
Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

author:Red Square
Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

Wen | Dake

Editor| Red Fang

One is the title of "Taiwan's First Beauty", and the other is baiyueguang Lin Shiyin in "Little Li Flying Knife". ------------------

There is no shortage of beautiful women in the entertainment industry, but there are only a few people who use the word "beauty", and Xiao Qiang is one.

This woman who has led the "first beauty of Taiwan" for more than ten years has stirred up countless men in Taiwan "before and after the saddle" by virtue of her beauty alone, and countless women with husbands who are jealous and resentful of insults, but at the age of fifty-three, they have no marriage, no husband and no heirs.

More than a dozen ex-boyfriends, countless admirers who covet beauty, why Xiao Qiang has not once put on a wedding dress.

Xiao Qian's "sobriety" was overshadowed by her beauty and also blinded the world.

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Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

In 1968, Xiao Qiang, whose original name was Xiao Yingying, was born into a wealthy family in New Taipei City, Taiwan.

When she was still in Xiao Mu's belly, the baby girl was destined to be spoiled and doted on for a lifetime. Is it a blessing or a curse? It's unclear.

On the day of her birth, the whole family surrounded this child with clear eyebrows, Xiao Mu secretly decided to dress her up as the most beautiful girl, and the two brothers secretly decided to spoil her for the rest of her life.

According to Xiao Qiang herself, the clothes when she was a child were custom-made for her by her mother, and as long as the two brothers heard her ringing bell, they would run over to her unconditionally to "serve".

It is said that everything should be moderate, and after this amount will often give birth to extreme "products", facing such exquisite care and love of the family.

———— is it happy or worried about Xiao Qiang? She spent the rest of her life handing in answer sheets.

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Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

At the age of twenty-one, Xiao Qiang, who has a good foundation, has come out of the world under the influence of her mother since she was a child.

That year, she also met her first nobleman, that is, Ma Jingtao, the male protagonist of Qiong Yao's royal family who was very popular in Taiwan.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

Xiao Qiang, who works part-time as a graphic model, accidentally met Ma Jingtao on the set, opening the era of her "Xiao Da beauty".

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

Ma Jingtao faced such beauty, but also stingy Xiao Qiang was buried, adult beauty recommended Xiao Qiang to the producer of the TV series "Love Without Complaint", played his first role, and officially stepped into the entertainment circle.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

Only the second year, resources have been sent to the door, and in the same year, he starred in the Republic of China love drama "Double Flying Goose" and the costume mythological drama "Phoenix in Fire".

That year, she was also voted as "Taiwan's first beauty" by the Male People of Taiwan, and began to "unscrupulously" in the entertainment industry with her beauty.

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Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

As her beauty became more widely known, she changed from a role that she replaced herself as a well-deserved heroine.

The actors she cooperated with became Lin Ruiyang, Lin Wei, Ma Jingtao, Jiao Enjun, and Sun Xing, who were popular students in Taiwan at that time.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

Who doesn't want to live as Ouyang Nana, and Xiao Qiang at that time was not the object of everyone's envy. Heaven gave her a stunning beauty, but let people find her.

After all, Xiao Rose is not a gentle and moving hibiscus flower, but a delicate and prickly "rose".

The exquisite care of her original family from childhood has made her form two extremes, one is to maintain her "refinement" all the time, and the other is to require men.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

Her requirements for men are "three talents", namely talent, money and slaves.

As the name suggests, while you have the ability and wealth, you also have to let her recruit and swing, so that such a man is worthy of her.

Even with such harsh requirements, Xiao Qiang's gossip boyfriend has also created the best in the entertainment industry, and both hands cannot be counted, covering celebrities in multiple fields.

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Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

The first is the famous Taiwanese host Zhang Fei, who hosted the variety show "Variety Big Brother" I believe everyone is very familiar.

In 2005, Zhang Fei opened a program on Eastern Sen TV, and the first guest invited for video recording was Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

Xiao Qiang not only improvised poems to celebrate Zhang Fei on the spot, but also specially invited the chef to cook noodles for Zhang Fei to eat, from the beginning with chopsticks and finally directly with her mouth, which was very intimate.

Xiao Qiang's help also made the ratings of this episode soar, and the ambiguity between the two also spread from the show to life.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

Soon, the news of the two living together disappeared, and with the exposure of the media, the two were silent about it, and the unclear relationship disappeared into the suspicion of the masses.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

The other gossip boyfriend was the "first young student in Taiwan" at that time, Zhang Ting's husband - Lin Ruiyang.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

In 1996, the duo officially cooperated in the 68-episode large-scale Taiwanese fashion drama "True Love I Love".

This is also the fourth cooperation between the two, the previous police film "Overlord Flower", the 96 version of "A Curtain dream" and the emotional drama "Tianya Together", both of them are in the same crew, and they are still strong emotional scenes.

The same is true of the family emotional drama "Super Family" that we cooperated with later, either a couple with deep feelings or lovers who cannot be loved.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

Actors who are born of drama abound, and this five-time screen couple is no exception, and they have been filmed together for supper many times outside the scene and returned to their residence together.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

It seems to be a pair of "golden boys and jade girls", but it is actually an extramarital scandal of dog blood, at this time, Lin Ruiyang is already a husband with a wife, and he and his first wife zeng Zhezhen, the "most beautiful girl" of the year, have long been married.

Once exposed, the two sides "repeated the same trick" and implemented the silence to the end, but at that time, the condemnation of Xiao Qiang's interference in other people's marriages was incessant, until later Lin Ruiyang and Zhang Ting cut continuously, and the reason was still chaotic. The noise about Xiao Qiang gradually subsided.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

However, Xiao Qiang began to disappear on the road of love, and then was continuously exposed to a number of short and absurd relationships, of which three were rich businessmen, which made Xiao Qiang's wind evaluation more and more extreme.

Soon after the turmoil with Lin Ruiyang subsided, rumors spread in the blink of an eye about the "electronic tycoon", The famous taiwanese rich businessman Cao Xingcheng.

The age difference between the two was exactly twenty-one years, but for Bo Meiren to laugh, the rumored arrogant Cao Xingcheng gave Xiao Qiang thirty million pocket money per year and a mansion of hundreds of millions of yuan.

In the face of Duojin's gentle and generous Cao Xingcheng, there are few women in real life who can not be unmoved, and Xiao Qiang is no exception.

In the face of the "rumors" from the outside world and the rumors that she was raised by public opinion, Xiao Qiang replied without humility:

"If a man is very nice to you and at the same time very rich, and is willing to spend thousands of dollars for you, why should he refuse?" 」

Xiao Qiang did not rush to fight back against those condemnations of her, she was always a soldier to block, the water came to cover, calmly and calmly responded to all the storms that hit her.

Even if Cao Xingcheng lost interest in her and fell into Su Huilun's arms, Xiao Qiang just continued to move forward without pain.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

After that, Xiao Qiang seemed to be fascinated by the man who was the identity of "rich businessman", and soon after leaving Cao Xingcheng, cao Xingcheng fell in love with "building materials tycoon" Lin Jinlong from electronic tycoon Cao Xingcheng.

And Lin Jinlong invested more money and energy in Xiao Qiang, the annual consumption amount reached 80 million, luxury houses, fragrant cars, luxury goods are responsive, Xiao Qiang's consumption needs have been greater satisfaction in Lin Jinlong.

Lin Jinlong himself is also more considerate, it is rumored that in the mansion purchased for Xiao Qiang, a 30-square-meter dressing room was specially decorated for her, and the unique feature is that a full-screen TV is placed on the roof for Xiao Qian to relieve the boredom when she looks up, which can see Lin Jinlong's delicate thoughts about Xiao Qiang.

Even Xiao Qiang, who indulged in countless indulgences, was almost moved by Lin Jinlong's thoughtfulness, and moved the idea of marrying someone to wear a wedding dress, and she also knew that the rich businessman was affectionate and affectionate, the love between the two had just been exposed, and they seemed to tacitly agree with each other, unanimously denying it to the outside world, and the ending was once again fruitless.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

The ups and downs of the emotional road did not affect Xiao Qian's professionalism, but made him more aware that attaching to anyone was equivalent to self-destruction, and the woman's confidence was given by herself.

In 1999, Xiao Qiang's career ushered in the peak moment, only because of this TV series that gathered actors from both sides of the strait and three places to co-star - "Little Li Flying Knife".

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

The "white moonlight" in the play, the head of the sandalwood fan, held the "death Barbie powder" Lin Shiyin, a smile, a smile like a flower, upside down all sentient beings.

This drama not only pushed her popularity in Taiwan to the peak, but also opened up her market in the mainland.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

At that time, the thirty-one-year-old Xiao Qiang still ushered in the twilight moment of her beauty, and three years later, she was first taken away by the title of "Taiwan's first beauty" by Lin Chiling, who turned out to be out of the blue, and she also began to sigh every year to become old in fear.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

But this has not affected her pursuit of love, her predecessor is still expanding, company executive Lin Kongxiang, rich Xu Jiasen, husband of a wife Li Yaowen, advertising talent Hao Guangcai, including the little brother Qi Qin.

These men, from the business and politics circles to the literary and artistic circles, are either rich or talented, but they all fall under Xiao Qiang's pomegranate skirt.

Some people say that Xiao Qiang must be a bad woman, as can be seen from her countless ex-boyfriends.

It's like good-looking women are always habitually suspected of being surrounded by groups of men and chaotic private lives.

——Restore a beautiful Xiao Rose.

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Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

From the beginning of her debut, almost all people believe that Xiao Qiang ate the benefits of her appearance and became popular in the entertainment industry.

But you don't know that the university she went to was Taiwan's top college - Chinese Culture University, eighteen-year-old work-study, simply a flat model to achieve financial freedom, the first play "Love No Complaints" was scolded by the director to collapse still did not shrink half a step, in order to meet the "A Curtain of Dreams" Wang Luping's character image, a year in advance to learn ballet.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

In the "Overlord Flower" played by the female special police "Hong Meiyun", with Sun Xing, Lin Ruiyang in the play is not the slightest downwind, Xiao Qiang can come over has long proved that there is a kind of person who looks good, and has strength.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

In the show, it was revealed that sometimes the intensity of work reached the point where I slept less than an hour a day.

And her beauty is often hated, at a cocktail party, Xiao Qiang saw a friend drunk and stumbling, in good faith to take a hand, dragged the cheek of her friend, but was framed and beaten, but also by the media, only to learn that they deliberately framed in advance.

Loved by Taiwanese male compatriots, and maliciously smeared by the families of these male compatriots, their targets are all Xiao Qiang, but not those restless husbands.

Count Xiao Qiang's gossip boyfriends, which are not indiscriminate, who is more affectionate than whom, dedicated.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467
Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

In 2011, the forty-three-year-old Xiao Qiang "sold" to Wang Han next to him on the reality show "Every Day Upward", and in the same year, in the competitive program "Dance Forest Conference" due to the difference in a vote, he lost to Xinbo and lay on the ground to "play and roll".

These seem to me not to be tender, but to be a face so strong that there is no need to please anyone, no embellishment, no disguise.

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Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

Off-screen Xiao Qiang, who has been doing charity for as long as her debut, will make a personal annual calendar for sale every year, and all the proceeds will be donated to the foundation.

In 2014, a 6.5 magnitude earthquake occurred in Ludian County, Yunnan Province, and Xiao Qiang donated NT$1 million to pray for the blessing of the disaster area as soon as she learned the news.

In 2010, she cared for the Guangzhou girl "Xiao Liyun", who was "disabled by domestic violence", undertook the cost of the operation and sent gifts to encourage the girl to start her life again.

Throughout Xiao Qian's thirty years of artistic career, she is much stronger than women of the same age.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

Today, the fifty-three-year-old Xiao Qiang has experienced countless loves, but she has not worn a wedding dress for anyone and walked into the palace once.

She said: I am used to freedom, and although I have expectations for marriage, I will not settle down.

She said: "It's better that the person appears, doesn't show up, doesn't have to be anxious, doesn't have to sigh."

She said: Marriage is never the only guarantee of happiness.

She also said: What can really make you calm yourself is always growing and constantly strengthening yourself.

Xiao Meiren's history of debauchery, fifty-three years old alone, but how many people envy the appearance 1234467

Because of beauty, I only see beauty.

Twenty-year-old Xiao Qiang already knows the essence of marriage, marriage romance and a place of chicken feathers are in an instant, the former is Xiao Qiang's yearning, and the latter is Xiao Qiang's absolutely not allowed to happen.

And Xiao Qiang is like a sightseer, not a participant, she uses her strength to still stick to her inner yearning for the beautiful half of marriage.

It's like the three conditions for her to choose a mate at the beginning: talent, money, and slavery. The last point few men can do.

But she also said, "If you take care of you with all your heart, I will always be attached to you."

Bless the "first beauty in Taiwan" at that time, who has a heart to belong to, and wears a wedding dress embroidered with happiness.

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