
Pampered? traitor? essence? A troubled man? Restore a real An Lu Mountain

author:Deng Haichun

In the fourteenth year of Tang Tianbao (755), the Anshi Rebellion broke out, and the once-prosperous Tang Dynasty began to decline from prosperity overnight. After the Tang Dynasty, wars and chaos occurred frequently, displaced people were everywhere, and entered the desolate middle and late Tang Dynasty. Du Fu's famous poem: "The country is broken by mountains and rivers, and the city is deep in spring." "It was written at this time.

Pampered? traitor? essence? A troubled man? Restore a real An Lu Mountain

When it comes to this event that changed the fate of the Tang Dynasty, we have to mention one person- An Lushan. In the main history, An Lushan was a thief who disturbed the prosperous world, and he was also the culprit of the anshi rebellion. But to get to know the person more deeply, that's not enough.

1. The Wanderings of Lushan Mountain

An Lushan was born in the Western Regions, his father died early, and he was displaced with his mother since childhood. During his exile, An Lushan often did some petty theft due to lack of food and clothing, as well as lack of discipline. In the twentieth year of the New Century (732), An Lushan stole sheep and was caught by Zhang Shoujue, the envoy of Youzhou Jiedu, and was about to be beaten to death with a stick, An Lushan shouted loudly: "Don't you want to kill two more Tribesmen?" Why are you killing me?" This fearless shout made An Lushan pick up a life. Zhang Shoujue admired An Lushan's boldness and saw that he was indeed tall and suitable for war, so he let him go. From then on, An Lushan became a small leader beside Zhang Shoujue. This little from the Turks entered his career.

Pampered? traitor? essence? A troubled man? Restore a real An Lu Mountain

Second, the road of favoritism

A nameless bastard who wants to become the favorite of the Son of Heaven must have a long way to go.

Having been in the society for a long time, An Lushan has outstanding ability to see and pat himself on the back. Following Zhang Shoujue's side, the careful An Lushan soon found that Zhang Shoujue was not very satisfied with him. After careful consideration, I could see that Zhang Shoujue hated that he was too fat. So An Lushan quickly began to lose weight, but also played with his life, and soon he won zhang Shoujue's trust again, after which An Lushan was promoted step by step, and finally achieved the deputy envoy of Youzhou Jiedu.

Even as a magistrate, An Lushan had a lot of power in the dprk. The reason is that every time a DPRK and Chinese official comes to his territory, he will first inquire into his hobbies, and then curry more favor and bribe him. There were many "brothers" who spoke for themselves in the court, and An Lushan had a certain reputation in Tang Xuanzong. Soon after, An Lushan was promoted to the rank of envoy, and held several positions at the same time; the following year he was honored as a general of the Hussars; and in the third year, he became the first feudal official in the hands of Emperor Xuanzong.

Pampered? traitor? essence? A troubled man? Restore a real An Lu Mountain

In addition to his brothers, An Lushan had many fathers. His father was a Hu who died early, his father was Zhang Shoujue, the emissary of Youzhou Jiedushi, and his father was Emperor Xuanzong of Tang. To please Xuanzong, the ultimate boss, naturally also had to please Yang Guifei. When he recognized Xuanzong as his father, An Lushan was 44 years old, while Yang Yuhuan was only 28 years old. An Lushan also asked Yang Yuhuan to perform the "three washing" ceremony for himself, that is, a bathing ritual in the Tang Dynasty when mothers washed away dirt for newborns. Interestingly, Yang Yuhuan was a child, and ordered the guards to wrap An Lushan into a large baby in splendid embroidery, put him into a palanquin, and carry him around the palace, while shouting "Lu'er, Lu'er." An Lushan was also very cooperative, but Tang Xuanzong, who had come to watch, couldn't laugh. Because of these things, Tang Xuanzong always thought that An Lushan was a thick and honest person. Even in the end, he was lucky to think that An Lushan would not rebel.

Third, break the neon dress

Pampered? traitor? essence? A troubled man? Restore a real An Lu Mountain

Yuyang Nai came agitatedly, startling the neon feather song.

In the fourteenth year of Tianbao (755), An Lushan and Shi Siming brazenly launched the An Shi Rebellion, igniting the 8-year war of the Tang Dynasty, and the stability of the Sheng Tang Dynasty cracked a big crack.

An Lushan was never a thick and honest fat man. He was an obscure careerist, a diplomat who was proficient in many Chinese, a military expert who was good at using troops, and a good at collecting

Pampered? traitor? essence? A troubled man? Restore a real An Lu Mountain

A social home that draws hearts and minds. It was in this way that he seized the opportunity when he was at the bottom of society, and became a powerful party in his life; he worked hard in the power struggle of the step-by-step killing machine and became the most trusted favorite of Tang Xuanzong; he lit the flames of war when the Tang Dynasty was at its most prosperous, and played the final song for a prosperous world.

And this tyrant, what is the final outcome? In his later years, Shi Zai was fat to more than three hundred pounds, festering, and blind in both eyes. Tragically designed by his own son, he was killed by his most trusted attendant. His son was drunk and faint all day long, and was finally killed by Shi Siming. Shi Siming's final outcome was not much better, and he was also killed by his son. Such an ending is somewhat laughable. And the two people in the Hall of Eternal Life, one Hua Diandi, died in Ma Songpo, one was displaced, fled for his life, and ended up with a son who seized the throne, was bullied by eunuchs, and finally died depressed.

Regardless of whether An Lushan was once a favorite courtier, a tyrant, or a pioneer of a political regime, his personal destiny was so insignificant in the face of the wheel of history and the change of dynasties.

Pampered? traitor? essence? A troubled man? Restore a real An Lu Mountain

Beyond the cross-cutting of the great men, where the flames of the Anshi Rebellion burned, the mourning was everywhere. "White water flows in the evening, and the green mountains cry", "The night is long and the voice is absolutely silent, like smelling and crying". After all, the Tang Dynasty responded to that sentence - xing, the people suffer; death, the people suffer.

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