
After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left

author:Iron Horse Glacier Wu

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > order</h1>

There is an old Chinese saying called" called: "Xu Shu enters the Cao camp - without a word." The story behind this post-break is related to the Characters of the Three Kingdoms, saying that after Liu Bei was unable to gain a foothold in the north, he went south to attach himself to Liu Biao of Jingzhou, and was temporarily placed by Liu Biao in Xinye, the northernmost part of Jingzhou, liu biao's intention was to let Liu Bei defend himself against Cao Cao's southern invasion. When Liu Bei temporarily lived in Xinye, he felt that there was a lack of intelligent people under his command, so he went around looking for and recruiting talents to assist him.

Xu Shu (徐庶), courtesy name Yuanzhi, was a native of Yingchuan Changshe (present-day Changge, Xuchang, Henan). When Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion in Longzhong, he traveled with Shi Guangyuan, Xu Yuanzhi, Meng Gongwei and others, had close contacts, and became close friends.

After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left

When Liu Bei was temporarily living in Xinye, in order to expand his power and seek talents, Xu Shu heard the news and came to join in, and was used by Liu Bei as a think tank to break the Cao Army. Later, in order to defeat Liu Bei, Cao Cao took Xu Shu's old mother hostage to coerce Xu Shu into submission. Xu Shushi was close to filial piety, thinking of his mother's heart, and was in chaos, so he left Liu Bei under the forced circumstances and went north to devote himself to Cao Ying, but he never gave Cao Cao a plan.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" > "Xu Shu walked and recommended Zhuge Zhuge as described in the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms"</h1>

There is a very famous story in the historical novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" called "Xu Shu Walking Horse and Recommending Zhuge Ge": It is said that after Xu Shu was used by Liu Bei as a military master, he helped Liu Bei defeat Cao Jun in Xinye, and later Cao Cao learned that the reason why Liu Bei was able to defeat the strong with weakness was mainly because he got a resourceful think tank figure - Xu Shu. To destroy Liu Bei, it was necessary to try to get away Xu Shu, the most critical figure under his command.

After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left

Cao Cao used a trick to trick Xu Shu's old mother into Xu Du, and imitated Xu Shu's handwriting to write a letter to Xu Shu to let him meet xu Du. After receiving the letter, the narrative believed that it was true, and he was worried and planned to leave for Xudu. Although Liu Bei was reluctant to do anything, he could not bear to hinder filial piety, and he was even more angry that Cao Cao took Xu Shu's mother to blackmail Xu Shu, so he reluctantly agreed to Xu Shu's departure from xu capital in the north.

When Xu Shu left, Liu Bei was reluctant and sent ten miles away. Just when Liu Bei was watching Xu Shu go away, he did not want him to turn the horse's head and run back, and recommended his friend Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei. Xu Shu said to Liu Bei that Zhuge Liang was known as the Wolong Dragon, which was enough to assist you in achieving the cause of wang hegemony, so that there was a wonderful chapter of the "Three Gu Maolu" that was later popular among the population.

In order to reassure Liu Bei, Xu Shu also promised Liu Bei that in view of the tense relationship between Cao and Liu's two families, he would not offer a valuable plan to Cao Cao for the rest of his life, and "Xu Shu entered Cao's camp - without a word" came from this.

After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left

Xu Shu rushed to Xu Du in a dusty manner. The old mother was very surprised to see him coming, knowing that Cao Cao had tricked her son into coming. In order to let her son and Cao Cao completely break with him, Xu's mother resolutely committed suicide.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="18" > novels are novels, and many heroic characters and touching storylines are fictionalized by novelists</h1>

Luo Guanzhong used a divine rafter's pen to create many heroic images that can be sung and wept and made people awe-inspiring in a huge work.

For example, Xu Shu. Resourceful, he was an extraordinary figure who could make Cao Cao feel jealous, and in order to break up his cooperative relationship with Liu Bei, Cao Cao even disregarded his reputation and did not hesitate to use dirty and indecent kidnapping methods to blackmail him.

After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left

At the same time, Xu Shu is a great filial piety, for the safety of his old mother, he will not hesitate to give up his ideals and career, and his body flashes a rare brilliance of humanity. Xu Shu also behaved appropriately in dealing with his relationship with Liu Bei, although he was forced to defect to Cao Ying, he scrupulously adhered to the moral bottom line of human beings, vowed never to do anything that harmed the old lord, and in addition, he also vigorously recommended to Liu Bei to replace him, Zhuge Kongming. Xu Shu's work as a man and a righteous person has reached this point, and he can definitely be called benevolent and righteous.

Another example is Liu Bei. Although he was thirsty for talents and concentrated on strengthening his own power to achieve the original intention of reviving the Han Dynasty, when Xu Shu's family encountered major changes, although he was very reluctant to respect Xu Shu's personal choices, he also achieved people-oriented.

There is also Xu Shu's old mother. In order not to drag her son to engage in a just cause, and at the same time to urge her son to abandon the dark and turn to the light, the old lady even sacrificed herself for righteousness.

After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="27" What is the real situation in history >? The real Xu Shu and his old mother in history are quite different from the images in the novel </h1>

Literary and artistic works originate from life, but are higher than life. The novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is based on the history of the Three Kingdoms, but it has made many renderings, exaggerations and even fictions in specific details.

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms does not have a separate biography of Xu Shudan, but he is mentioned in at least two places. The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Shushu, and Zhuge Liang records the process by which Xu Shu first surrendered to Liu Bei and then to Cao Ying:

"Shi Xian Lord (Liu Bei) Tun Xinye. Xu Shu saw the first lord, the first master, said the first lord: "Zhuge KongMing, Wolong Ye, the general would like to see it'? The Lord said: 'Kings come with you'. Shu Yue: 'This man can be seen, not bent, and the general should take care of it in vain'. By the Lord of the First Lord, everywhere three goes, it is seen".

After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left

First of all, after Xu Shu saw Liu Bei, he immediately recommended his friend Zhuge Liang to him. Later, Liu Bei's "Three Gu Maolu" asked Zhuge Liang to come out of the mountain to assist in his legendary story.

According to the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Shu, biography of the Ancestors, Cao Cao defeated Liu Bei during his southern expedition, and personally led 5,000 elites in hot pursuit, and when Yang Changsaka fought, he once again defeated Liu Bei and captured Xu Shu's mother in the rebel army. Xu Shu was distraught, and said to Liu Bei with his fingers: "I originally wanted to share the cause of kingship with you, but now I am separated from my old mother, my side is already in chaos, and I have no heart to continue to follow you to do big things, please allow me to bid farewell to you." Liu Bei listened, and his heart was like turning the river upside down, but it was difficult to say anything. Xu Shu immediately turned away and went to see Cao Cao.

Shi Zai, after Xu Shu entered the Cao camp, he did not say a word, let alone passively slacken off, at least he did everything within his duties, and he did all the work he should do, perhaps because Cao Camp was full of talents, it was not his turn to offer advice, so he "did not set a plan for Cao Cao for life". "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Wei Luo" and other historical records, later Xu Shuguan to the imperial history of Zhongcheng, of course, Xu Mother hanged herself This file is also a fiction of the novelist. Subsequently, there was no more word about Xu Shu in the history books.

After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="41" > Cao Cao, who was brilliant and talented, would really do such a vulgar act as capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? </h1>

So was Xu Shu's abandonment of Liu Tosho cao really because Cao Cao took his mother as a hostage to blackmail him? Because the old mother was trapped in Cao Ying, Xu Shu changed the court and easily gave up his true destiny and life ideals?

Obviously not that simple. First of all, Cao Cao did not capture Xu Shu in order to achieve the purpose of blackmailing Xu Shu, as depicted in the novel. According to the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao's acquisition of Xu Mu was a complete accident, purely an accident in the rebellious army.

Xinye was located in the northernmost part of Jingzhou, there was no danger to defend, with Cao Cao's strength, it was not difficult to eliminate Liu Bei in one fell swoop, there was no need to do anything to arrest Xu Mu, deceive Xu Shu, and completely destroy him by breaking up Liu Bei's shogunate.

Under the crushing pressure of absolute strength, no matter what conspiracy and conspiracy are vulnerable. Therefore, in Cao Cao's eyes, although Xu Shu was a talent, he would not be able to use such a conspiracy to recruit him for his own use.

After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left

Secondly, at that time, the warlords divided the territory and competed for the world, and everyone was sparing no effort to recruit talents, and Cao Cao loved talent even more, and he would never lose his reputation and lose the hearts of the people because he killed the mother of one of Liu Bei's advisers indiscriminately. On the contrary, in the Nagasaka Melee, he accidentally got Xu Shu's old mother, not only would he not use the old woman as bait, but on the contrary, he would treat the old man kindly to gain a good reputation for respecting the virtuous and loving talents.

Cao Cao was murderous, but he respected truly talented people. After he captured Lü Bu and killed Chen Gong, he took Chen Gong to the palace for good life and support, sent her to the end of her pension, and then picked a good family for Chen Gong's daughter, and arranged a bride price to marry her beautifully.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Xu Shu was not forced to switch to Cao Cao because his old mother was held hostage by Cao Cao. If Xu Shu was really forced to come to Cao Ying for the above reasons, did not say a word, did not offer a strategy, and did not work hard to grind foreign workers, how could he be promoted to a high position in the imperial history?

After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="53" The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao Cao > was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? </h1>

According to the circumstances of Xu Shu at that time recorded in the historical records, combined with his actions after he switched to Cao Cao, we can conclude that he entered cao's camp and his old mother was taken captive by Cao Jun, but not absolutely.

The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao Cao was that he didn't want to continue to work with Liu Bei and wanted to change his working environment. To put it bluntly, he left on his own initiative, not passively.

What is the reason that makes Xu Shu have the idea of "job hopping"? The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Wei Luo, and The Spring and Autumn of the Han Dynasty are not recorded, and judging from the employment characteristics of Liu Bei's group, the internal atmosphere, and some things that happened later, it may have something to do with Zhuge Liang.

After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="60" > Liu Bei set up a "dual-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, perhaps this is the reason for Xu Shu's departure </h1>

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms records that it was not Xu Shu who recommended Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei before he wanted to go to Xuchang, but that he immediately introduced and recommended Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei when he first began to serve him.

Shi Zai, when Liu Bei was stationed in Xinye, Xu Shu went to see him, and Liu Bei was very important to him. Xu Shu said to Liu Bei, Zhuge Kongming, Wolong Ye, can help you achieve great things, are you willing to meet him?

Liu Bei went to Longzhong Sangu Maolu to invite Zhuge Liang. Xu Shu and Zhuge Liang worked together under Liu Bei for a while.

Liu Bei is a generation of tyrants, half a life of horses, complex experience, and a deep understanding of power and scheming. He set up a "dual-army division system" in the army, that is, to appoint two senior staff members as left and right military divisions at the same time, in order to achieve the purpose of mutual checks and balances and not to make one person dominant. There's nothing wrong with that.

After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left

The problem is that Zhuge Liang has a strong desire for power, and his purpose is to be under one person and above ten thousand people, and he will never tolerate anyone who can sit on an equal footing with himself. For example, later Zhuge Liang killed Liu Feng and Peng Xi, forced meng Da to rebel, exiled Liao Li, deposed Li Yan, did not reuse Wei Yan, and almost purged the capable people in Liu Bei's clique.

At that time, Xu Shu admired Liu Bei's name of benevolence and righteousness, so he took the initiative to throw himself into his account, and he had no selfish intentions, and incidentally guaranteed his close friend Zhuge Liang to serve Liu Bei together.

Liu had the heart and means of an emperor, and in order to control his staff, he adopted the so-called "dual-army division system". Zhuge Liang came to the top and sat side by side with Xu Shu, who, even though generous, was like a carp in his throat.

After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left

Zhuge Liang is indeed capable, ascending to a high position and looking far ahead, and anticipating enemies like gods, but he has a shortcoming, he likes to monopolize power, and in order to achieve this goal, he cannot help but try his best to perform in front of Liu Bei, elevate himself, and "belittle" Xu Shu, Who is hindered by his feelings, and it is inconvenient to compete with him, and he is discouraged and gradually develops his intentions.

The unexpected incident in which Xu Mu was accidentally captured by Cao Cao provided Xu Shu with the right time. Since there was a good reason, Xu Shu strengthened his determination to go north to XuDu and resolutely resigned from Liu Toucao.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="79" > a mountain is difficult to tolerate two tigers </h1>

"Wei Luo" and "Han Jin Spring and Autumn" have records of Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu feeling sorry for each other and being friendly with each other. Why?

In fact, the reason is not complicated, Zhuge Liang was recommended to Liu Bei by Xu Shu, so people think that the relationship between the two is very iron. When Xu Shu entered the Cao camp, he would certainly not tell the new master about his previous experience, saying that he had been ostracized and pushed out by the old master and colleagues. Saying that will not only make you lose face, but also appear to be very incompetent and incompetent.

After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left

Therefore, Xu Shu can only cover up the facts, knock down his teeth and swallow blood, and bear his own depression, either avoid talking about the contradictory relationship between himself and Zhuge Liang, or insincerely say that the friendship between the two of us can withstand the test of the years, and the relationship is leveraged, and as a result, the goodness of the two people is recorded in the history of Youth and has become a beautiful talk through the ages.

In fact, the real Zhuge Liang in history is not as generous as Xu Shu. A passage recorded in the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms can confirm this statement: When Zhuge Liang first went out of Qishan to northern expedition to Cao Wei, he heard that his old friends Xu Shu and Shi Guangyuan were holding official positions in Wei, and he said a sentence somewhat lightly:

"Wei Shu Duoshi evil! Why don't they see the use of it"?

What does this mean? The gist is", "Why can't such wise men as Xu Shu and Shi Guangyuan be reused?" Mainly the Wei Dynasty is full of talents, and there are as many capable people as cattle hair"!

If the relationship between Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu was really as friendly as described in the history books, then he would certainly not evaluate his friends in such a sarcastic tone, perhaps he would say something like this: "It is not that Xu Shu and Shi Guangyuan do not have talent, but that the Wei Dynasty does not have the wisdom to use them."

After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left
After Xu Shu was tricked into cao's camp, he did not give a plan for Cao Cao for the rest of his life, so why didn't he return to Liu Bei's camp? The novel "Xu Shu Walks horse and recommends Zhuge Zhuge " described in the prologue novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a novel, and many of the heroes who can sing and cry and the touching and profound storyline are the real situation in the history of the novelist's fiction. The historical real Xu Shu and his old mother are quite different from the image in the novel, and the heroic Cao Cao really did the indecent work of capturing Xu Shu as a hostage and forcing Xu Shu to leave Liu Bei? The real reason why Xu Shu threw himself at Cao was because he was ostracized within Liu Bei's group, and he didn't want to do it anymore? Liu Bei set up a "two-army division system" in the army to achieve the purpose of checking and balancing power, and perhaps this is the reason why Xu Shu and Xu Shu left

【Illustrations from the Internet】

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