
Tortoise Meng, an outstanding hermit poet of the Tang Dynasty, was both a poet and an agronomist, and these ten poems are brilliant

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There are two "strange people" in the poetry of the late Tang Dynasty, one of which is Pi Rixiu, who is pregnant with a good literary talent, and finally joined the army, and disappeared after the defeat of the army, becoming a historical suspense case. The second is the protagonist we want to introduce today, Tortoise Meng, who is not only an important poet of the late Tang Dynasty, but also an agronomist, which is simply unimaginable.

Tortoise Meng, an outstanding hermit poet of the Tang Dynasty, was both a poet and an agronomist, and these ten poems are brilliant

Pi Rixiu was friends with Tortoise Meng, known as "Pi Lu", active in the late Tang Dynasty poetry circle, and both were good at writing landscape poems. Pi Rixiu will not say more, we have enjoyed his poetry together before, today we mainly talk about the life of Tortoise Meng and the charm of his poetry.

Tortoise Meng is very talented, arrogant personality, every time the imperial examination is named Sun Shan, unhappy mood gradually soared, and later decided to live a secluded life, often by boat to swim in the rivers and lakes, so that it is not easy. In seclusion, he worked with farmers and became good friends with them. Because he likes to drink tea, Tortoise Meng bought a tea garden, grows his own tea, makes his own tea, and lives a self-sufficient pastoral life.

Tortoise Meng, an outstanding hermit poet of the Tang Dynasty, was both a poet and an agronomist, and these ten poems are brilliant

Because his fields are in low-lying areas, they are often flooded, affecting the harvest, which will put him in danger of running out of food. In this case, the tortoise is researched day by day, hands-on, flood relief, and full protection of the bookmaker from flood damage. After years of practice, Tortoise Meng has fully mastered a set of methods for protecting crops, especially in the field of agricultural tools, he has achieved greater success, and he has finally completed the unique ancient agricultural tools in China's history - "The Book of Qi".

With great ambitions, but useless places, retreat to the countryside, let the tortoises stand out in poetry, and open their own chapters. Because he lived in the depressed late Tang Dynasty, he used poems written by Jing Yongwu to express his lofty ambitions, and in his poems he could explore the reasons from enthusiastic career to idle rivers and lakes.

After reading the poems of different stages of tortoise meng, we can find that the stages are different and the poetic styles are expressed. In those years of longing to enter the army, his poetry was sharp and he was desperate for his lofty ideals. But with the hopelessness of entering the world, the poetic style gradually began to advocate the beauty and nature, which may be that he looks at everything and is more satisfied with the self-sufficient life now.

Tortoise Meng, an outstanding hermit poet of the Tang Dynasty, was both a poet and an agronomist, and these ten poems are brilliant

Some of tortoise Meng's poems are like needle stones, sharp and powerful, becoming a beautiful landscape, and are outstanding representatives of the tang dynasty's reclusive poets, whose poems are considered to be a glimmer of light in the darkness. Due to the retreat, the tortoises do not care about the world, life has Yaxing, when the farm work is not busy, often bring books, tea, stationery, fishing gear to and from the rivers and lakes, self-proclaimed "jianghu scattered people".

Today, let's enjoy the ten poems of poets and agronomists during the Tang Dynasty, and feel the wonders of his words together!

Ancient meaning

[Tang] Tortoise Meng

The king's heart is not thin, and the concubine is perched.

May you have two wheels and four corners in one night.

Tortoise Meng, an outstanding hermit poet of the Tang Dynasty, was both a poet and an agronomist, and these ten poems are brilliant

New Sand

In the sound of the roar, the small embankment rose, and the official family knew that the seagull knew.

Penglai has a road to teach people to come, should also be annual tax Zizhi.

Tortoise Meng, an outstanding hermit poet of the Tang Dynasty, was both a poet and an agronomist, and these ten poems are brilliant


Rely only on the wind to make it, and rely on the willow as the capital.

One belly is clear, and the double plume is even thinner.

With mink gold for wine, and the finch is drawn in a picture.

I am afraid that it is a thousand years of hatred, and it will make the sunset cry.

Tortoise Meng, an outstanding hermit poet of the Tang Dynasty, was both a poet and an agronomist, and these ten poems are brilliant

Send far

Sideburns are shy and cloudy, and the eyebrows are envious of the moon.

Zhongyuan Juju will general, when will it be re-qingqing?

Tortoise Meng, an outstanding hermit poet of the Tang Dynasty, was both a poet and an agronomist, and these ten poems are brilliant


Peach and plum eaves, no one appreciates the spring.

The situation is not seen, but I remember the calamus flower.

Tortoise Meng, an outstanding hermit poet of the Tang Dynasty, was both a poet and an agronomist, and these ten poems are brilliant

Nostalgia For the Old Tour

Lingyang Jiadi used to travel in the past years, Xie Yan Qingshan Li BaiLou.

Only the sun slopes on the creek, and the wine flag wind and shadow fall in the spring stream.

Tortoise Meng, an outstanding hermit poet of the Tang Dynasty, was both a poet and an agronomist, and these ten poems are brilliant

To the wine

Descendants are called Huanbo, former sages.

And we must seek to become rich day by day, not to be poor.

Tortoise Meng, an outstanding hermit poet of the Tang Dynasty, was both a poet and an agronomist, and these ten poems are brilliant

early spring

The rain is cold but the heat, and the smoke does not spring at the beginning.

A few branches of flowers are small, and they are worried about killing the Fang people.

Tortoise Meng, an outstanding hermit poet of the Tang Dynasty, was both a poet and an agronomist, and these ten poems are brilliant


The eyebrows are beginning to cocoon, and the two sideburns are hiding crows.

Since Wang Chang was there, He Lao was close to the Song family.

Tortoise Meng, an outstanding hermit poet of the Tang Dynasty, was both a poet and an agronomist, and these ten poems are brilliant

Off the beaten path

Heaven asks for a resurrection of the soul, and there is no cause for the emperor.

Do you know a thousand beautiful sentences, and you can't defeat a rumor.

Tortoise Meng, an outstanding hermit poet of the Tang Dynasty, was both a poet and an agronomist, and these ten poems are brilliant

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