
Why did An Lushan, who was favored by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, eventually rebel against the Tang Dynasty? The rebels who had no choice but to defend Lushan, from the favored vassals of the peaceful steps to the rebellion of the rebellious thieves anshi who destroyed the prosperous world, the fiery cooking oil inevitably set themselves on fire and burned themselves to ruin

author:Lone shadow Xiao Xiang

On December 16, 755, Fan Yang's clamor sounded violently, breaking the neon feather song of Chang'an City, and the people of the Daming Palace who used to sing and dance were panicked, and Yang Guifei's peerless beauty could not make the Ming Emperor smile again.

The prosperous Tang Dynasty suffered the greatest crisis of rule, the rule of the Tang Dynasty began to decline from this day, the glory of the Tang Dynasty ceased to exist from this moment, and the person who set off this terrible crisis was An Lushan, the favorite courtier of the Ming Emperor.

Why did An Lushan, who was favored by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, eventually rebel against the Tang Dynasty? The rebels who had no choice but to defend Lushan, from the favored vassals of the peaceful steps to the rebellion of the rebellious thieves anshi who destroyed the prosperous world, the fiery cooking oil inevitably set themselves on fire and burned themselves to ruin

If it were not for the favor of The Tang Emperor Li Longji, An Lushan would have been nothing more than a mediocre and ordinary Hu man who even had to worry about his livelihood, and it was obviously Li Longji who gave An Lushan all the glory, power, and status, but why did An Lushan still rebel and take revenge?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" > An Lushan – from a favorite of the clouds to a thief who destroyed the world</h1>

An Lushan was born in the Western Regions of Kangguo, if it were not for the early death of his father and the remarriage of His mother to An Yanyan, he would have been a barbarian who did not even have a surname, but after all, he was a Hu person, and although the Chang'an City of the Kingdoms was tolerant and open, An Lushan always seemed out of place, and even once ashamed to live with his stepfather.

In his youth, he was displaced between the Nine Domains, and in order to survive, he learned the Six Chinese dialect and also developed a sleek and sleek personality. When he grew up, he couldn't wait to leave An Yanyan's home and become a tooth lang who negotiated the price of goods, and sometimes even had to do some petty theft to survive.

However, I often walk by the river, where there are shoes that are not wet. In 732, An Lushan stole sheep in the territory of Youzhou and was arrested by Zhang Shoujue, a military general from Youzhou, who had been fighting with the Hu people for many years, and when he saw that it was a Hu person who was caught, he ordered An Lushan to be beaten to death.

Why did An Lushan, who was favored by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, eventually rebel against the Tang Dynasty? The rebels who had no choice but to defend Lushan, from the favored vassals of the peaceful steps to the rebellion of the rebellious thieves anshi who destroyed the prosperous world, the fiery cooking oil inevitably set themselves on fire and burned themselves to ruin

An Lushan was panicked when he heard Zhang Shoujue's order, and hurriedly shouted, "Don't you want to destroy the two Tribes?" Why are you beating me to death? ”

As soon as Zhang Shoujue heard this man's bold words and ambitions, he gave him a chance to make meritorious deeds, asking him to capture the fleeing prisoners, and as long as he could be caught, he would promote him to a partial general.

An Lushan quickly completed the task, and Zhang Shoujue also made An Lushan a partial general as promised.

An Lushan fought bravely, was sleek and intelligent, and was proficient in the Six Chinese, which won the trust of Zhang Shoujue, and was later adopted by Zhang Shoujue as a righteous son, and with the relationship and appreciation of his righteous father, he soon reached the upper echelons of the Tang political circle.

He was good at observing words and colors, and he was sleek and sophisticated, and through bribery, An Lushan quickly established a deep "friendship with money and power" with those officials in the center of political power, including Tang Xuanzong's favorite ministers Li Linfu, Zhang Lizhen, Pei Kuan, and others, and with his relationship with these people, he also received Tang Xuanzong's attention.

Why did An Lushan, who was favored by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, eventually rebel against the Tang Dynasty? The rebels who had no choice but to defend Lushan, from the favored vassals of the peaceful steps to the rebellion of the rebellious thieves anshi who destroyed the prosperous world, the fiery cooking oil inevitably set themselves on fire and burned themselves to ruin

An Lushan was deeply valued by Tang Xuanzong and could not be separated from the praise of the former dynasty officials, of course, it was also inseparable from the pillow wind of the harem's favorite concubine, there is a saying that An Lushan made a dry son to Yang Guifei, who was 16 years younger than himself, and Yang Guifei even held three baptism ceremonies for this dry son, enveloping the former imperial harem, Anderson naturally could mix in the official field.

In the sixth year of Tianbao, the 39-year-old An Lushan was appointed by Tang Xuanzong as the envoy of Yushi Zhongcheng and Pinglu Jiedushi, the power tilted to the opposition, and the treatment of Xuanzong was extremely flattering, weighing three hundred and thirty pounds, and he could also dance in front of Tang Xuanzong, and his movements could be as fast as a whirlwind.

An Lushan was a courtier with both talents, and Tang Xuanzong was a well-known Wenqing Emperor in history, the two saw each other at first sight, coupled with various praises from people around him, Tang Xuanzong naturally favored An Lushan, and promoted An Lushan all the way to the position of Emissary of Hedong Jiedushi, and even married his granddaughter to An Qingzong, the eldest son of An Lushan.

Why did An Lushan, who was favored by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, eventually rebel against the Tang Dynasty? The rebels who had no choice but to defend Lushan, from the favored vassals of the peaceful steps to the rebellion of the rebellious thieves anshi who destroyed the prosperous world, the fiery cooking oil inevitably set themselves on fire and burned themselves to ruin

From a small who was worried about his livelihood to a powerful emperor's favorite courtier, An Lushan's glory, wealth, fame and fortune were all given by Tang Xuanzong, how to say that An Lushan should swear allegiance to Tang Xuanzong to the death, how did it come to the later situation, how could the loyal subjects personally promoted by the emperor become the terminators of the Kaiyuan prosperous world? Perhaps we should start with An Lushan's repeated promotions.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="48" > the Anshi Rebellion - the fire cooking oil inevitably ignited the fire</h1>

An Lushan went all the way from a Hu person who was running for his livelihood to a Dingchen who was also the envoy of Pinglu, Fanyang, and Hedong, and his political path could be described as flowers and flowers, like a fiery cooking oil, and the immeasurably popularity would naturally cause people to be jealous, not to mention that An Lushan was in an official field with fierce and cruel struggles.

He was a Hu man with no background and family lineage, and even if he was deeply favored by the emperor, he would inevitably be ostracized.

Why did An Lushan, who was favored by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, eventually rebel against the Tang Dynasty? The rebels who had no choice but to defend Lushan, from the favored vassals of the peaceful steps to the rebellion of the rebellious thieves anshi who destroyed the prosperous world, the fiery cooking oil inevitably set themselves on fire and burned themselves to ruin

Not to mention the desire for profit, the desire for power has always been the most violent poison that distorts human nature. An Lushan, who held a lot of power, began to be proud and complacent, and gradually stopped taking the courtiers who had promoted him and helped him in his eyes, and even openly opposed Li Linfu, Yang Guozhong, and others, so Li Linfu, Yang Guozhong, and others also regarded him as a thorn in his eye and a thorn in his flesh.

After Li Linfu retired, Yang Guozhong became the prime minister, in order to get rid of An Lushan, Yang Guozhong told the emperor that An Lushan had ambitions and signs of rebellion, but suffering from the lack of evidence, the emperor did not take Yang Guozhong's words to heart, only felt that it was "to lose harmony" and laughed.

Yang Guozhong was not dead-hearted, and once again said: "Your Majesty, if you summon An Lushan to Beijing, he will certainly not dare to come." ”

Why did An Lushan, who was favored by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, eventually rebel against the Tang Dynasty? The rebels who had no choice but to defend Lushan, from the favored vassals of the peaceful steps to the rebellion of the rebellious thieves anshi who destroyed the prosperous world, the fiery cooking oil inevitably set themselves on fire and burned themselves to ruin

Although the emperor trusted An Lushan, after all, he was in a high position, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, the emperor summoned An Lushan to Beijing according to his words, Yang Guifei immediately wrote a letter to tell An Lushan the truth, and An Lushan rushed into Beijing.

He fell in front of Tang Xuanzong and wept bitterly: "I am a Hu person, I have no cultural knowledge, Your Majesty has promoted your subjects many times, Yang Guozhong is dissatisfied, he wants to kill me!" ”

This crying and making a fuss coupled with the pillow wind of the noble concubine, An Lushan returned unharmed, but Liang Zi with Yang Guozhong was completely married, which also laid the foundation for An Lushan's rebellion in the name of "crusading against the rebellious thief Yang Guozhong".

If An Lushan only offended his favored courtiers, it would not matter, anyway, it would be more conducive to balancing the power of the ministers and strengthening the imperial power, and An Lushan's future glory and wealth would still be guaranteed.

Most importantly, An Lushan offended a person he should not have offended the most, that is, Li Heng, the current crown prince, which also became an important reason why An Lushan had to rebel.

Why did An Lushan, who was favored by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, eventually rebel against the Tang Dynasty? The rebels who had no choice but to defend Lushan, from the favored vassals of the peaceful steps to the rebellion of the rebellious thieves anshi who destroyed the prosperous world, the fiery cooking oil inevitably set themselves on fire and burned themselves to ruin

Once An Lushan went to Chang'an to meet Tang Xuanzong, Tang Xuanzong asked An Lushan to meet the prince, An Lushan may be to please the emperor, or perhaps he did not look down on the weak prince at all, and said directly to the emperor: "I only know Your Majesty, I don't know what the prince is doing!" ”

After An Lushan finished speaking, Tang Xuanzong pretended to give a lecture, saying that the prince was his successor and could not be rude, so An Lushan pretended to give the prince a salute.

This naturally made Tang Xuanzong very happy, but it annoyed the prince, An Lushan's words can be said to have buried his own future, after all, Xuanzong Xuanzong at that time was old, the throne was sooner or later Li Heng's, Li Heng was not obvious on the surface, and it was estimated in his heart that he had already thought about how to let An Lushan die in the future.

The courtiers did not want to see him, the crown prince did not like him, An Lushan's future life would not be much better, instead of sitting still, it was better to fight hard, at that time An Lushan was not without successful capital, An Lushan held the three towns in his hands and could be called the absolute elite of the empire.

Why did An Lushan, who was favored by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, eventually rebel against the Tang Dynasty? The rebels who had no choice but to defend Lushan, from the favored vassals of the peaceful steps to the rebellion of the rebellious thieves anshi who destroyed the prosperous world, the fiery cooking oil inevitably set themselves on fire and burned themselves to ruin

So in November 755, An Lushan brazenly launched the An Shi Rebellion in the name of killing the chancellor Yang Guozhong. Along the way, he established the pseudo-Yan regime and sat on the emperor's throne, but the glory and glory of his life began to disappear at this time.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49" > disgraced – tragic rebels</h1>

An Lushan's rebellion was, to a certain extent, a kind of self-preservation under compulsion.

After all, An Lushan climbed from the lowest level of society to the center of political power step by step, which doomed him to be an absolute egoist, and everything he did was for his own survival.

As a character with no background and accustomed to pleasing people, he can naturally get the favor of the emperor, but as long as he devotes himself to politics, he is doomed to avoid the intricate forces behind him, and what is more frightening is that if he does not pay attention, he will be doomed.

Why did An Lushan, who was favored by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, eventually rebel against the Tang Dynasty? The rebels who had no choice but to defend Lushan, from the favored vassals of the peaceful steps to the rebellion of the rebellious thieves anshi who destroyed the prosperous world, the fiery cooking oil inevitably set themselves on fire and burned themselves to ruin

In the early years, he was careful to climb higher, and later he was in a high position of power, where he was still willing to swallow his anger, and his excessive personal emotions made him more and more reluctant to take care of those powerful forces, and his behavior began to become unscrupulous, all of which pushed him to a road of doom.

In fact, at that time, the Tang Dynasty had begun to decline, and the songs and dances of the prosperous world at that time covered up the decay and chaos inside.

The establishment of this official position itself has great drawbacks, and the self-esteem of local supporting soldiers will inevitably threaten the central power, in other words, under the political conditions at that time, An Lushan will not rebel, there will be others to oppose, and the anshi chaos is not accidental.

At that time, Tang Xuanzong also did not have the sharpness and vigor of his youth, and the monarch who was full of vigor at that time has now become an old man who heard the voice of the soldiers and fled in a hurry, the internal contradictions within the ruling class were numerous, and the conspiracy and calculation of various forces to fight for power and profit were also brewing invisibly, and finally, under the action of An Lushan, it broke out.

Why did An Lushan, who was favored by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, eventually rebel against the Tang Dynasty? The rebels who had no choice but to defend Lushan, from the favored vassals of the peaceful steps to the rebellion of the rebellious thieves anshi who destroyed the prosperous world, the fiery cooking oil inevitably set themselves on fire and burned themselves to ruin

The Anshi Rebellion broke the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, but the Tang Dynasty was still supported again by storms and rains. An Lushan, who had successfully plotted against him and had already established his own regime, evaded the calculations of his political enemies and the hatred of the prince, but failed to hide from the ambitions of his own son.

Because of his obesity, An Lushan suffered from boils and boils for many years. In his later years, his illness became more and more severe, resulting in his later blindness in both eyes and a body full of lumpy poisonous sores.

Because of the physical pain, An Lushan's temper was getting bigger and bigger, and he often scolded the people around him, which made the people around him very dissatisfied.

It is precisely because of this that An Lushan's younger son An Qingxu was given the opportunity to ascend to a high position, in the face of power, family affection is the most insignificant thing, An Qingxu encouraged Li Pig'er, a personal eunuch who had been taking care of An Lushan, to kill An Lushan, and An Lushan only had time to shout out: "It is a family thief..."

Why did An Lushan, who was favored by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, eventually rebel against the Tang Dynasty? The rebels who had no choice but to defend Lushan, from the favored vassals of the peaceful steps to the rebellion of the rebellious thieves anshi who destroyed the prosperous world, the fiery cooking oil inevitably set themselves on fire and burned themselves to ruin

On that day, it was the first day of the first lunar month, the Spring Festival of the family reunion, but An Lushan died at the hands of the people closest to him and most trusted.

After An Lushan's death, the vigorous An Shi Rebellion was soon put down by the Tang Dynasty, but the situation of the Sheng Tang Dynasty was also gone in this rebellion.

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