
Tortoise Meng "Wu Gong Huaigu": When the prosperity dissipates

author:Wall head grass said

The King of Yue gougeted the lie and tried his best, and eventually destroyed the State of Wu. Later generations praised the Yue King's forbearance, and simply attributed the reason for the demise of the Wu state to favoring Xi Shi. However, "if Xi Shi dissolves the State of Wu, who will be the one who will fall in the fall of the State of Yue", cannot simply attribute the demise of the State of Wu to Xi Shi's head. The Tang Dynasty poet Tortoise Meng wrote a poem "WuGong Huaigu", expressing his rational thinking, and the original text of this poem is as follows:

The incense path of The long continent is full of thorns, and the extravagant clouds and rain are only sad winds.

King Wu must perish in everything, and may not be able to win the six palaces in the west.

Tortoise Meng "Wu Gong Huaigu": When the prosperity dissipates

"The incense path of Changzhou is full of thorns", Wu Wang's xiangjing and Changzhou Garden were full of thorns. In the spring and autumn, Wu WangFuchai planted incense on the fragrant mountain and let the beauties go rafting in the incense garden to collect spices. "Cheung Chau", or Cheung Chau Garden, was the place where Wu Wang Fuchai hunted in that year. More than a thousand years later, the poet came to Caixiangjing and Changzhou Garden, saw that the prosperous place of that year was full of thorns, and a feeling of prosperity and decline in the past came to his heart.

Tortoise Meng "Wu Gong Huaigu": When the prosperity dissipates

"Extravagant clouds and rain only sad wind", the Guanwa Palace, which was extremely luxurious and flashy in the past, has long become a ruin, and now only a gust of sad wind blows. In that year, the Yue king gou went to wu as a hostage, and at the same time paid tribute to a large amount of money and beautiful women to please Wu Wangfuchai. Among these beauties, King Wu was particularly fond of Xi Shi and built the Guanwa Palace for her. Today, the palace has long become a ruin, the poet came to the old site of the Guanwa Palace, and the cool breeze increased the sadness in the poet's heart.

Tortoise Meng "Wu Gong Huaigu": When the prosperity dissipates

"King Wu must destroy the country in everything he does", and all the perverse things done by Wu WangFuchai are enough to bring about the destruction of the country. Looking at everything in front of him, the poet fell into meditation, is the demise of the Wu kingdom only related to Xi Shi? The answer is no. In the poet's view, Wu Wangfu trusted Dazai Yao and alienated Wu Zixu; he used all his strength and constantly launched foreign wars; he did not care for the people, and lived in poverty and luxury... All this was the cause of the demise of the State of Wu.

Tortoise Meng "Wu Gong Huaigu": When the prosperity dissipates

"It is not necessary that Xi Shi wins the six palaces", not necessarily the favor of Xi Shi exceeds that of the harem beauty. The poet has his own opinion on the matter of the fall of the State of Wu, and cannot attribute the reason for the demise of the State of Wu to his love for Xi Shi. Because, in the poet's view, the reasons for the demise of the State of Wu are manifold, the key reason of which is the life of King Wu's "extravagant clouds and rain", which makes King Wu lose his rationality, enjoy great achievements, cannot care for the people internally, and is militaristic to the outside, so that he is dying.

Tortoise Meng "Wu Gong Huaigu": When the prosperity dissipates

Public opinion likes to attribute the demise of the country to women who have been favored by power, which satisfies the curiosity of some people. What is valuable is that the poet was not affected by this public opinion, and in the face of historical facts, he had his own rational thinking, realizing that the demise of the State of Wu was related to king Wu's lack of sympathy for the people, which reflected the poet's progressive view of history.

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