
Tanaka leaked the truth of the case, and the hero is unknown. A name that few people know: Cai Zhikan

author:Talk about things and talk about texts
Tanaka leaked the truth of the case, and the hero is unknown. A name that few people know: Cai Zhikan

Once upon a time, the sensational Tanaka Fold leak case caused an uproar in the world. Behind this leak is also a hero that few people know: Cai Zhikan. On April 20, 1927, Yoshiichi Tanaka, a fanatical militarist and president of the Japan Political Friends Association, strongly advocated the expansion of the war of aggression against China, became the prime minister of Japan. Soon after, under the presidency of Yoshiichi Tanaka, a cabinet meeting for 11 days was held to study the policy of active aggression against China, the Oriental Conference. After the meeting, Tanaka issued the "Program of China Policy" in the form of instructions and wrote a secret recital directly presented to the Japanese emperor: Tanaka Recital.

Tanaka refers to a secret recital that was revealed in 1929 and presented to Emperor Showa on July 25, 1927 by Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiichi Tanaka, entitled "The Empire's Positive fundamental policy toward Manchuria and Mongolia." But in fact, this recital was a memorandum on China written by Sadaichi Suzuki, a junior vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kei Mori, of the General Staff Headquarters. Although Sadaichi Suzuki was the core leader of the Showa warlords, he also served as the president of the Planning Institute. At the same time, he was also one of the 28 Class A war criminals, but not many people knew him at that time, and he used the name of Yoshiichi Tanaka when published in China to achieve publicity effect. The publication of this document has played a very good propaganda role in exposing Japan's ambitions to invade China and dispelled some people's illusions about Japan.

Tanaka leaked the truth of the case, and the hero is unknown. A name that few people know: Cai Zhikan

In this compromise, Yoshiichi Tanaka comprehensively elaborates that the planned steps of Japan's mainland policy are confidential documents. In this regard, the intelligence agencies of the United States, the Soviet Union, and Britain attached great importance to it, so they tried every means to inquire into the detailed information of Tanaka's folds. However, at this time, in February 1929, the sonata was published by the Monthly Journal of Current Affairs published in Nanjing, China, and the main contents of tanaka's recital were publicly disclosed. In addition, this chapter also specifically planned the five periods and basic strategies of Japan's invasion of China and other regions, fully exposing the wolf ambitions of Japanese imperialism at that time to invade China and conquer the world.

Since it is a top-secret document, how did China get it? At that time, there was a wealthy Taiwanese businessman named Cai Zhikan who studied and did business in Japan. He had participated in the League in his early years, was a patriotic man, and had repeatedly conveyed the information he had received in his dealings with the Japanese elite to Zhang Xueliang through Wang Jiazhen, the secretary of his friend Jacky Cheung.

Tanaka leaked the truth of the case, and the hero is unknown. A name that few people know: Cai Zhikan

One day in June 1928, Cai Zhikan received a secret letter from Wang Jiazhen hidden in a special pastry, hoping that he would manage to get Tanaka's recital. However, because this recital involves Japan's top secrets, it is particularly difficult to obtain it. After thinking about it again and again, Cai Zhikan decided to start from the contradiction between the Political Friends Association of the Young Zhuang faction in Japanese politics and the elderly political party. So through contact, Cai Zhikan learned that Makino Nobu was very dissatisfied with the arrogance of the young zhuang faction soldiers of the Political Friends Association, and intended to frustrate their vigor by leaking the plans of the ShaoZhuang government to the outside world.

After learning that Makino had this idea, Choi began to implement his divisive plan, and after a few minutes of thinking about it, he wanted Makino to propose that he publish the top-secret material himself. After receiving 5,000 yen, Makino ordered his concubine Yamashita Toyo to make an appointment with the Japanese imperial scrivener and arrange for Cai Zhikan to enter at night to copy Tanaka's folds. In this way, Cai Zhikan successfully copied this confidential document Tanaka. After the completion of the work, Cai Zhikan was overjoyed and telegraphed Wang Jiazhen: I will make sure that I have the results and will make amends. After Cai Zhikan hid the copy in the compartment of the suitcase, he personally went to Shenyang and handed it over to Wang Jiazhen. After Receiving the manuscript, Wang Jiazhen immediately asked someone to translate and report zhang Xueliang, and Zhang Xueliang instructed zhang Xueliang to print 200 copies and distribute them to the military and political dignitaries in the northeast, and at the same time sent 4 copies to the National Government in Nanjing.

Tanaka leaked the truth of the case, and the hero is unknown. A name that few people know: Cai Zhikan

After Tanaka's recital was made public, it became a major issue of contention between China and Japan at the League of Nations conference. The Japanese side accused Tanaka of forging the fold, and the Chinese representative leaked the document and copied it from the Japanese Imperial Family Library. As a result, the Japanese authorities immediately launched an investigation, and the imperial librarian Yamashita Anduchi and all 28 people below were dismissed. Soon, Cai Zhikan was also arrested and imprisoned, his private home was seized, and his personal property worth 2 million yen was confiscated.

In 1955, ten years after the surrender of Japan, Tsai Zhikan died of illness in his hometown in Taiwan at the age of 68. Cover up and think, the hero is nameless, salute.

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