
Lang Xie "full of losses, humble benefits" and then small discussion of "Shang Shu Da Yu Mo"

author:Qin Wanqiong
Lang Xie "full of losses, humble benefits" and then small discussion of "Shang Shu Da Yu Mo"

"Full of losses, humble benefits." Complacency incurs losses, modesty benefits?

If the vernacular is "blind vernacular", that is. Hahahahahaha, have a laugh. Let's look at the original text first. Oh well, as follows.

[The first month of Shuo Dan, under the command of the Divine Sect, led the hundred officials at the beginning of the Emperor Ruo.]

Emperor Yue: "Consultation, Yu! However, there are Miao Fu rates and Ru Wandering Signs. ”

After Yu Nai met the group, he swore an oath to the master: "There are many people in the economy, and xian obeys the orders." Foolish and cunning, comatose and disrespectful, insulting and self-eminent, rebelling against morality, gentlemen in the opposition, villains in power, the people abandoning and not protecting, the blame of heaven, wantonly giving all the people, and committing crimes. Ershang Yi is the heart power, and its ke has a merit. ”

Thirty years later, the Miao people rebelled. Yizan Yu Yu said: "Only virtue moves the heavens, and there is no far-reaching world." Full of losses, humble benefits, time is the way of heaven. The emperor was in The Mountains, to the fields, to the sun, to the mintian, to the parents, to the guilty. Qi Zai saw Qiu Shu ( 瞽叟 ), 夔夔斋瞽 , 瞽也允若. To the gods, there are seedlings in the temple. ”

Yu Baichang said, "Yu! "Banshi Zhen Brigade. Emperor Nai was born with Wende, dancing in two steps, and miaoge in his seventies. 】

Lang Xie "full of losses, humble benefits" and then small discussion of "Shang Shu Da Yu Mo"


大概意思是,舜帝命令大禹去讨伐当时不顺服的“苗人”(指专门种植粮食的族群,不是现在的苗族,虽然有一定的关联),但遭遇苗民激烈的反抗(因为这在苗人看来是“入侵”);后来,大禹受到伯翳(我倾向于‬这个‬名字‬,因‬“翳‬”本义是‬“伞‬状物‬‬遮盖‬”,亦即有‬‬“护佑‬‬”的‬引申义,与‬其‬“职‬”相合‬‬;也有‬“伯益‬”等‬ 说法‬)的‬‬“... 满招损‬,谦受益,时‬乃‬天道...‬”等‬话语‬点拨‬,待时‬而动‬,终‬见‬“苗人”‬内乱‬(“有苗格‬”即是‬无道‬的‬“苗人‬”首领‬引发了‬自己部落‬内部的反抗‬起义‬;‬故事‬就到这‬);可以想象‬,大禹‬收服了‬他们‬。

It is often seen that many people cite "full of loss, humble benefit" to teach people, but the meaning of the explanation or understanding given is not quite correct, it can almost be said that it is used in modern Chinese to speculate on ancient texts, take meanings out of context, and still belong to the "imaginary understanding" ---- unfortunately has become a convention, the right should be the "living learning and use" of posterity, such as the interpretation in the rhetorical question at the beginning of the text.

If you put "full of losses, humble benefits." Interpreted as "complacency incurs losses, modesty gains benefits." Then, this sentence of "Zhou Yi Feng" says, "The middle of the day is bright, and the moon is eclipsed." ”该‬如何‬解释‬,《红楼梦‬》里‬秦可卿‬的‬那句‬“水满则溢‬,月满则亏‬。 ”又该‬怎么解释‬? 冲突了‬,自相矛盾‬了‬,发现没有‬?

The meaning of "Zhou Yi", this article will not be said first, and it will be a single work in the future.

The root word for "overflow" is "benefit" (the shape of water boiling to cause steam to escape), and adding "water" next to it indicates that "water has flooded out".

In this way, complacency incurs losses, and modesty also "escapes and goes out", isn't it the same loss? Isn't it?

Lang Xie "full of losses, humble benefits" and then small discussion of "Shang Shu Da Yu Mo"

It's still on the word.

"Full", the root word is not "water", the original meaning refers to "the whole car" (later borrowed as a quantifier), plus "water" side means "when the car to pull water due to too much load spilled out" ---- later generations are also extended to "complacency".

The meaning of "move", "introduction".

"Loss", the root word is "member" (a vessel full of food), the added hand ("both hands" refers to "many") with "co-eating" to indicate "reduction" ,---- there is also a glyph, which is when firing pottery and porcelain, the excess part is burned, of course, "the same way to the same destination", also extended to "reduce".

The root word of "modesty" is "concurrent" (that is, "grasp together", and the extended meaning is "taking care of", etc.), and the addition of "speech" next to it means "thoughtful and comprehensive" ---- which is not the "modesty" of "modesty" that we have extended for many generations.

"Receiving" means "receiving" or "giving" (derived from the differentiation word "grant").

"Beneficial"... Just said that.

Therefore, "Full of losses, humble benefits, the time is the way of heaven." The explanation of this whole sentence should be as follows: when the bearing capacity is insufficient, the more you want, the more the result will lead to a reduction; but if you can take into account your own capacity and the resistance of the other party, it will definitely grow to the point of escaping like boiling water, the key is in the control of timing---- the "Miao people" are still very united inside, there is no contradiction rift. ----于是大禹并没有进一步急切地讨伐,而是“班师振旅”,也‬“等”到了“七旬有苗格”的‬时机‬。

Lang Xie "full of losses, humble benefits" and then small discussion of "Shang Shu Da Yu Mo"

Is it "passed"?

That's exactly what it means.

Who does not want to get the more the better, to the "escape, overflow" ,---- this is also understandable, that is, human nature, but also has positive significance, but to "take into account" their own capabilities, external conditions, is not it?

"Complacency and modesty" is the original meaning of countless generations of "collateral grandchildren". As soon as the Shang family slowly saw and heard similar language and words such as "from what", they felt that the "speaker" was going to "set" and "immediate family" for the ancient text, and there was no room for rebuttal and questioning, hahahahahaha!

What is the ancient text or the original text, what is the present meaning, so to speak,---- I don't know the ancient meaning can not be mentioned, but it must be forcibly titled "from", is not suspected of "blind vernacular", right?

Lang Xie "full of losses, humble benefits" and then small discussion of "Shang Shu Da Yu Mo"

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