
Conan author birthday today, update 1030 episodes unfinished, netizens: 23-year-old I can still wait

author:Cat's Eye Movie

June 21 is the 58th birthday of Tsuyoshi Aoyama, the author of "Detective Conan", and the birthday of "Strange Thief Kidd" in "Detective Conan".

Conan author birthday today, update 1030 episodes unfinished, netizens: 23-year-old I can still wait

The anime suspense TV series "Detective Conan" premiered in Japan in 1996 and has been broadcast for 25 years, but it is still not finished, and has been updated for 1030 episodes and several theatrical versions of the film.

Conan author birthday today, update 1030 episodes unfinished, netizens: 23-year-old I can still wait

When netizens learned that today is the birthday of Aoyama Tsuyoshi, everyone sent their blessings while returning

Don't forget to ask about the end time of "Detective Conan", some netizens even replied that the 23-year-old can still wait for the day of the finale of "Detective Conan"?

Conan author birthday today, update 1030 episodes unfinished, netizens: 23-year-old I can still wait

"Detective Conan" tells the story of high school detective Kudo Shinichi, who became smaller after being fed medicine by a criminal gang, and became "Conan Edogawa" while continuing to investigate the criminal gang.

Conan author birthday today, update 1030 episodes unfinished, netizens: 23-year-old I can still wait

Although kidd is only a cameo in "Detective Conan" and rarely appears, he still wins the love of countless audiences. The white suit, white cape and white hat are his exclusive "strange thief suits", he is proficient in transfiguration, voice change, escape and other techniques, specializing in stealing jewelry and other valuable works of art, coming and going, his whereabouts are uncertain, people can neither know his true identity nor capture him.

Conan author birthday today, update 1030 episodes unfinished, netizens: 23-year-old I can still wait

What few people know is that Kidd, the strange thief who only made a cameo in "Detective Conan", was a proper protagonist in another work by Tsuyoshi Aoyama, "Magic Fight". The show premiered in Japan in 2010 and has now been updated for 12 episodes.

Conan author birthday today, update 1030 episodes unfinished, netizens: 23-year-old I can still wait

In Magic Fight, the true identity of the strange thief Kidd, who, like Kudo Shinichi, is revealed is also a high school student. His real name is Black Feather Quick Fighting, he loves magic very much, and after learning that his father, who is also a "strange thief Kidd", died by him, he tracks down his father's killer while wearing the clothes of "Strange Thief Kidd" and becomes the new "Strange Thief Kidd".

Conan author birthday today, update 1030 episodes unfinished, netizens: 23-year-old I can still wait

Let's wish Aoyama Tsuyoshi and the strange thief Kidd a happy birthday together, hope that Aoyama Tsuyoshi brings us more and better works, and look forward to the wonderful interpretation of the strange thief Kidd in the play!

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