
The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

author:An An said gossip

Guo Jingming sat in a suite in a luxury hotel, staring at the TV screen with complicated eyes. The controversial variety show "Please Advise on Growth" in which he participated was playing on the screen.

Looking at his high-minded and commanding appearance towards the newcomer in the show, he couldn't help frowning. "Have I really become that annoying 'old employee'?" Guo Jingming muttered to himself.

After the show aired, he couldn't ignore the overwhelming criticism on the Internet. Viewers have accused him and other stars of worshipping high and low on the show and lacking respect for newcomers.

Some people even say that they are like those old employees in the workplace who rely on the old and sell the old. Guo Jingming recalled the scenes in the show: he sneered at the newcomers, and put on the shelves of his predecessors at every turn.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

Especially in that game, he did not hesitate to sacrifice the interests of newcomers in order to win the game. At that time, he stood on a high place, commanding the newcomer condescendingly, even disregarding the safety of the newcomer.

These behaviors, at the time, seemed to be just for the effect of the show, but now looking back, it seems so glaring. "We were supposed to be their role models and guides, but we became annoying 'old fritters'.

Guo Jingming sighed deeply and began to seriously think about what he had done in the entertainment industry over the years. He remembered another scene from the show: during a mission, he did not hesitate to push the difficulties to the newcomer in order to complete his part.

When the newcomer does not perform well because of excessive pressure, instead of giving encouragement and guidance, he speaks coldly and criticizes the newcomer mercilessly. These images kept flashing back in Guo Jingming's mind, and every scene made him feel guilty and regretful.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

He began to realize that his actions not only hurt the feelings of the newcomers, but also set a very bad example for the audience. "How did I end up like this?" Guo Jingming asked himself. He recalls his passion and passion when he first started in the industry, when he was full of dreams and eager to make a difference in the industry.

But now, he has become a formidable "senior" in the eyes of newcomers. This turmoil made Guo Jingming realize that the influence of stars is not only reflected on the screen, but also in daily words and deeds.

He decided to make a change, not only to save his image, but also for the long-term development of the entertainment industry. "Perhaps, I should re-examine my role," Guo Jingming secretly decided, "no longer a 'veteran employee' who is high above, but a senior who can really guide and help newcomers."

This experience taught Guo Jingming a profound lesson. He understands that it is not easy to maintain his original intention in this highly competitive circle, but this is exactly what every successful artist should strive for.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

In the future, he hopes to make up for his past mistakes with his practical actions and truly become a role model and guide for new people. The camera returned to the recording site of the show, and the atmosphere was tense.

Luo Zhixiang and Cai Xukun went toe-to-toe, and the contradiction between the two reached its peak in the second episode of the show. "Why are you dictating to my teammates?" Luo Zhixiang asked sharply, his eyes flashing with anger.

Cai Xukun responded coldly: "I'm just thinking about the whole team, can't you see it?" The tense confrontation between the two made the entire recording scene fall into silence.

The staff looked at each other, and the newcomers were panicked and overwhelmed. The seeds of this conflict were actually planted in the first episode of the show. At that time, in order to compete for a favorable position, Cai Xukun unexpectedly seized the position scheduled by Luo Zhixiang in the PK link.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

Although the program team said that this was just a small game, Luo Zhixiang was obviously worried about it. As the show progressed, the contradictions between the two escalated. In the second episode, what was supposed to be a game of unity and cooperation turned into a fierce confrontation between the two.

In order to win the game, Luo Zhixiang did not hesitate to push all the difficulties to Cai Xukun's team. And Cai Xukun retaliated by deliberately "tripping" Luo Zhixiang's team members at a critical moment.

"Luo Zhixiang, are you doing this too much?" Cai Xukun couldn't help but ask. Luo Zhixiang sneered and responded: "It's just your own doing." The argument between the two soon extended from the game to the entire show.

They frequently have disagreements in terms of task assignment and team member training, and even fight over some trivial matters. This kind of open and secret competition between stars not only affects the normal progress of the show, but also sets a very bad example for newcomers.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

A member of the program team, who did not want to be named, said privately: "We originally expected to show how stars cultivate and lead newcomers through this show, but we didn't expect it to evolve into a wrestling field between stars."

This completely deviates from the original purpose of the show. In a team mission, the conflict between Luo Zhixiang and Cai Xukun broke out again. In order to compete for a favorable performance position, the two actually fought in front of the newcomer.

Although it was pulled away by the staff at the end, this scene has already left a deep impression on everyone present. Newcomer Xiao Wang (pseudonym) said afterwards: "We came here to study, but I was really disappointed to see the two seniors like this."

This is like guiding us, and it is clearly using us as pawns. This escalating contradiction not only exposes the selfishness of some celebrities, but also reflects some common problems in the entertainment industry.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

In the process of pursuing personal interests and exposure, some celebrities seem to have forgotten their responsibilities and professional ethics. With the broadcast of the show, the conflict between Luo Zhixiang and Cai Xukun has also sparked widespread discussion.

Many viewers said that their behavior was reminiscent of the old employees in the workplace who fought for power and profit, and they fell on each other, which was despicable. Some netizens commented: "Seeing them like this, I really doubt that they are still worthy of being stars?" Where is this cultivating new people, it is clearly teaching them badly.

Another viewer said, "I used to like them very much, but I was really disappointed to see this scene." I hope they will realize their mistakes and give an explanation to the public.

This turmoil also makes people think: in the special environment of the entertainment industry, how to find a balance between competition and cooperation? How should celebrities correctly exercise their influence and become the real guide of newcomers? The program team also faced this situation and fell into a dilemma.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

On the one hand, the contradictions between the stars do bring high attention to the show; But on the other hand, this negative demonstration seriously violates the original intention of the show. In the end, the program team had to intervene and asked Luo Zhixiang and Cai Xukun to calm down and focus on the overall situation.

But this turmoil cast a shadow on the whole show and left a deep impression on the audience. This incident undoubtedly sounded the alarm bell for the entire entertainment industry, reminding people of the need to re-examine the social responsibility and professional ethics of celebrities.

At the same time, it also puts forward a new topic for the production of variety shows: how to convey the correct values while pursuing the effect? If you want to trace the source of the controversy of this show, you have to mention the performance of "Taigu Ye" in the first episode of the show.

As a well-known musician in the circle, Taikoo Ye should have used his rich experience to guide newcomers. However, his words and deeds are a big surprise. When the tutor was seriously instructing the newcomers, Taikoo Ye was full of disdain and interrupted the tutor's explanation at will.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

He even said directly to the mentor, "You've been talking for too long, why don't you let me come." This disrespectful attitude immediately caused an awkward silence at the scene. Tai Gu Ye seemed to be unaware of his gaffe, and continued to "guide" the newcomer by himself.

His tone was full of condescending pride, as if he was treating an ignorant child. "Well, that's the way to do it," he said, glancing disdainfully at the other instructors.

Although the newcomers were unhappy, due to Taikooye's qualifications and status, they could only accept this "guidance" with a smile. A newcomer, Xiao Li (pseudonym), later revealed: "It was really uncomfortable at the time, I felt like a puppet at the mercy of others.

"Taikoo's arrogant behavior doesn't stop there. During a group performance, he was extremely dissatisfied with the performance of the newcomer and lashed out in front of everyone. "Are you here to be funny? This level is also embarrassed to come to power? He scolded angrily, completely ignoring the newcomer's feelings.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

The scene was recorded in its entirety by the cameras, causing an uproar immediately after the show aired. The audience criticized Taikoo Ye's behavior, believing that he not only disrespected his peers, but also set a very bad example for newcomers.

Some netizens commented: "Taikooye's attitude is like those old employees in the workplace who rely on the old and sell the old, calling and drinking to the newcomers, but not giving any substantive guidance."

Another viewer said, "I'm really disappointed to see Taikoo Ye like this." He should use his experience to help newcomers, not to undermine their self-confidence. A staff member of the program team privately revealed: "We originally hoped that by inviting a senior musician like Taikoo Ye, we could give some truly valuable guidance to the newcomers."

I didn't expect such a thing to happen. This incident not only exposes the arrogant nature of some celebrities, but also reflects some common problems in the entertainment industry. Some celebrities who have been famous for a long time seem to have forgotten their original intentions and become high-minded, lacking basic respect and empathy for newcomers.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

In the second half of the show, Taikooye's behavior became more and more excessive. Not only did he criticize the newcomer's performance, but he also got into arguments with other mentors on several occasions. During an improvisation session, he even publicly humiliated a newcomer, calling him "unmusically talented".

This behavior caused displeasure among other tutors. The well-known singer Zheng Yuanchang couldn't help but stand up and speak for the newcomers: "We are here to cultivate newcomers, not to hit them."

Master Taikoo, your behavior is really inappropriate. In the face of doubts, Tai Gu Ye had no intention of repenting. He replied arrogantly: "I'm just telling the truth." This circle is so cruel, they should have gotten used to it.

Taikooye's behavior undoubtedly cast a shadow on the whole show, and it also makes people think: how to balance the personality of the star and the basic professional ethics while pursuing the effect of the show? This is not only a challenge to the producers of the program, but also a wake-up call to the entire entertainment industry.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

Outside of the spotlight, the production team of "Grow Up, Please Advise" is experiencing unprecedented pressure and distress. The show's chief director, Zhang Zhang (pseudonym), sat in the dimly lit editing room, staring at the material in front of him with a tired expression.

"Are we going in the wrong direction?" Zhang Zhang muttered to himself, his eyes full of confusion and self-blame. Recalling the preparation stage of the show, the production team was full of enthusiasm to discuss how to show the process of stars cultivating new talents through this show and convey positive energy.

However, as the recording progressed, the direction of the show gradually deviated from the original idea. In order to pursue ratings and topicality, the program team began to intentionally or unintentionally amplify the contradictions between the stars, and even encouraged some dramatic performances.

Tai Gu Ye's arrogance, the conflict between Luo Zhixiang and Cai Xukun, and Guo Jingming's superiority, these behaviors that could have been stopped in time were tacitly approved and even encouraged. "We fell into a strange circle," admits producer Li Ming (not his real name), "on the one hand, we knew that these actions were wrong; On the other hand, we have to admit that these controversies did bring a huge amount of attention to the show.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

A staff member of the program team recalled: "Once, we saw that Taikoo Ye was very harsh on newcomers, and we wanted to stop it, but the director said, 'This is a better effect'." I felt very uncomfortable at the time.

"As the show aired, the audience's reaction was unexpected. Instead of being drawn to these dramatic conflicts, people are disappointed and angry at the actions of the stars.

Social media is full of criticism of the show, believing that the show, which is supposed to train new talents, has instead become a platform for celebrities to play big names and attack each other. A netizen commented angrily: "Where is this cultivating new people? It's clear that you're teaching them badly! Can't the program team take a little responsibility? Faced with overwhelming negative reviews, the production team fell into deep self-blame and reflection.

They began to realize that while pursuing short-term benefits, they neglected the social responsibility and educational significance of the program. The production team also began to reflect on the original intention of the show.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

They originally hoped to use this platform to show how celebrities cultivate and guide newcomers and pass on positive energy. However, in pursuit of ratings, they deviated from the original track step by step.

"Are we too eager for quick success?" Li Ming asked, "For the sake of short-term popularity, we may have hurt these young people and lived up to the audience's expectations." This behind-the-scenes struggle and reflection reflects the dilemma facing the entertainment industry as a whole: how to find a balance between commercial interests and social responsibility? How do you create content that's both engaging and positive? These problems are not only what the production team of "Please Advise Us" needs to face, but also the direction that the entire industry needs to think about.

As the controversy continued to ferment, the program team had to take some remedial measures. They began to edit the footage more carefully, trying to reduce some of the overly intense conflict scenes.

At the same time, they are also thinking about how to guide the stars to show more positive sides in the next show. "This experience has taught us a profound lesson," Zhang Zhang finally said, "In the future, we will pay more attention to the social responsibility of the program."

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

We want to make content that is fun and really helps newcomers grow. It may be a difficult path, but we are willing to work for it. In the corner of the set of "Please Advise on Growth", newcomer Kobayashi (pseudonym) sat alone in the corner, his eyes full of confusion and loss.

As one of the many newcomers who joined the show with dreams, Kobayashi was originally full of expectations, hoping to show his talent on this stage and get the guidance of a star mentor.

However, reality gave her a slap in the face. "I never thought it would be like this," Kobayashi whispered, with a choked voice in his voice, "I thought I could learn a lot, but it felt like I was being caught up in a celebrity wrestling match."

Recalling his longing before participating in the show, Kobayashi couldn't help but smile bitterly. She once fantasized about being able to get the careful guidance of her idols, learn from their experience, and lay a solid foundation for her acting career.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

However, the various encounters in the show made her suspicious of this glamorous circle. Taikooye's arrogance, Luo Zhixiang and Cai Xukun's open and secret fight, Guo Jingming's superiority, these stars she once admired, showed a different face in front of the camera.

Newcomers not only do not get the guidance they deserve, but often become the object of celebrities to vent their emotions. Kobayashi recalls a scene from a rehearsal. When she plucked up the courage to ask Taikoo Ye for advice, she was sneered at by the other party.

"Are you embarrassed to come to the show at this level?" Taikooye's words were like a basin of cold water, extinguishing the enthusiasm in Xiao Lin's heart. "Sometimes, I really don't know if I'm here to study or to be the backdrop for their quarrels," said another newcomer, Xiao Wang (not his real name).

He mentioned that when Luo Zhixiang and Cai Xukun were arguing, the newcomers could only stand awkwardly and were completely ignored. This huge gap between dreams and reality has brought a heavy psychological burden to newcomers.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

Some of them began to question their choices, while others insisted on honing themselves in such an environment. But in any case, this experience taught them a cruel "reality lesson in the entertainment industry".

Xiao Li (pseudonym) shared his experience: "Once, Guo Jingming pushed all the difficulties to us in order to complete his task. When we didn't behave well, instead of coaching, he criticized us harshly.

At that moment, I really wanted to give up. "However, not all experiences are negative. Some newcomers said that the experience made them more aware of the complexities of the entertainment industry and what kind of mindset they need to maintain on the road to chasing their dreams.

"Although the process is very difficult, I think this may be growth," Kobayashi finally said, with a determined glint in his eyes, "At least I know that in this circle, in addition to talent, you need a strong heart."

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

Xiao Wang also said: "This experience has taught me that success requires not only talent, but also the right way to do things. I will take these as valuable lessons and continue to chase my dreams.

Despite all the setbacks, these young people have not completely given up on their dreams. They begin to learn to look for opportunities in the face of adversity and draw strength from criticism.

This is perhaps the most valuable asset they have gained in this show. The controversy caused by "Please Advise on Growth" has undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the entire entertainment industry. It not only exposes the bad deeds of some celebrities, but also reflects the many problems existing in the entire industry.

However, crises are often also turning points. This turmoil has sparked extensive discussions from all walks of life, and has also prompted people in the industry to begin to reflect deeply. More and more voices are calling for the entertainment industry to build a healthier ecosystem and more positive content.

The variety bastard overturned! These celebrities look like they are shouting at five or six old employees

As one veteran producer put it, "We look forward to seeing more warm and inspirational content that entertains and inspires audiences." This is the direction that the entertainment industry should pursue.

"Although the road is long, as long as the industry colleagues work together, the future of the entertainment industry is still full of hope. We look forward to seeing more heart-warming programs like "Spring Festival Gala in Progress", so that the audience can feel the brilliance of humanity in laughter.

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