
Xiao Qiang really didn't know how old she was, "Qi Bangs" was too tender to be in violation of harmony, and it was easy not to learn Xiao Qiang's floral skirt with appreciation

author:Strawberry fashion

#What to wear today##Trendy style outfit##时尚 #

In fact, when it comes to floral design, Xiaobian feels that some "fashionable" sisters must know no less than Xiaobian, because floral design is such a simple but contains infinite possibilities of design, in everyone's daily wear will see floral design, but in some fashion week design can also be seen.

Xiao Qiang really didn't know how old she was, "Qi Bangs" was too tender to be in violation of harmony, and it was easy not to learn Xiao Qiang's floral skirt with appreciation

Therefore, the floral design is not only a grounded design, but also a design that will produce texture changes because of a little change, so Xiaobian suggests that when the sisters wear the floral skirt, they must be careful and then make a choice, otherwise even if they are stars, they will also eat the loss of the floral design.

Xiao Qiang really didn't know how old she was, "Qi Bangs" was too tender to be in violation of harmony, and it was easy not to learn Xiao Qiang's floral skirt with appreciation

Just like Xiao Qiang, as the "first beauty of Taiwan" Xiao Qiang was by no means a vain name, Xiao Qiang looked full of collagen when she was young, and her outfit also became a fashion trend at that time.

But even so, Xiao Qiang in the end is also stepping on the minefield of floral design, Xiao Qiang really does not know how old she is, "Qi Bangs" dress tender too violated, easy not to learn, 50+ Xiao Qiang has a little girl's figure, but "Qi Bangs" hairstyle is too contradictory, playing tender too hard.

Xiao Qiang really didn't know how old she was, "Qi Bangs" was too tender to be in violation of harmony, and it was easy not to learn Xiao Qiang's floral skirt with appreciation

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > Xiao Rose's floral skirt</h1>

☆ ★ Wrong collocation: Floral color is too fancy

As we all know, for the design of the floral skirt, it plays a decisive role, that is, the style of the floral flowers, the appropriate floral flowers will add luster to the skirt, and the failed floral style is a complete pit, who steps on who falls into the pit.

Therefore, Xiaobian suggests that when choosing a floral skirt, the sisters should try to choose a floral style with fewer colors, so that it is easier to drive and will not overturn.

In the editor's view, the color of the floral style, as far as possible to control within three, more than three colors will look messy, even if the style is good-looking, it is useless, it will only make people look at the bells and whistles, not to mention what sense of age reduction, it is estimated that it is the kind of figure, temperament, face of the girl who is excellent in appearance, temperament and face can hold the residence.

Xiao Qiang really didn't know how old she was, "Qi Bangs" was too tender to be in violation of harmony, and it was easy not to learn Xiao Qiang's floral skirt with appreciation

☆ ★ Correct matching: black and white floral elegant long skirt

Even if there are only two colors, the floral design can give you a sense of luxury, even the most basic black and white, it is the same.

In the white skirt to add a large area of black floral, in fact, does not make the overall wear feel fancy, but because of the collision between the colors, resulting in a minimalist design sense, and worn on the body is very dignified atmosphere, but also can set off the matcher's own sense of elegance, charm.

The black floral flowers are all concentrated in the position of the skirt, which is also to prevent the feeling of "top-heavy", and the change from shallow to deep is more harmonious.

Therefore, even if there is not so many colors, it can also match a satisfactory design, and relatively speaking, it is also full of advanced fans, and the effect is far stronger than that fancy design.

Xiao Qiang really didn't know how old she was, "Qi Bangs" was too tender to be in violation of harmony, and it was easy not to learn Xiao Qiang's floral skirt with appreciation

☆ ★ Wrong collocation: The area of the flowers is too large

The area of broken flowers is too large and too full, and it is also a place where the sisters are easy to match mistakes, it is easy to choose the design that is full of broken flowers, although it looks very good, but wearing it on the body is an absolute disaster, it feels more like wearing the "flower sheets" of Grandma's house to go shopping.

But perhaps some sisters will question the editor, the floral skirt on their hands also has a design covered with flowers, and wearing it on the body will only be praised by others.

Yes, there is indeed that kind of design, but the kind of beautiful design of the floral skirt, the style of the floral will not be too complicated, and the whole skirt will not produce a messy feeling at all, and in general, the spacing between the complex design of the floral flowers is extremely large, but there is a kind of elegant, atmospheric beauty.

But if it is a complex floral and small spacing, it is really too suffocating design, and Xiaobian can't find any way to remedy it.

Xiao Qiang really didn't know how old she was, "Qi Bangs" was too tender to be in violation of harmony, and it was easy not to learn Xiao Qiang's floral skirt with appreciation

☆ ★ Correct matching: white floral patchwork skirt

The little fairies who have studied art know that the appropriate blank space is actually more advanced, this sentence is effective in art, then it is naturally useful in the costume wearing, giving the floral skirt some appropriate blanks, not only will not let the overall collocation produce a sense of blankness, but it will look more advanced.

The bandeau style floral skirt adds a large area of floral design in the skirt position, but it is well limited to the bottom of the bandeau, and one step has not crossed the minefield, this restrained design will add a sense of high quality to the overall collocation.

Even if the style of the flowers is messy, as long as there is a blank position, it is equivalent to giving the overall wear a breathing time, will not form a suffocating design, and wearing on the body is more literary and artistic, if you wear a concave shape to make a circle of friends, then Xiaobian feels that you must be the most eye-catching one.

Xiao Qiang really didn't know how old she was, "Qi Bangs" was too tender to be in violation of harmony, and it was easy not to learn Xiao Qiang's floral skirt with appreciation

Then about the wrong wearing and correct collocation of floral skirts, due to the limited space, Xiaobian will first talk about here, you quickly review it, see when you match your own floral skirt before, but don't step on a similar minefield.

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