
How was the "Tanaka Fold", a plan to invade China with a reward of 500,000 yuan, stolen? Japanese Taiwanese businessman Cai Zhikan is the first to do so

author:Storyteller Ah Wei
How was the "Tanaka Fold", a plan to invade China with a reward of 500,000 yuan, stolen? Japanese Taiwanese businessman Cai Zhikan is the first to do so

"If you want to conquer Indochina, you must first conquer Manchuria and Mongolia, and if you want to conquer the world, you must first conquer China." If China is completely conquered by our country, other peoples of different garments, such as Small Central Asia and West Asia, India, and The South Seas, will fear me and bow down to me. To make the world know that East Asia is our own East Asia and never dare to invade us is the last policy of Emperor Meiji and the necessary condition for the existence of our Japanese Empire. ”

On December 1, 1929, in Nanjing, the Monthly Bulletin of Current Affairs publicly disclosed the main contents of the Tanaka Recital for the first time under the title of "Special Piece: Thrilling Japanese Manchurian and Mongolian Active Policies (Tanaka Yoshiichi Shangri Imperial Recital Chapter)". It was like a flat thunder, shocking China and foreign countries.

The infamous "Tanaka Sonata" became one of the evidences of Japan's invasion of China, allowing us to see the ugly face of Japanese militarism. However, most people in the world do not know that this recital was quietly copied by a patriotic Overseas Chinese in Taiwan (taiwan was occupied by Japan at that time) from the library of the Japanese Imperial Palace.

How was the "Tanaka Fold", a plan to invade China with a reward of 500,000 yuan, stolen? Japanese Taiwanese businessman Cai Zhikan is the first to do so
How was the "Tanaka Fold", a plan to invade China with a reward of 500,000 yuan, stolen? Japanese Taiwanese businessman Cai Zhikan is the first to do so

Japan, a small country and a widow, since ancient times, from the three provinces and six ministries in the Sui and Tang dynasties, and even the closed country in the Ming and Qing dynasties, Japan has always developed itself as a student behind the Chinese nation. However, since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has seen the gap between itself and Western civilization, deeply felt that Chinese culture is stuck in its own way, and resolutely decided to break away from Asia and enter Europe, breaking its arms to survive.

In April 1927, Yoshiichi Tanaka, the leader of Japanese militarism, became prime minister. After the Russo-Japanese War, Yoshiichi Tanaka (1864-1929) drew up an Imperial Defense Policy, proposing that Russia, China, the United States, France, and Germany should be used as enemies and advocated the occupation of the Philippines, Indochina, and China. Yoshiichi Tanaka was a crazy expansionist and a representative of Japanese militarism. As soon as he came to power, he changed his predecessor's policy of coordinating with Britain and the United States, focusing on economic aggression, and gradually occupying China's "original diplomacy," and stepped up the policy of conquering China by force and dominating the world.

How was the "Tanaka Fold", a plan to invade China with a reward of 500,000 yuan, stolen? Japanese Taiwanese businessman Cai Zhikan is the first to do so

Yoshiichi Tanaka

From June 27 to July 7, 1927, the Japanese side held the so-called "Eastern Conference" attended by government representatives, diplomats stationed in China, and military leaders, to plan a criminal conspiracy to attack China and dominate the East. The central topic of the meeting was to study and formulate a "Manchurian-Mongolian active policy" to further expand the aggression against China. At the meeting, Tanaka Yoshiichi frantically shouted that the survival of northeast China and the Japanese Empire "has a major stake," and threatened that once the Chinese revolution "affected Manchuria and Mongolia," "japan's special status and rights and interests in Manchuria and Mongolia are threatened, regardless of where it comes from, it will be protected." And it should be determined to waste no time in taking appropriate measures".

The "Eastern Conference" was a conference of outright aggression. After the meeting, Tanaka played the Japanese Emperor Hirohito and reported on the decision-making of the meeting, which was the infamous "Tanaka Sonata". The "recital" nakedly proposed Japan's criminal plan to occupy the three northeastern provinces of China by force, then annex all of China, and eventually dominate the world. "If you want to conquer Indochina, you must first conquer Manchuria and Mongolia, and if you want to conquer the world, you must first conquer China" -- after the September 18 Incident, Japanese imperialism followed this aggressive line.

After the conclusion of the Eastern Conference, at the request of Emperor Hirohito of Japan, Yoshiichi Tanaka wrote a secret chapter entitled "The Empire's Positive and Fundamental Policy Toward Manchuria" based on the main points of the meeting, and presented it directly to the Emperor on July 25, 1927. This sonata is the Tanaka Recital. The full text of the "Sonata" is more than 24,000 words, divided into 21 items. It has planned in detail the strategy and steps for the expansion of Japan's foreign aggression from the aspects of military, economic, and international public opinion.

How was the "Tanaka Fold", a plan to invade China with a reward of 500,000 yuan, stolen? Japanese Taiwanese businessman Cai Zhikan is the first to do so

The "Song Fold" put forward a specific plan for separating "Manchuria and Mongolia" and planned five periods of foreign aggression: the conquest of Taiwan, the conquest of Korea, the conquest of Manchuria and Mongolia, the conquest of all China, and the conquest of the whole world. In the middle of the compromise, he also regarded the United States and the Soviet Union as imaginary enemies of the empire, claiming that "if we want to protect China's three eastern provinces with iron and blood, then the Amerika of the third country will be instigated by the indoctrination of indochina to subdue and subdue me, and Si Shiye, I will not be able to resign from competing for the United States" "In the future, if we want to control China, we will strike at the US forces and take the decisive issue" "We must go to war with the United States" and "In the future, we will clash with Red Russia in northern Manchuria."

The convening of the Eastern Conference and the release of "Tanaka's Recital" show that Japanese imperialism has entered a new stage in its vain attempt to invade China and dominate the world. In order to realize the grand plan of "folding and folding," the Japanese aggressors are actively preparing to launch large-scale armed provocations and offensives against China. In particular, the three eastern provinces are in danger.

In order to expose the japanese conspiracy of aggression and to oppose imperialism and militarism for the sake of the people of the world. Not only China, but also the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union, and many other countries have paid close attention to the "Eastern Conference" and tried every means to collect intelligence. In order to obtain the "Tanaka Recital", the United States bid 200,000 yuan, the Soviet Union offered a reward of 300,000 yen, and the Chinese Nationalist government offered a reward of 500,000 yuan. For a time, spies from all over the world gathered in Tokyo, Japan, determined to win, and the Tokyo police sharply increased to more than 3,000 in order to strengthen their vigilance. Spies from various countries have been lurking in Tokyo for a long time, and they have not been able to obtain the specific content of the "Sonata", and the Tanaka Sonata is safely hidden in the library of the Japanese Imperial Palace.

At this time, the real secret whistleblower is acting secretly, and he is Cai Zhikan.

How was the "Tanaka Fold", a plan to invade China with a reward of 500,000 yuan, stolen? Japanese Taiwanese businessman Cai Zhikan is the first to do so

Cai Zhikan (1888-1955) was a wealthy Japanese businessman. Born in Miaosu County, Taiwan, shortly after birth, he encountered the Sino-Japanese War, Taiwan was ceded to Japan, and suffered the pain of national subjugation since childhood. As an adult, he became a businessman in Japan, opened the "Cai Fengyuan Trading House", owned a coffee and rubber plantation in Nanyang, became a wealthy businessman, and funded the founding of the magazine "Rihua". Although he was in Japan, he was concerned about his homeland in China, and he followed Sun Yat-sen and joined the League to support the revolutionary cause with his own financial resources. In the early years of the Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen also wrote to Cai Zhikan many times, praising his efforts for the great cause of the republic. Cai Zhikan also relied on his personality and wealth to make extensive friends with the Japanese elite, and relayed the information he received from the Japanese elite to General Zhang Xueliang through Wang Jiazhen (then the director of the diplomatic secretary of the Northeast Security Commander's Office).

On a Sunday in June 1928, 40-year-old Cai Zhikan was entertaining three Japanese aristocratic parliamentarians at a banquet at a private house in Tokyo, when a maid suddenly delivered a small packet of mail, saying that it had been sent from Shenyang. When you open it, it's a flatbread. One of the Japanese lawmakers, Masayoshi Nakano, said, "How about the Chinese flatbread being given to me?" Cai Zhikan calmly replied, "The cake is not fried, and the food is harmful." After the banquet was dispersed, he cut open the pie, and inside there was a handwritten letter of Wang Jiazhen, which read: "British and American legends, Prime Minister Tanaka's chapter, are quite of interest to me, and it is advisable to quickly plot to start." The cost does not count. The Tree Man (the Tree Man is Wang Jiazhen)"

How was the "Tanaka Fold", a plan to invade China with a reward of 500,000 yuan, stolen? Japanese Taiwanese businessman Cai Zhikan is the first to do so

Wang Jiazhen

After receiving the letter, Cai Zhikan tossed and turned, sleeping and eating, and he was well aware of the arduousness of this task. "Tanaka Sonata" is Japan's top secret and is absolutely impossible to get easily. If you accept this task, it is really to pin your head to the waistband of your pants, and you may fall to the ground at any time, and once you lose your hand, you will undoubtedly die. Despite the difficulties and dangers, Cai Zhikan still has a fiery patriotic heart, and he has long put life and death aside and resolutely undertakes this extremely difficult task.

It is impossible to attack strongly, but how to outsmart it?

After repeated consideration, Cai Zhikan decided to take advantage of the contradictions and disputes between Japanese political factions and use the help of factions to obtain the Tanaka Recital more securely.

At that time, there were two major factions in Japanese politics: one was the ruling Political Friends Association headed by Yoshiichi Tanaka, which was constantly growing the army's power, pursuing a series of military operations to strengthen autocratic rule at home and implementing crazy expansionist military operations abroad; and the other was the opposition democratic party led by Minister of The Interior Ministry, Makino Shinshin, who controlled Japan's navy, won the sympathy and support of the elders, and had a great influence on Emperor Hirohito of Japan.

If the political friends led by Yoshiichi Tanaka succeed in pursuing the policy of invading China, it will inevitably lead to a sharp expansion of the army's power, and the political friends will dominate the government of the dprk. Makino Nobuaki's democratic party is no longer able to turn over, and it is obvious that this is something that Makino Nobuaki does not want to see. Therefore, the Democratic Party intends to expose the Tanaka Cabinet's policy of military aggression against China, and through the interference of international public opinion and actions, strike at the Political Friends Association, overthrow the Tanaka Cabinet, and replace it with the Democratic Party. On the one hand, Cai Zhikan wants to expose "Tanaka Sonata" to the world; on the other hand, the Japanese opposition wants to hold back the ruling party's monopoly power. This gives Cai Zhikan the possibility of exposing "Tanaka Sonata".

How was the "Tanaka Fold", a plan to invade China with a reward of 500,000 yuan, stolen? Japanese Taiwanese businessman Cai Zhikan is the first to do so

Cai Zhikan in his later years

In his private capacity, Tsai hosted a private banquet for former Interior Minister Takejiro, who belonged to the Civil Affairs Party, and Foreign Minister Nagai Yanataro of the Tanaka Cabinet. These two people have a close relationship with Cai Zhikan, and they are friends for many years, because they love pomp and pageantry and love to smoke opium, the two cannot make ends meet, and often need Cai Zhikan's support. Moreover, these two people like to drink Chinese pork belly wine, so Cai Zhikan talks to them more casually.

Because of the convenience of his position, Cai Zhikan first proposed to Nagai that he take out the Tanaka Sonata and publish it in the magazine "Nichiwa" in order to "mobilize public opinion and make a single-minded leap toward Manchuria." He did not want to immediately invite Nagai to refuse. Cai Zhikan had no choice but to find another bed: "In order for the Democratic Party to overthrow the Political Friends Party, we should expose tanaka's policy of occupying Manchuria by force, and then both at home and abroad will put pressure on Tanaka and the Political Friends Party." The bed said, "If you need something, I should ask for clues for you." ”

Within a few days, the bedtime approached Cai Zhikan and said: "The royalists believe that Tanaka's policy of annexing Manchuria by force will eventually provoke a military revolution and endanger the Emperor's lineage, and they are eager to undermine Tanaka's policy." However, if the emperor or the elders directly intervened in Tanaka, it was necessary to cause a revolution in the young soldiers. The elders are now in a dilemma. I can use this opportunity to get Tanaka Sonata, and there is a good chance of success. A week later, the bed again found Cai Zhikan and said: "Count Makino Nobuhito said: If the Chinese government dares to put Tanaka's chapter on the international table, the royalists can use British and American public opinion to prevent Tanaka from launching a policy of force." If China can accept this, Makino Michi... You go and copy. ”

How was the "Tanaka Fold", a plan to invade China with a reward of 500,000 yuan, stolen? Japanese Taiwanese businessman Cai Zhikan is the first to do so

Wang Jiazhen, who received this news, immediately telegraphed 5,000 yuan in the name of "Wang Chuan" and had a short telegram: "The hospital bed is not 5,000 yuan to return (this refers to the bed banquet fee). If his illness is to be treated in Europe and the United States, Yu Guarantor is responsible. Cai Zhikan saw the telegram and went with the bed to visit Count Makino. The count saw the great joy and patted his thigh and said, "The throne can be preserved, and my old life can be extended again." He immediately ordered his concubine Yamashita Toyo to make an appointment with the Japanese Imperial Household Treasury Official, and arranged for Cai Zhikan to enter at night and copy the Tanaka Sonata.

One night in June 1928, at 11:50, Cai Zhikan disguised himself as a supplementary book worker, carrying thirty or forty large and small yellow book skins for the imperial library, several bundles of green embroidery threads, three silver cones, a bag of large and small needles, and holding the 72nd card of the "Imperial Palace Temporary Passage Card" in the circle of gold shields given by Makino, led by Yamashita Toyo, into the heavily guarded imperial palace. They crossed 24 gates, 36 side doors, and each gate had a "broken foot bridge", that is, if someone smuggled into the gate bridge, the gatekeeper guard would wield a long knife and cut off his foot. Then walk through the "Imperial Gate under the Autumn Leaf Mountain" and walk for another five or six minutes before entering the Imperial Palace Library, which was at 0:50 a.m. Along the way, Cai Zhikan felt extremely nervous, and beads of sweat were rising.

The Tanaka Sonata is made of "Nishiuchi paper" specially used in the Japanese Cabinet Chapter, and there are 60 or 70 pieces in total. After entering the library, Yu yamashita set up a guard for him outside the library gate. Cai Zhikan used carbonated tissue paper specially used by the president of the Democratic Party on the original and used pencils to depict the contents of the "Song Zhang". After drawing nearly fifty pictures, the sky was getting darker, and Cai Zhikan had to hurriedly pack up the copied sonatas, put them in the toolkit, and bravely go out of the palace with the mountain. The next night, at the behest of Cai Zhikan, Yamashita once again ventured to take Cai Zhikan into the imperial treasury in the same way. After two nights, Cai Zhikan finally copied the entire contents of the sonata.

How was the "Tanaka Fold", a plan to invade China with a reward of 500,000 yuan, stolen? Japanese Taiwanese businessman Cai Zhikan is the first to do so

How did Cai Zhikan send the manuscript of the Tanaka Sonata back to China? Now there are two ways to say it:

The first is Cai Zhikan's recollection, he said: After copying out the Tanaka Recital, he was overjoyed and called Mr. Wang Jiazhen: "I will do the results, and I will make amends for my sins." "I hid the song in the compartment of the suitcase and went to Fengtian myself. Go to the XiaoxiGuanwai Wang Mansion and hand it over to Mr. Wang Jiazhen to collect. Mr. Wang was overjoyed, had no time to entertain himself, and immediately personally sent it to General Zhang Xueliang, and came back to wash the dust for me. The next day Mr. Wang went to Nanjing, and I also returned to Tokyo.

Second, after obtaining the chapter from the Japanese Imperial Palace Library, Cai Zhikan divided the full text of the copy into 10 parts and carefully disguised it. From October 1928 onwards, copies of the "Sonata" were sent back to the motherland from Tokyo using the method of once every two weeks. The recipient is Wang Jiazhen.

How was the "Tanaka Fold", a plan to invade China with a reward of 500,000 yuan, stolen? Japanese Taiwanese businessman Cai Zhikan is the first to do so

After Zhang Xueliang learned of the contents of the "Tanaka Sonata", he saw even more clearly the wolf ambitions of the Japanese and the grim situation in which Japan was preparing to launch a large-scale war of aggression against China, and when faced with national crisis, he resolutely sent a telegram to the whole country on December 29, 1928, "declaring that he would abide by the Three People's Principles, obey the Nationalist government, and change the flag and change the banner." Subsequently, on January 10, 1929, Zhang Xueliang decisively executed Yang Yuting, the former general staff officer of the pro-Japanese Northeast Army, and Chang Yinhuai, governor of Heilongjiang Province, eliminating the hidden dangers that endangered national unity and peace.

Not only Yang and Chang, but also the exposure of "Tanaka Fold" has made some princes of the League Banner under the jurisdiction of the northeast, and their dirty and traitorous deeds in their exchanges with Japan have all been presented in the eyes of the world, providing an important clue for the anti-Japanese hoeing and rape activities in the northeast region.

As soon as "Tanaka Recital" was exposed, it immediately caused an uproar and shock around the world, and various countries expressed surprise and condemnation one after another; huge demonstrations were held in various parts of China, and the wave of anti-Japanese resistance swept across the country. In Japan, the government and the public are full of insults, and they have accused the Tanaka cabinet. The Tanaka Cabinet, which was struggling with internal and external affairs, was finally forced to resign in July 1929, and the cabinet was reorganized by yuyuki Hamaguchi, the president of the Democratic Party, and Hirashigero Hihara was reinstated as Foreign Minister. Soon after, Yoshiichi Tanaka also died suddenly in his apartment.

After experiencing such a situation, the amazing thing is that although Cai Zhikan was arrested, he was convicted of his crime by sufficient ironclad evidence, so he had to be released. Cai Zhikan later continued to engage in anti-Japanese behavior. In 1940, Cai Zhikan was arrested in Guangzhou to collect Japanese intelligence and spent 5 years in prison until japan surrendered. In 1955, Cai Zhikan died of illness in his hometown at the age of 67.

How was the "Tanaka Fold", a plan to invade China with a reward of 500,000 yuan, stolen? Japanese Taiwanese businessman Cai Zhikan is the first to do so

There are still objections as to whether "Tanaka Sonata" is real. Most of the Japanese historians who held the view of forgery were Japanese historians, and the reasons they put forward were forgeries, such as: the sonata was only Chinese version and did not see the original Japanese text; the sonata format was inconsistent with the Japanese sonata format; the phrases used in the sonata were very different from the words used in Japan at that time; and there were many errors in the content and date list; and so on.

Those who argue that the Tanaka Fold is true believe that the Japanese side destroyed a large number of documents and evidence before surrendering, and did not rule out the possibility that the Japanese army destroyed this evidence. In addition, later facts have also proved that the japanese army's steps of aggression against China were indeed carried out in accordance with this "outline for aggression against China."

For more than 70 years, there is still no conclusion on the authenticity of "Tanaka Sonata". But facts speak louder than words, and the japanese militarists' arrogant strategy of aggression against China and the bloody history of the Chinese people are ironclad evidence. Even if some Politicians with ulterior motives in Japan keep their eyes open and talk nonsense, it will be impossible to change the various criminal acts committed by Japanese militarism. They have deceived themselves, but they have deceived anyone in the world who has a righteous heart!

How was the "Tanaka Fold", a plan to invade China with a reward of 500,000 yuan, stolen? Japanese Taiwanese businessman Cai Zhikan is the first to do so