
China's most anti-Japanese agent, sneaking into the Emperor's Palace to steal Japan's top secrets, thrilling is comparable to infernal affairs

Hello, everyone, Xiaobian and everyone have met again, today is another day full of vitality, what have you done? After a hard day, it is also time to take a break and see what Xiaobian will share with you today?

In December 1929, the Nanjing "Current Affairs Monthly" published a shocking news article - "Thrilling Japanese Manchurian-Mongolian Policy - Tanaka Yoshiichi's Chapter of the Japanese Emperor". It reads: "If you want to conquer the world, you must first conquer China; if you want to conquer China, you must first conquer Manchuria and Mongolia." This sonata is the infamous Tanaka Recital, which was regarded as top secret by Japan before the War of Resistance. As soon as this performance was exposed, it made the Japanese imperial family and cabinet angry and greatly ignited. It also caused an uproar in world public opinion. Huge anti-Japanese demonstrations were held across China, and the anti-Japanese wave swept across the country. So, how did this recital, which was held as a top secret by the Japanese army, be made public?

It's all thanks to the efforts of the Chinese agent — he's Cai Zhikan.

China's most anti-Japanese agent, sneaking into the Emperor's Palace to steal Japan's top secrets, thrilling is comparable to infernal affairs

《Tanaka Soori》

China's most anti-Japanese agent, sneaking into the Emperor's Palace to steal Japan's top secrets, thrilling is comparable to infernal affairs

The initiator of the invasion of China was Emperor Hirohito of Japan

Tsai chi-kan is a Taiwanese who is engaged in business. Because Taiwan had previously become a Japanese colony, and a considerable part of Tsai's business was in Japan, Cai Zhikan became a Japanese citizen at that time.

In 1928, Zhang Xueliang took over the military and political power in the northeast and began to send people to collect information on the changes in Japan's China policy, the most important of which was to obtain the contents of the "Tanaka Recital" in order to explore the specific steps of Japan's invasion of China. So one day in June 1928, Cai Zhikan received a note from Zhang Xueliang's subordinate, Wang Jiazhen, who was then the head of the Diplomatic Department of the Northeast Army, hoping that he would manage to get the Tanaka Recital. Cai Zhikan gladly agreed and agreed to this. But how can you steal "Tanaka Sonata" from the heavily guarded Imperial Palace of Japan?

China's most anti-Japanese agent, sneaking into the Emperor's Palace to steal Japan's top secrets, thrilling is comparable to infernal affairs

Cai Zhikan

China's most anti-Japanese agent, sneaking into the Emperor's Palace to steal Japan's top secrets, thrilling is comparable to infernal affairs

The Emperor of Japan read the edict at the Imperial Palace

Cai Zhikan knew that "Tanaka Sonata" was Japan's top secret and was certainly not easy to get. After much deliberation, he decided to take advantage of the contradiction between the Japanese Democratic Party and the Political Friends Association to get a twist with the help of the Kuomintang people.

As a result, Tsai Jikan hosted a private banquet for Takejiro Bedji, former Japanese Minister of the Interior and chairman of the Democratic Party, and Foreign Minister Nagai Yanotaro of the Tanaka Cabinet. Both Bedji and Nagai are his old friends, and Cai Zhikan often invites them to drink and provides them with financial support from time to time, so the relationship has always been better and the conversation is more casual.

Cai Zhikan felt that Nagai was the easiest person to approach the Tanaka Sonata, so he first asked Nagai for help, but Nagai refused. So Cai Zhikan had to find a bed, and he said to him: If the Democratic Party wants to overthrow the Political Friends Association, it should expose the plan of occupying the northeast by force that Tanaka (the leader of the Political Friends Association) strongly advocates, and then your Democratic Party will have the opportunity to make a comeback. Bed was touched by what he said, and for the sake of the comeback of the Civil Affairs Party, he decided to help Cai Zhikan secretly copy the chapter.

Takejiro Tojiji

A week later, with the help of the Democrats, Choi Chi-kan disguised himself as a supplementary worker and sneaked into the heavily guarded Imperial Palace of the Japanese Emperor at night to copy the Tanaka Recital. Choi Chi-kan spread a thin piece of carbonated paper dedicated to the president of the Democratic Party on the original and described it in pencil. The next night, he entered the palace as well. After two nights, Cai Zhikan risked his life to finally copy all of the "Tanaka Sonata".

After that, Cai Zhikan secretly hid the copied "Tanaka Recital Fold" in the mezzanine of a suitcase, personally escorted it from Tokyo to Shenyang, and handed it over to Wang Jiazhen. Wang Jiazhen immediately sent the copy to Zhang Xueliang's mansion. The next day, Zhang Xueliang ordered Wang Jiazhen to report to the Nanjing government. At this point, the Nanjing government had learned all the contents of the Tanaka Recital and published its contents through the Current Affairs Monthly, which shocked China and the world. As a result, Cai Zhikan became the first person to expose Japan's ambitions to invade China.

China's most anti-Japanese agent, sneaking into the Emperor's Palace to steal Japan's top secrets, thrilling is comparable to infernal affairs

Zhang Xueliang, who has a clean face

What is ironic is that after the Nanjing government learned of cai Zhikan's policy of invading and occupying "Manchuria" at the risk of his life, in the face of the aggressive posture of the Japanese army at the time of the "918" incident in 1931, the Nanjing government still pursued the policy of "outside the country must first be inside" and "no resistance", and the 300,000 northeast army took the initiative to withdraw from the northeast without firing a single shot, ceding more than 1.5 million square kilometers of land to the enemy.

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