
Challenges and analysis of the exhibition at the New Technology Times Museum

author:Crick Showcase

Abstract: At present, the museum display is showing the development trend of people-centered, diversified thinking expression, strong social relevance, inspiration and exploratory education. China's museum exhibitions have also begun to enter the stage of transformation and upgrading, but most of them still maintain the "educator" model of "I say you listen", lack interactive communication and technical application, and there is a contradiction and gap between the audience service needs of "I want to know" in the context of the information age. It tries to build a new exhibition system in the new era of new technology from the aspects of exhibition concept, expression method and technical support, aiming to provide a reference for the museum exhibition to upgrade from the presentation level to the inspiration, exploration level and intelligent construction.

Keywords: Museum exhibition new technology to explore the educational interaction system


A new wave of the information technology revolution is disrupting and reshaping the underlying economic model, the way people live, and the way they think. Driven by the development and drive of technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and interactive experience, there has been a new trend of changes in the objects, themes, contents and methods of museum exhibitions. Affected by the development of international museums, China's museums have begun to enter the stage of transformation and upgrading, and it is urgent to explore new exhibition models to solve the contradictions and gaps between the expression of the current mainstream museum exhibitions and the way people receive them in the context of the information age, and then promote the high-quality development of the exhibition level and social services of China's museums.

Challenges and analysis of the exhibition at the New Technology Times Museum

1 New Technology Age Museum displays a trend of exhibitions

At present, the museum displays people-centered, diversified thinking expressions, strong social relevance, inspiration and exploratory education.

From the perspective of subjective consciousness, it shifts from being object-centered to being human-centered. In the past, the museum exhibition was mainly collections, and what "I" had, what was exhibited, supplemented by lighting effects, text descriptions, etc. to enhance the expression of "things", which was a one-way output of education. Nowadays, foreign museums emphasize audience-centered, that is, focusing on what the audience wants to know, which does not mean blindly pandering, but from the perspective of "service providers", by understanding the needs of the audience, to adjust the theme and content of the exhibition. Especially with the help of digital virtual technology, some museums that are not known for their collections are ushering in more room for development.

From the perspective of theme and content, from linear narration to network narrative, thinking becomes diversified. For example, the Natural History Museum in London, in collaboration with the BBC and Warner Bros. Entertainment, held an exhibition on the theme of "Fantastic Beasts: The Mysteries of Nature", which compares the magical animals that exist in the fantasy world in the book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" with the animals in the real natural world, and uses vivid multimedia technology to combine virtual exhibitions with physical exhibitions to explore the connection between the two. It is an interesting way to demonstrate scientific discoveries and advances in knowledge by presenting similarities between magical, mythical, and real-world animals. From the perspective of form and method, from the stereotyped display method and explanation to the story-based substitution and heuristic inquiry, with the help of technology to achieve scene reproduction and scene setting. For example, the Children's Museum of Indianapolis has constructed a scene of three dinosaurs fighting in the exhibition hall. Instead of using words, pictures, or images to describe the characteristics of different types of dinosaurs, we use the question as a guide: "Will Tyrannosaurus rex be the winner in this battle?" "Through questions and assumptions, stimulate curiosity and guide the cultivation of children's main ways." At the same time, the content and form of the exhibition pay more attention to the participation and experience of the audience, so that the audience can integrate into the exhibition, through the Internet of Things and information sensing and other technical means, so that the audience becomes an indispensable part of the exhibition, feel the personalized museum. At the Children's Museum of Indianapolis, there is a daily sharing activity about scientists measuring dinosaurs and discovering new species. In addition, the Changsha Museum has also held an "Archaeological Experience Camp" to simulate the process of excavating the changsha kiln site and organize young people to learn the steps, tools and significance of archaeological excavation.

2The "distance" required for the current situation of the museum exhibition system and the information age

Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", China has added an average of one new museum every two days. Compared with the rapid growth of the number, there is still a big gap in the active adaptation of museums to the development of new technologies such as information construction, digital application, and intelligent operation.

2.1 The "I say you listen" model does not meet the need for "I want to know"

At present, the mainstream expression mode of most museum exhibitions is like the "preaching" of traditional education, according to the syllabus (exhibition outline) I say you listen. The museum curator holds the initiative and interpretation of the exhibition, and the audience is in a passive position of acceptance, in the process of visiting, can only enjoy the exhibits step by step, browse the instruction boards and graphic display boards, watch video clips, and occasionally operate a multimedia interactive installation, the overall feeling is plain, and nothing can be remembered. In particular, popular science education exhibitions often pursue systematic and professional, but they cannot attract the interest of urban audiences because of the overlap of knowledge systems, and they cannot attract the interest of rural audiences because of the complexity of the knowledge system, which ultimately leads to an embarrassment of not relying on left and right.

At the same time, in the era of widespread application of information technology, people's access to knowledge and information and tools are becoming more and more convenient. Taking the Internet encyclopedia as an example, everyone gets together to build, share, and improve a certain knowledge, and click on keywords when browsing the web to get relevant information, and this layer of links can spread out an endless knowledge network. Another example is that people have become accustomed to fragments such as Weibo and WeChat, divergent information, interested in staying to watch, not interested in skipping directly. You will find that modern people are completely guided by personal interests in learning, and decide for themselves what to learn and what degree to learn. Therefore, the "educator" model of the traditional museum is only a one-way, linear knowledge and information transmission, and does not consider the audience's acceptance or not, nor does it give a variety of path choices, very dynamic thinking, not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the learning methods and thinking summaries At present, the museum display is showing a human-centered, pluralistic thinking expression, strong social relevance, inspiration and exploratory education and other development trends. China's museum exhibitions have also begun to enter the stage of transformation and upgrading, but most of them still maintain the "educator" model of "I say you listen", lack interactive communication and technical application, and there is a contradiction and gap between the audience service needs of "I want to know" in the context of the information age. Try to meet the audience's "I want to know" needs from the exhibition concept, expression method, and technical difficulties.

2.2 The display method is monotonous and rigid, and lacks relevance and interactivity with the audience

Early museum exhibitions were usually simply display specimens and artifacts, accompanied by explanatory signs and audiovisual equipment. With the progress of the times, the combination of theme content and artistic design has gradually formed, resulting in the creation of a display environment, using professional lighting colors, space design and other exhibits, and improving aesthetic interest from visual effects. However, the expression of the theme content and display connotation is still pale: the application of multimedia equipment only stays at the level of enhancing the sense of art and science and technology, and the expression of exhibits is only based on things and things, limited to linear thinking, lacking the relevance and interaction with the audience, and naturally it is impossible to achieve enlightenment

Hair. In recent years, the demand for research and education has risen sharply, and cultivating diversified thinking, innovative thinking, active learning and inquiry ability has become the future development trend of education, and museums are important places for research and education. Correspondingly, the state has put forward the requirements for museums to give full play to the social education function, and there are also some excellent cases in the many exhibitions launched by various museums to cooperate with educational activities, and the display system of in-depth interpretation is initially presented. However, from the overall point of view, there is still a big gap with the goal concept of research and education.

2.3 Exhibit informatization only stays in the primary stage, lacking experiential and application scenarios

At present, the informatization construction of domestic museums is still in its infancy. In terms of exhibit resources, such as text materials, photographs and images, three-dimensional data, audio and video, etc., although informatization has begun to be popularized, there are generally problems such as blind collection, low quality, inconsistent standards, and unclear use goals. This also means that the informationization of exhibits only writes the text on the explanatory board into the computer memory, moves the physical objects displayed in front of it into the electronic screen, and changes from static physical information to dynamic virtual information, and does not really play the advantages of rich scene application and experience brought by new technologies. The author believes that the design of information-based display should establish a bridge between the museum and the audience, such as the American Holocaust Memorial Museum using interactive installations to carefully construct a journey through the exhibition hall for the audience, leaving unforgettable psychological feelings and emotional memories. It can be seen that information technology is not only a channel for transforming information storage, but also a support for enhancing participation and experience.

From the perspective of the application of big data in museums, it is still at the level of data statistics, such as the number of collections, the number of exhibitions, the number of activities, ticket revenue, the age, gender, source of visitors and visitors, etc. These structured data are subject to the limitations of statistical work and cannot form value empowerment in terms of timeliness and application. In fact, as far as the exhibition is concerned, the audience behavior forms mostly unstructured data, which is generated and updated at any time, such as the time that an audience stays in front of an exhibit, the items clicked on the touch screen, the back and forth with interactive exhibits, and the cultural and creative products purchased... These data reflect the interests and needs of the audience, and are also the social basis for the survival of the museum.

Looking at the above, technological change is promoting the development of the entire society, and will also force the museum to move towards the road of informatization and intelligence. Although the current museum exhibition system is still in its infancy in the construction and application of information technology, there are various difficulties in terms of system, funding, talents, etc., but there will be pains, we must be prepared, so that technology can become a booster for museum exhibitions to adapt to the development needs of the new era, from the mentality to accept, from the concept of change, from the mode of innovation, from the method of enrichment, from the application of perfection.

3 Change a pattern and usher in a world

In order to solve the contradiction and gap between the mainstream expression of the current museum exhibition and people's demand for knowledge acquisition, we must first change the concept of the exhibition, from the role of "educator" to the role of "servicer", from one-way information output to two-way information exchange.

Secondly, the museum urgently needs a set of new technologies and new applications to assist the exhibition to enter a higher level of heuristic and inquiry-based presentation, guide and stimulate the curiosity of the audience. The museum exhibition interaction system based on the application of information technology is suitable for the renewal of the original exhibition and the application of new ideas in the new exhibition, which can quickly capture the emotional expression of the audience and respond.

The following is a glass as an example to introduce how the exhibition interaction system of the Information Age Museum serves personalized knowledge acquisition. The audience walks to the glass, stops to admire, browses the explanatory plaques, which is the current way of most museum exhibitions, which only expresses the exhibits themselves, and only plays a role in display. When the exhibition is integrated into the interactive system, the audience stays in front of the glass, and the interactive installation of the exhibition begins to start: through the infrared sensor sensing that someone has come to the booth area, the intelligent robot takes the initiative to greet the audience, attract the attention of the audience and guide the audience to ask spontaneous questions, such as why is the cup round? At this time, the exhibition expression enters the second level——— enlightenment. When the audience puts forward the questions they are interested in, the exhibition interaction system receives information through the touch screen or voice receiver, passes into the system background through data processing, retrieves the knowledge base according to keywords, or uses the artificial think tank composed of expert teams to feedback the problem, thus forming an interactive communication mode of "guidance - question - answer", this process can be continuously cycled with the audience's continuous questioning, then the exhibition expression enters the third level of ——— exploration.

As shown in Table 1, an information technology-based exhibition interaction system can achieve:


The basic architecture of the exhibition interaction system


System front end

System backend

(1) Attractive exhibits, stop and appreciate (preliminary cognition)

(1) Positioning induction device

(1) Data center: data transmission, processing

(2) Emotional expression, voice dialogue (demand transmission)

(2) Voice acquisition, recognition, and broadcast equipment (interactive interpretation board)

(Convert), Save

(3) Interpretation listening, image viewing (demand feedback)

(3) Facial expression recognition equipment

(2) Noise reduction and information filtering

(4) Projection and video display equipment

(3) Knowledge base, artificial think tank

(1) Provide personalized services. Relying on the continuously updated big data and the strength of a strong professional think tank, we create a service-oriented knowledge supply background, compatible with intelligent methods such as transmission, processing, and preservation, and can systematically process and give feedback according to the information conveyed by the audience's expression, action, and language, and answer diverse questions.

(2) Enhance interactivity. Unlike traditional exhibitions, only the exhibits are placed, and the introduction is thrown without paying attention. The exhibition interaction system builds an interactive exchange of "you come and go", if the audience has questions, they can find answers by communicating with the front-end equipment; if the audience has no questions, it will guide the audience to think further and gain something in the inspiration.

(3) Achieve inquiry. On the basis of massive knowledge graph data, the exhibition interaction system focuses on interesting questions with rich exhibit reserves with cutting-edge exhibition concepts, leading the audience to enjoy the fun in the process of active exploration.

(4) Value malleability. In the accumulation of continuous interaction with the audience, the exhibition interaction system has formed a wealth of audience behavior data, which contains the real needs of the audience, and has important guiding significance for the improvement of exhibits, the presentation and expression of themes, and the development and design of cultural and creative products