
What kind of person was An Lushan in the Tang Dynasty?

author:Shōryū Meiomi

#唐代的安禄山是个怎样的人 #

What kind of person was An Lushan in the Tang Dynasty?

The Sheng Tang meteorology is something that everyone is extremely proud of now, and that feeling of grandeur has disappeared from our side for many years.

We can only imagine the grand situation at that time from the current poems, murals, costumes and other fragments, there is no eternal glory in the world, and all the glory must be silenced in the end.

But the glory of the Tang Dynasty fell suddenly, directly from the highest point, doing a vertical acceleration to land, falling heavily on the floor, falling to pieces.

What kind of person was An Lushan in the Tang Dynasty?

And the one who cut the rope was An Lushan, a 300-pound fat man, who completely ended the glory of sheng Tang, and all the music stopped abruptly in an instant.

We are very familiar with the An Shi Rebellion, and we don't know much about An Lushan, such as a basic question, saying that An Lushan is a Hu person.

But the Hu people are obviously a collective name, so which ethnic group does An Lushan belong to, and how did he grow up step by step?

What kind of person was An Lushan in the Tang Dynasty?

An Lushan, who can finally become a big thing, has a lot to do with his background, he is a native of Liucheng, Yingzhou (today Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province), An Lushan's father is a Sogdian, his mother is a Turkic wizard, this strange combination of identities has created a special temperament on An Lushan, that is, to be able to understand and deal with the relationship between different populations.

The Sogdians were well-known merchants, their business skills were very strong, they could speak and see colors, and An Lushan, who grew up in this complex environment, had strong communication skills from an early age.

When he was very young, his father died, and later his mother remarried to the Turkic An Yanyan, which changed his name to An Lushan, his father was not Han, and the surname An also came from the ninth surname of Zhaowu in Central Asia.

What kind of person was An Lushan in the Tang Dynasty?

An Lushan was fluent in six languages, initially as a translator in the mutual market, often doing some sneaking chickens and dogs, and was later adopted as an adopted son by Jiedu zhang Shoujue, which began his military career.

People like An Lushan, if it is another era, at most mixed with the middle and upper classes of the army, but the background of the times makes An Lushan finally sit on the three towns of the festival.

After the Anshi Rebellion, some people said that Tang Xuanzong should not reuse the Hu people, and some people said that they should not set up a temperance to make this position, and the people who said this were all standing and talking without waist pain, these measures were all to solve the problems at that time, but the final consequences were not thought of by anyone.

What kind of person was An Lushan in the Tang Dynasty?

To say that the Hu generals, the Early Tang Dynasty, the Hu generals were still few, and even Li Guangbi, who put down the Anshi Rebellion, was a Khitan person, not to mention the servant Gu Huai'en, who actually contributed more, these people were also Hu generals.

The arrogance of the Tang Dynasty is that anyone can come, anyone can use, the Hu generals are not the problem at all, although the moderation system is the source of all evil, but in the early stage it also solved a big problem, that is, the territory of the Tang Dynasty is too large.

In the continuous expansion of the Tang Dynasty, the territory became larger and larger, and the border areas were also more and more, which also required more and more soldiers to guard the town, and the original military system was no longer suitable for such a vast territory.

What kind of person was An Lushan in the Tang Dynasty?

So the prefectural military system was changed to a conscription system, but the problem that followed was that logistics supplies and the salaries of soldiers had become a big problem, and the final solution was to set up a moderation envoy, so that they could uniformly manage the real civil administration, military and government finances that they were in at that time, so that their own central government would no longer pay grain.

This seemed to be a solution at the time, the background of An Lushan's rise was the creation of the jiedushi system, coupled with An Lushan's ability to speak and bribe officials, and finally An Lushan was also the three emissaries of Fanyang, Pinglu, and Hedong.

And all this in addition to An Lushan's own factors, there is also a background is Li Linfu, and one of his systems has also allowed An Lushan to rise rapidly, that is, to reuse Hu generals.

What kind of person was An Lushan in the Tang Dynasty?

The ancients were not stupid, and designed many systems to prevent division and armed rebellion, among which the Tang Dynasty had a very good system, that is, going in and out.

A person who does a good job as a general, as long as he has accumulated a little years and deeds on the frontier, can return to the imperial court to become the prime minister, which is a typical literary and martial arts dual talent, and it is also a very good way for the central and local governments to interact.

Local emissaries also had hopes, but when Li Linfu was the prime minister, he had a selfish heart, and he was afraid that those generals would rob him of his position after returning to the dynasty, so he vigorously reused the Hu people as emissaries.

What kind of person was An Lushan in the Tang Dynasty?

Most of the Hu people are rude and illiterate, especially those who have come to power by military merit, people without culture, no matter how strong you are, it is impossible to come back to be the prime minister, and as a result, the hopes of the emissaries are gone, the emissaries of the emissaries are counted as the first, and the rebellion is sooner or later.

In fact, just a year after the Anshi Rebellion broke out, An Lushan was killed by his son, but the Anshi Rebellion lasted for eight years, indicating that the situation at that time was already very serious, and no one could decide the future.

The growth and development of An Lushan is only related to the background of that big era, and it is the tide of the times that pushes An Lushan to the foreground and the cusp of history.

What kind of person was An Lushan in the Tang Dynasty?

About An Lushan, what do you want to say, welcome to leave a message to communicate.

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