
Did Luo Xian resist Lu Kang with 2,000 people for 30,000 people for half a year? If so, is Lu Kang worthy of being called a famous general?

author:Break the formation

In the main text of the history book Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there is no detailed record of Luo Xian resisting Lu Kang. In Pei Songzhi's commentary, the Xiangyang Chronicle records a more detailed account of Luo Xian's resistance to the Wu army.

In the "Xiangyang Chronicle", Luo Xian (recorded as "Luo Xian" in the "Xiangyang Chronicle", recorded as "Luo Xian" in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Pei Songzhi did not know that correct, this article is based on "Luo Xian" in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". The process of resisting wu jun was roughly like this:

In 263 (the sixth year of Jing Yao), when the State of Wei attacked the State of Shu, the Shu Han court summoned Luo Xian's superior, Yan Yuxi, to leave Yan Yu with 2,000 men (then, most of the army should have been taken west by Yan Yu to rescue Liu Chan), and Luo Xian himself was responsible for guarding yong'an City. Soon, people heard that the Shu Han court on the Chengdu side had failed, there was a commotion in Yong'an City, the governors on the Yangtze River abandoned the city and fled, and Luo Xian beheaded a man who claimed that Chengdu was in chaos, so that the people could settle down. When Luo Xian learned that Liu Chan had surrendered, he led the army under his command to stay in Duting for three days.

When Wu Guo heard of the defeat of shu Han, he sent his army westward, ostensibly pretending to be rescued, but in his heart he wanted to attack Luo Xian. Luo Xian said: "Our country has suffered an accident, and the state of Wu is a country of lips and teeth, which does not care for our disaster, but wants to pursue interests and reneges on the covenant." Moreover, the Han Kingdom (referring to the Shu Han Dynasty) has been extinguished, how can the State of Wu exist for a long time? How can I be a prisoner of the Kingdom of Wu!" Therefore, Luo Xian protected the city, repaired the armor, and declared an oath to the soldiers, and practiced morality. The generals obeyed his orders and were willing to serve.

In 264 (the first year of Xianxi), Yizhou was struck by the Zhonghui Rebellion, zhonghui, Jiang Wei, Deng Ai and others were killed by the rebel army, and the hundred cities and pools were not owned. The State of Wu had ambitions to annex Shu Han. Therefore, Sun Xiu gave in to the westward expedition of the auxiliary army. Luo Xian led his army to shoot arrows at the Wu army to resist its offensive, and on the other hand, he sent Yang Zong to break through and tell Chen Qian an emergency. Luo Xian then sent Wen Wuyin silk and sent his son to meet the King of Jin (in fact, Luo Xian took the initiative to use his son as a hostage to express his submission to the King of Jin, and also hoped that the King of Jin would send troops to rescue him). Bu Xie attacked the city, and Luo Xian defeated him.

Sun Xiu was furious and sent Lu Kang and others to lead 30,000 people to assist the infantry. Luo Xian held out for a total of six months and a few days, and the rescue army was not enough, and more than half of the city was infected with disease. Someone advised Luo Xian to flee. Luo Xian said: "As the lord of man, he is the one whom the people admire. Not being able to stabilize them in times of danger, and abandoning them in times of danger, is something that a gentleman does not do. I'm going to die here. Chen Qian informed the King of Jin of what Luo Xian had done. Therefore, the King of Jin sent Shi Hulie, the assassin of Jingzhou, to lead an army to attack Xiling, an important town in Wu's Jingzhou, and Lu resisted the retreat. Since then, the siege of Yong'an has been lifted.

Did Luo Xian resist Lu Kang with 2,000 people for 30,000 people for half a year? If so, is Lu Kang worthy of being called a famous general?

So, the question is--did Luo Xian resist Lu Kang with 2,000 people for 30,000 people for half a year? If so, is Lu Kang worthy of being called a famous general? Was Lu Kang's failure to conquer Yong'an only because Luo Xian was too defensive?

Some people believe that if the main text of the Xiangyang Chronicle is recorded, "The right general Yan Yudu of the time was the leader, and the later lord Bai Xian was yu vice-chancellor." Wei Zhi cut down Shu, summoned Yu Xi to return, left Yu 2,000 people, and ordered Xian to guard Yong'an City. It would be inappropriate to say that Luo Xian's army strength was only two thousand. The time recorded here refers to the time when the State of Wei cut down the State of Shu and the Shu Han Dynasty had not yet surrendered, that is, in 263 AD. At that time, the State of Shu transferred most of Yong'an's forces to defend the State of Wei. The time when Luo Xian kept Yong'an and formally engaged the Wu army was in 264, a year later, when the Shu state had already surrendered to the Wei state. The troops who had been transferred from Yong'an before may have returned to Yong'an, and even if they did not all return, they might have returned a part of the army, and at this time it was also said that Luo Xian only had 2,000 people in Yong'an, which was just a statement of "carving a boat and asking for a sword", which seemed inappropriate. (However, there is no historical record that the Yong'an Army of Yan Yu's belt returned, which can be regarded as a family statement.) )

Some people believe that the Eastern Wu side of the Yong'an Battle belongs to the coalition army, the land resistance is probably not the commander-in-chief, the front-line war is not decided by the land resistance alone, and the infantry association and others also have the strength and power! Moreover, after the defeat of the Infantry Association, Lu Kang was only supplemented by reinforcements, and Lu Kang's father Lu Xun was forced to die by Sun Quan, it is estimated that Sun Xiu will also be wary of Lu Kang's revenge, and Lu Kang will not necessarily serve Eastern Wu due to the death of his father Lu Xun, so the Wu army does not appear to be strong in combat effectiveness.

Did Luo Xian resist Lu Kang with 2,000 people for 30,000 people for half a year? If so, is Lu Kang worthy of being called a famous general?

Some people believe that the six months of engagement plus a few days refers to the total time, and the land resistance did not come at the beginning, and the failure of the first offensive of the infantry association + the failure of the joint offensive of the infantry association and the land resistance and others was only more than six months, and it cannot be directly considered that Luo Xian resisted the land resistance for more than six months. And in the end, Yong'an's "most of the diseases in the city" have been almost broken, and Luo Xian himself has already sighed that he wants to "live here". If Wu Jun continued to consume Luo Xian, sooner or later he would consume Luo Xian to death. The Wu army retreated because the Jingzhou assassin Shi Hulie led an army to attack the important town of Xiling, and Lu Kang avoided being caught between the left and right. If the back road is cut off and not retreated, is it to learn guan Yu to only care about the head and not the tail? Therefore, this can only show that Lu Kang used troops to seek stability, and it cannot be said that he is not worthy of being called a famous general, let alone that he is a waste of firewood.

Some people believe that Liu Bei once stayed in Yong'an, so Yong'an City must be strong and the terrain is dangerous. Moreover, even in the last century, the Japanese with the air force and mechanized troops still could not penetrate Chongqing, where chiang Kai-shek was located! Even now, the photos of running trains in the Chongqing building are very shocking! In addition, at that time, although the Shu Han court represented by Liu Chan had already surrendered to Wei, not all Shu Han defenders willingly surrendered. Perhaps the Yong'an garrison represented by Luo Xian was reluctant to surrender, but it had no choice but to hold a breath in its heart, while the Wu army took advantage of the fire to loot, and the Shu army took advantage of the fire to loot, and the Shu army took the Wu army and swore to die and fight to the end.

Did Luo Xian resist Lu Kang with 2,000 people for 30,000 people for half a year? If so, is Lu Kang worthy of being called a famous general?

Some people think that Eastern Wu was absolutely right to attack Yong'an at that time. After the fall of the Shu Han Dynasty, Eastern Wu had to deal with the powerful enemy Wei (later the Jin Dynasty) on its own. After the fall of the Shu state, Eastern Wu was semi-surrounded by the forces of the State of Wei. In order to alleviate the pressure brought by the State of Wei, Eastern Wu must find a direction to break through, so as to expand its strength, increase its living space, and delay the time of annihilation. If the State of Wu took Yong'an, it could send a powerful water army to seize the Sichuan-Shu region. Once the Wei army gained a foothold in the Sichuan-Shu region, the result of waiting for the State of Wu was destruction. What's more, the Wu army launched a formal attack only after learning that Shu Han had surrendered to Wei, and the Shu Han who was destroyed and surrendered was not an ally of Eastern Wu, but a small follower of the enemy country, and to fight Luo Xian was to fight the enemy state of Wei. Therefore, there is nothing inherently wrong with Eastern Wu playing Yong'an.

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