
The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

BB Ji | wen

There is a hot topic on Zhihu, saying "At what moment do you suddenly feel old". The following answers are varied, and people can see emo, so I have to turn out Wong Kar-wai's "In the Mood for Love" ten times in the dead of night to relieve my sorrow.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

Of course the above is a joke, but in fact, it is like this. A few days ago, Station B held a 15th anniversary celebration, but when my uncle came to the stage to give a speech, he announced a data that made countless old two-dimensional people instantly unable to hold back.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

——The veteran who entered station B in 09 is either an anime or a game nerd; On the contrary, the real young people who have been in the station for 22 years have seen all the university courses. It turned out that when the old two-dimensional people were drinking soda and playing games, before they knew it, they were also reduced to the tears of the times.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

Rie Nailiya, who is a roadless race in Yaga Hentai, is actually 45 years old, and the KFC grandfather and Ronald McDonald, who once secretly competed, have disappeared, and in a few years, I am afraid that even "The Lonely Brave" will become a musical time machine for young and middle-aged men.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

In the field of gaming, the effect of the tears of the times is equally obvious. In the past few years, it was finally easy for the second game to rise, and now big DAU games such as "Egg Boy Party" are obviously more popular with young people. As for the martial arts Xianxia-themed games, they are even more half-cut into the ground, and there are almost no related new games on the TAP new product list and reservation list.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

So much so that some friends in the game industry complained, saying that making martial arts games this year can be compared with investing in BP machines and going bankrupt into the metaverse 20 years ago, and said that the three major business ghosts operated.

So in 2024, if I told you that there is a martial arts game that can achieve more than 100 million players and more than 100 billion views on Douyin, which is equivalent to more than 70 times per capita for the people of the country and 12.5 times per capita on the whole planet, would you believe it? You must not believe it, because this is no less difficult than replacing tea eggs with atomic bombs for breakfast, convincing Hidetaka Miyazaki to develop a sequel to "Animal Crossing", and persuading the Xinlan Party and the Kewai Party in "Conan" to stop fighting, and suggesting that they should be directly named "The Miracle of XXXX".

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

However, it's not like I'm, miracles and magic are real.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

Just yesterday, the mobile game "Against the Cold" ushered in its first birthday, directly beating many variety shows and star artists, and occupying the first place in the popularity of Weibo super talk.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

The success of this game can already be described as great without much words. Running water or anything else, I think its biggest contribution should be to make the martial arts MMO, which was completely abandoned by the times, be liked by young people again, which is equivalent to changing the 3-square-meter coffin room into a big house.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

In terms of technology, the mobile game "Against the Cold" is also constantly making proud breakthroughs. Apple CEO Tim Cook went to Beijing to participate in the event in March and couldn't help but experience "Against the Cold". The Financial Times even published an op-ed praising the game's innovative attempts in the field of AI.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

However, the biggest killer of the mobile game "Against the Cold" is actually its player reputation. At the end of last year, in TapTap's Game of the Year Awards, the mobile game "Against the Cold" became the most popular game among players with a cliff-like advantage.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

TapTap players who can make the two-dimensional concentration quite high also like the "simple and old" martial arts theme, in the final analysis, it is inseparable from the fun of the game itself. BB Ji has given everyone Amway the core gameplay of the "national style punk" version of the new race year before, which is so cool that it looks like chewing Xuanmai and singing "Zood" (join the previous hyperlink). But in fact, the new version of the mobile game "Against the Cold" can play far more than that.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

The important reason why "Against the Cold" is called "Second Life" by many players is that in addition to swords and swords, there is also a lively and prosperous market life. Players fly from land to the sky and down into the ocean, and countless lives are waiting to be experienced, and people in the square are always discussing different topics. Such a lively and noisy hustle and bustle, even if it is just passing by, can provide emotional value for many social fear players.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

As a result, in the new competition year, "Against the Cold" has greatly broadened the business skills of players and taken another step towards "Cyber Immortal". Arranged marriages are already a cliché, and now "Against the Cold" still wants to take you back to your childhood. Take a high-quality bone shrinking pill, and immediately become extremely small, the sky is high and the sea is wide for you to swim, and there is a sense of déjà vu that you have traveled to the giant country in "Gulliver's Travels".

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

You can also take a high-quality body enhancement pill to experience the fun of being a giant, just remember to protect the back of your neck.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

If anyone dares to say that they know what a "costume amusement park" is better than "Against the Cold", it can only be my "Against the Cold" that surpasses me. Here are the best bumper cars for couples to break up and friends break up, and I recommend that you wear a helmet before getting in the car.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

Of course, in the era of national style punk, the development of science and technology is the last word. In these years, who still takes the "No. 11 bus", aircraft, motorcycles, and forts...... The existence can make you incarnate as the Iron Man of the Great Song Dynasty and completely build your own paradise.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

In fact, combined with the content introduced by BB Ji before, it is not difficult to see one point: the concept that "Against the Cold" wants to convey in the new year, or the atmosphere of the game, is to hope that everyone will have fun and play, and there will be no pressure in the game. Countless players have been infected by this atmosphere, slowly opened their hearts, and really liked this piece of rivers and lakes.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

This is exactly what the mobile game wants to achieve when it cramps a lot of PVX content into the game. And the gameplay editor [Workshop 1.0] launched in the new race year has infinitely amplified this fun.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

All Steam players should be familiar with the word Workshop. I like the ability to shape and build the world exactly as the player wants, so that the open world is more than just an empty shelf. What's more, with the mental state of the production team and players of "Against the Cold", you are really not curious, how many things can they make up against the sky?

For example, build an autumn mountain track, and come to the speed of life and death with three or two friends.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

Or have a hearty version of "Boys and Girls Rush Forward", dedicating the experience of the recent explosion of "Chained Together" on Steam to all players equally.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

The Workshop has a storytelling mode, and you can even use "Against the Cold" to make movies, from the characters, dialogue lines, and storyboards, you can design everything yourself.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

So in fact, as long as you combine a variety of functions and components, you can make a "new game" with scene maps, gameplay content, plot branches, NPC settings and other elements in "Against the Cold", and the themes are not limited to racing, sports, script killing, escape rooms, maze puzzles......

I have to suspect that when the "10-year long-term operation plan" was set by the mobile game "Against the Cold", players were already regarded as the operators of the game and their own people.

This kind of operation idea of not treating players as outsiders is more reflected in the distribution of real benefits. Since the mobile game "Against the Cold" implements the route of not selling values, in fact, the kryptonite points of the game are mainly in the appearance. But even then, they worry about your wallet, and every short while, they launch extremely cheap $6 fashion and get a beautiful dyeing scheme with one click.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

Not to mention, these operators always like to "find all kinds of excuses" to send fashions, props, and vouchers to players. Almost every three days, one small delivery, five days a large delivery, so that players can talk about the treatment of the second master when he was in Cao Ying. According to external statistics, the total turnover of the mobile game "Against the Cold" in the past year has been as much as 200-30 billion, and since the game was launched, it has really given players at least 10 billion props that can be sold, which can be called a real subsidy of 10 billion.

At the beginning of the new competition year, "Against the Cold" put down its arrogance and wanted to pierce the welfare ceiling. What 288 yuan of self-selected fashion, there is no threshold, and it will be given free on the day of the anniversary celebration;

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

The linkage skin with the childhood classic "Journey to the West" animation is also said to be sent, no joke at all;

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin
The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

As for the various accessories, mounts, moves, vouchers...... It's even more "I'll give you free", it's too much to count.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

Many players who have entered the mobile game "Against the Cold" are moved by its excellent graphics and overwhelming publicity. But many people were not originally the audience of martial arts MMOs, and they have been able to survive until now, in addition to the interesting gameplay, but also because "Against the Cold" "is a game that can be played all the time and prostituted all the time".

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

In the words of players, you will find that the most awesome thing about the mobile game "Against the Cold" is that it is honest enough. Every game will brag before the start of the server, even if it is a stand-alone game, players are basically not surprised, anyway, after you go online, see if I hit you in the face or not.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

Only "Against the Cold", which has thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually realized all the cakes one by one, and it took a whole year to prove that they did not lie. This kind of sincerity may be the nirvana they can make the theme of martial arts MMO, which is about to enter the ground, a big hit and retain hundreds of millions of active players.

"Against the Cold", which is good at "bragging", has not stopped their ambitions. For example, they claim that the current creative workshop is only version 1.0, and will be gradually improved in the new competition year, adding black technology that breaks through the "imagination limit" and new AI functions, and even intends to use the creative workshop as a key springboard for "Against the Cold" to enter the metaverse game - dare to brag like this, the game industry can't find a second one.

The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

But we are still full of expectations and confidence in "Against the Cold" - after all, what they have said and promises they have made so far has never been disappointed.


The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin
The outdated game theme that was tragically "abandoned by young people" has now been changed into a super hit with 100 billion broadcasts on Douyin

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