
Hitler forced women to have children for the Nazis in order to create supermen! Children are sent to concentration camps if they fail

author:Flo got it

After World War II, nazi officers who occupied Norway left the land, and the Norwegian people retook their homeland. But like the Afghan translators, all the former Nazi lackeys were liquidated by the people. But it included a group of women and children under the age of five.

Hitler forced women to have children for the Nazis in order to create supermen! Children are sent to concentration camps if they fail

My child , The Fountain of Life Game

These women and children live daily in spit and bullying, beating, abusing, shaving their hair and parade through the streets. Almost the entire country has a deep hatred for them. Because these women had been the lovers of Nazi officers, and these children were shedding Nazi blood, they were the children of German Nazi and Norwegian women.

Nazi Germany was well known to believe that the Germanic peoples were descendants of the Aryan race and that the Aryans were the best race in the world. In order to purify the country's race, the Nazis launched a program called the "Fountain of Life" to encourage Aryan girls in Germany to breed with Nazi officers and give birth to more Aryan babies.

Hitler forced women to have children for the Nazis in order to create supermen! Children are sent to concentration camps if they fail

Women involved in the Fountain of Life project

These babies are not only the future of Germany, but also the preparation of the Nazis for the conquest of the whole world! Soon, germany was not satisfied with producing Aryan descendants in its own country, and expanded their plan of the fountain of life to the European countries they invaded, and Norway was one of the countries targeted.

Hitler forced women to have children for the Nazis in order to create supermen! Children are sent to concentration camps if they fail

Nazi officer

Because norwegians have a higher proportion of blonde hair and blue eyes, they are also considered to be one of the aryan races. After the German occupation of Norway, a large number of blonde Norwegian women were forced into fertility machines by Nazi officers. In just five years, more than 10,000 Nazi babies were born.

Hitler forced women to have children for the Nazis in order to create supermen! Children are sent to concentration camps if they fail

Women of the Fountain of Life

After the war, the defeated Germans withdrew from Norway, but were unable to take all the children with them. And these poor orphans of war have become the object of the Norwegian people's anger. They did not dare to fight the powerful Nazis to the death, but they were fierce against these children under the age of five. Bullying and verbal abuse became a daily routine for these children.

Hitler forced women to have children for the Nazis in order to create supermen! Children are sent to concentration camps if they fail

The victim shows childhood photos

In 2005, these mixed-race children spontaneously organized a party. At this time, they are white-haired old people, but they still can't help but cry when talking about the experiences of those years. The pain of childhood makes it difficult for them to let go for the rest of their lives.

Some of them were sent to insane asylums, where they were washed with disinfectant water every day until they peeled their skin.

Some were returned to their birth mothers and grew up under the abuse of their birth mothers and stepfathers.

Even if there is a well-meaning family to adopt, this group of "Nazi babies" will feel the most real malice in the school, and most of the teachers will open one eye and close one eye against their school bullying.

These innocent half-race children have no right to choose their own birth, but they have to live a life of shame because of the sins of the Nazis.

Hitler forced women to have children for the Nazis in order to create supermen! Children are sent to concentration camps if they fail

The Nazis were checking the child's head circumference

The most painful thing is that the children who can survive are already some degree of survivors. Because, before them, many of the Nazi-made mixed-race children were euthanized or sent to concentration camps simply because their skin color and hair color did not meet the standards of the Aryan race. For the Nazis. Their lives are so cheap, like the commodities of the assembly line. It is produced because it is needed, and because it does not meet a certain standard, it can be destroyed at will.

Hitler forced women to have children for the Nazis in order to create supermen! Children are sent to concentration camps if they fail

Nazi doctors compare the color of a child's pupils

In addition to the Nazi mixed-race children, the Norwegian women who gave birth to children with the Nazis were also subjected to crazy retaliation from their own people. They were shaved, stripped of all their clothes, escorted by a group of people, paraded naked in the streets. Norway, which was beaten down by the Nazis in just 62 days, has an unimaginable talent for revenge. It corresponds to Mr. Lu Xun's sentence: "The brave are angry and draw their blades to the stronger; the cowardly are angry, but they draw their blades to the weaker." ”

Hitler forced women to have children for the Nazis in order to create supermen! Children are sent to concentration camps if they fail

Victimized women whose heads have been shaved

It wasn't until 2018 that the Norwegian government formally apologized to the Nazis and Norwegian women. After many years, these innocent people implicated in the war seem to have waited for justice.

Hitler forced women to have children for the Nazis in order to create supermen! Children are sent to concentration camps if they fail

The Prime Minister of Norway apologized

But their lives never had a chance to start again. A group of "heroes" who committed atrocities in the name of revenge have long since passed away. There are not even a few victims of history left. Looking back at history, we still have to use Mr. Lu Xun's sharp words to evaluate them: "In the incorrigible nation, there must be many heroes who stare at the children. These skubbles! ”

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