
Li Deyu Introduction Why Li Deyu was degraded to cliff state

author:Interesting history

Li Deyu has been diligent and studious since he was a child, and when he grows up, he has great ambitions, but he does not like to take the imperial examination. When he was young, he was appointed as a school secretary with the merits of the family, and later he was hired by Zhang Hongjing, who was made by Hedong Jiedu, to be the secretary of the school. Li Deyu is conscientious no matter what position he holds, and he cannot tolerate being sloppy. Later, after Zhang Hongjing was dismissed from his post, Li Deyu officially entered the road of career and was summoned to the imperial court to serve as the inspector of imperial history.

Li Deyu Introduction Why Li Deyu was degraded to cliff state

Portrait of Li Deyu

After Li Deyu entered the imperial court, it is recorded in Li Deyu's biography that he made many contributions to the people. At that time, some monks in the people of Mizhou said under the guise of superstition that there was a place where water could cure diseases, and the news spread everywhere, and many people from the south came to buy water. Due to the relatively high price of water, people who buy water resell it along the way and add water along the way. At that time, there were many people who deceived each other and sought huge profits. When Li Deyu learned of this news, he immediately went to ban and arrest those who sought huge profits.

In Li Deyu's biography, it is also recorded that Li Deyu also formulated relevant decrees when he was serving as the envoy of Li Du of Jiannan Nishikawa. At that time, due to poverty, some local families sold their daughters to others as concubines. Li Deyu formulated relevant laws in this regard, and anyone who sells his daughter who has reached the age of thirteen shall be sentenced to three years of hard labor, and under the age of thirteen shall be sentenced to five years of hard labor. After this decree was enacted, the local trafficking of children was improved.

It can be seen from Li Deyu's biography that Li Deyu was a very talented official, and he made many contributions to the country and the people during his reign. In his jurisdiction, he vigorously destroyed Buddhist temples, and managed some illegal acts of the people very strictly, and the local atmosphere was relatively simple. Li Deyu not only understood the sufferings of the people, but also had courage and strategy in handling the affairs of the imperial court. At that time, the emperor suspected that some ministers were disloyal and wanted to take the opportunity to kill them. Li Deyu bluntly interceded for them in front of the emperor, hoping that the emperor could save them, so as not to regret killing them by mistake, until the emperor pardoned them Before Retiring.

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Li Deyu degraded Cliff State

Li Deyu was a famous politician and writer of the Tang Dynasty, who held countless official positions in his lifetime and was a very good prime minister during the years of Emperor Wuzong. During the reign of Emperor Wuzong, Li Deyu made great contributions to the country and the people. Some people once said that Wuzong and Li Deyu were the best monarchs of the Tang Dynasty, and the country's merits under the governance of the two of them were very remarkable.

Li Deyu Introduction Why Li Deyu was degraded to cliff state

Statue of Lee Tak-yu

After Emperor Wuzong's death, Emperor Xuanzong succeeded to the throne. Since Emperor Xuanzong had always disliked Li Deyu, and at that time Li Deyu was also a high-ranking and powerful chancellor in the middle of the dynasty, And Emperor Xuanzong dismissed Li Deyu from the post of prime minister the next day. After Li Deyu was relieved of his post as Xiangguo, he was exiled several times. Li Deyu had a very good reputation during his time as a minister, and he was once a good prime minister in the hearts of all the people. After the news of his exile spread, the people were very shocked.

Li Deyu's official road in his life was very bumpy, and he was not only repeatedly demoted and exiled by Xuanzong. Later, li xian was accused of his crimes by the chancellor Bai Minzhong and his cohorts, and at that time, Li Deyu was also accused of auxiliary political negligence, and Li De was demoted to the position of prince Shaobao. After this, Bai Minzhong did not stop there, and when he retried Li Sheng's case of the wrongful death of his brother Wu Xiang, Li Deyu was successively degraded by Sima Chaozhou.

Li Deyu, who was eventually demoted to a position in the prefecture, eventually died of illness due to his advanced age. No matter where Li Deyu served in his life, he was dedicated to the people's sake and won the hearts of the people. His official exploits were outstanding, but the imperial court was very fierce, and he was exiled from Beijing many times in his life. It was not until the first year of tong that Liu Yizong played Tang Yizong Li Deyu to assist the government, and Tang Yizong restored Li Deyu's relevant positions and posthumously awarded him the position of Shangshu Zuo servant. After Li Deyu's death, posterity also spoke highly of him. There was once a poet Li Shangyin who referred to Li Deyu as a good face in his works.

Why did Li Chen belittle Li Deyu

Li Deyu was a very good chancellor of the Tang Dynasty, and during the reign of Emperor Wuzong, Li Deyu was his most trusted person. Li Deyu entered his career as a door shadow when he was young, and later held many official positions. During the reign of Emperor Wuzong, Emperor Wuzong liked him very much, and Li Deyu was appointed as the chancellor of the imperial court. At that time, there were two rulers in the dynasty, Emperor Wuzong and Li Deyu, and the country was prosperous and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

Li Deyu Introduction Why Li Deyu was degraded to cliff state

After the death of Emperor Wuzong, the successor to the throne was Emperor Xuanzong Li Chen. When Xuanzong was young, he was very low-key and cautious due to his low mother's status. Previously, Emperor Wuzong felt that although Li Chen was low-key, he was not an idle person, and he was worried that he would threaten his position and severely suppressed him. After Emperor Xuanzong Li Chen succeeded to the throne, he endured most of his life and could not wait to destroy all the forces before Emperor Wuzong. Xuanzong had suffered a lot before, which also established his tough and strong personality.

Li Deyu was Emperor Wuzong's most trusted person, of course, Xuanzong was the first to destroy Li Deyu. What's more, at that time, Li Deyu was the prime minister of the DPRK, and his high authority could not be spared by his subordinates. The day after Emperor Xuanzong took the throne, he removed Li Deyu from the position of chancellor, and for more than a year, Emperor Xuanzong demoted almost all of emperor Wuzong's courtiers from the imperial court. He constantly cultivated his own new forces and secured his throne.

During Li Deyu's tenure as prime minister, the people spoke highly of him. The relationship between Li Deyu and Emperor Wuzong also became a good story of the Tang Dynasty. When Li Deyu was in power, he proposed that the prime minister should have the power to assist the chancellor in the dprk, but this right was not permanent, and the prime minister could not serve too long, and the system of time limit was implemented. He also limited the power of eunuchs, did not allow eunuchs to interfere in military affairs, and limited the number of eunuch guards.

Climb the cliff city as Li Deyu

Li Deyu was an outstanding politician of the Tang Dynasty, and during the reign of Emperor Wuzong, he was very highly regarded, and his official road in his life was very bumpy. After Emperor Wuzong's death, Emperor Xuanzong Li Chen succeeded to the throne, and Bai Min and others came to power and overthrew the political laws promoted by Li Deyu. Emperor Xuanzong always disliked Li Deyu, and after succeeding to the throne, Li Deyu became the target of their key attacks and frames.

Li Deyu Introduction Why Li Deyu was degraded to cliff state

After Emperor Xuanzong succeeded to the throne, Li Deyu was degraded one after another. Initially, Li Deyu was demoted to the post of Envoy of Jingnan Jiedu, later to Dongdu, then to Sima of Chaozhou, and finally to Yazhou Sihu to join the army. Li Deyu was over sixty years old when he was demoted to Yazhou, but he still cared about the country, and at that time, he wrote the song "Climbing the Cliff Prefecture City" with infinite emotion.

"Dengya Zhou Chengzuo" is a seven-word poem shed by Li Deyu in his later years, which has been circulated to this day. In this poem, Li Deyu depicts the belittled impatience and the melancholy of not being able to return to the imperial court. The first two sentences of the poem write about Li Deyu's state of mind after being degraded, feeling that his return to Beijing is far away, and using exaggerated techniques to depict it very wonderfully. The last two sentences of the poet lamented that there was no hope of returning to Beijing, and with the help of symbolic techniques, he really depicted people and things. Although in this poem, Li Deyu's heart is full of sorrow and sorrow, but the tone of the poem is calm and there is no anger. From this poem, it can be seen that Li Deyu has a calm and calm outlook on life, and his heart is very broad.

The poem "Dengya Zhou Chengzuo" shows that although the poet Li Deyu was relegated to a poor coastal land, he was obsessed with the affairs of the country. At the beginning of the poem, the poet is ostensibly nostalgic for his hometown, but in fact expresses the poet's feelings about the road of political career. In particular, in the sentence "Looking at the imperial capital alone on a high-rise building", it can be clearly seen that the poet's heart is related to the imperial court. The latter sentence "The bird flies for half a year" can be seen that the poet left the capital far after being degraded, which expresses the poet's deep attachment to the imperial court.

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