the ministry was preparing to use several cadres, someone kindly reminded Zhang Yixiang that someone had a problem and had taken the lead in criticizing you very strongly.

Qian Xuesen was the deputy director of the Seventh Machine Department, who was his immediate boss? Dare to slap the table and angrily rebuke Qiu will do

(Lieutenant General Zhang Yixiang)

Zhang Yixiang said, I understand this person, the essence is not bad, the work ability is very strong, do something wrong, can be understood. This was the big mind, which had a great impact at the time. There is also a problem of confrontation between the two factions in the Seven Aircraft Department, and Premier Zhou believes that Zhang Yixiang can properly handle this issue.

He instructed Zhang Yixiang that when you go to work in the Seventh Aircraft Department, you must do a good job in the work of the masses of the two factions, eliminate factionalism, and resume scientific research work as soon as possible.

Keeping in mind Premier Zhou's entrustment, Zhang Yixiang treated the masses of the two factions equally after taking office, treated them fairly, never favored either side, resolutely stopped sabotage, and achieved a bowl of water. Zhang Yixiang's fruitful work caused dissatisfaction among the four King Kongs.

At a meeting, Qiu Huizuo slapped the table and accused Zhang Yixiang of not supporting the rebels, Zhang Yixiang couldn't bear it, slapped the table, angrily rebuked Qiu Huizuo and said, you know a fart, you go and try it, I don't care which faction they are, the two factions are the masses. Whoever grasps the revolution and promotes production, I will support him.

A solemn remark of righteousness made Qiu Hui dumbfounded. Wu Faxian saw the situation and immediately came out and said to the thin mud, Lao Zhang, there is something to say well, everyone calm down. Zhang Yixiang resolutely carried out Premier Zhou's instructions and developed the work of the Seven Aircraft Department in a good direction.

Qian Xuesen was the deputy director of the Seventh Machine Department, who was his immediate boss? Dare to slap the table and angrily rebuke Qiu will do

(Li Zuopeng, Wu Faxian, Huang Yongsheng and Qiu Huizuo)

Qian Xuesen said: Comrade Zhang Yixiang does not have much culture, but his work is very courageous. Once, at the end of the Central Work Conference, Premier Zhou specially stopped Zhang Yixiang and said, Comrade Zhang Yixiang, the situation of the Seventh Aircraft Department, Comrade Qian Xuesen reported to me, he reflected that you handled the problem fairly, decently, and work with courage and level. That's fine.

Premier Zhou made a list of scientists who need key protection, such as Qian Xuesen, Zhu Guangya, Tu Shouyi, etc., all of whom are national treasures. Premier Zhou told Zhang Yixiang that everyone on the list, you must guarantee that if something goes wrong, I will look for you.

In this sense, Zhang Yixiang has also made great contributions to the success of China's nuclear cause and missile launches. Zhang Yixiang later recalled that the more than two years of working in the Seventh Aircraft Department was the most bitter, tiring, and most laborious moment of his life, and he was more tired than fighting Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang in the East China Battlefield and the Yankees in the Korean Battlefield.

In 1968, Chairman Mao personally approved Zhang Yixiang to serve as the commander of the Railway Corps, while continuing to be responsible for the work of the Seven Aircraft Department. The following year, after Premier Zhou personally nominated and Chairman Mao approved, Zhang Yixiang was reappointed commander of the Second Artillery Corps and continued to be in charge of the work of the Seventh Aircraft Department.

Holding several positions, the responsibility is great. Once, Zhang Yixiang did not close his eyes for 4 consecutive days and nights, passed out on the ground, and Premier Zhou quickly sent a helicopter to take him back to rescue him before he got out of danger. In 1990, Zhang Yixiang died of illness at the age of 76.

Salute to the founding general who has bowed to death and died!

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