
Shi Hai hooked | Zhu Wenyu, a farmer in Jiangdu, adopted Liu Shaoqi's second son, Liu Yunruo

author:Jiangdu release
Shi Hai hooked | Zhu Wenyu, a farmer in Jiangdu, adopted Liu Shaoqi's second son, Liu Yunruo

In Zhulou Village, Zhenwu Town, there is a lifelike relief, and the relief carving records a real past: In 1933, Zhu Wenyu, a farmer in Zhulou, adopted a 3-year-old boy "Mao Mao" in Shanghai. In 1946, "Mao Mao", who grew up in Zhulou Village, finally returned to his biological father. He is Liu Yunruo, the second son of COMMUNIST Party leader Liu Shaoqi. Yesterday, the reporter interviewed Zhu Wenyu's descendants and insiders. This winter, thinking of your years of warmth, thick time, is full of concerns for me.

Shi Hai hooked | Zhu Wenyu, a farmer in Jiangdu, adopted Liu Shaoqi's second son, Liu Yunruo

Pictured: The relief engraving records a real past

"My uncle's name in my house was Zhu Hongxing, and he later changed his name to Liu Yunruo, and he and my mother, Zhu Honglou, depended on each other. After liberation, letters were often sent..." said Chen Jinkun, 69, of Chendian Village, Fairy Town.

Shi Hai hooked | Zhu Wenyu, a farmer in Jiangdu, adopted Liu Shaoqi's second son, Liu Yunruo

Zhu Wenyu's granddaughter Chen Jinkun (right) recalls her uncle Zhu Hongxing

"The current Red Flag Group used to be called Old Xuzhuang, and Mao Mao grew up here." Shen Chuangen, 68, of the Red Flag Group of Zhulou Village, said that at that time, his father, Shen Wannian, had studied private school with Mao Mao, and at first he only knew that Mao Mao was the "Oshizi" that Zhu Wenyu had brought back from Shanghai, and later learned that he was Liu Shaoqi's younger son.

Shi Hai hooked | Zhu Wenyu, a farmer in Jiangdu, adopted Liu Shaoqi's second son, Liu Yunruo

Zhulou villagers tell about the "Mao Mao" who grew up in old Xuzhuang

With the narration of Zhu Wenyu's descendants and insiders

Dusty fragments of history are stitched together into a complete story


He Baozhen was arrested in Shanghai and asked the landlord to take care of "Mao Mao"

In the winter of 1932, Greater Shanghai was shrouded in a white terror. Liu Shaoqi left Shanghai under the pseudonym "Tang Kaiyuan" and entered the Central Soviet Region via Shantou, Guangdong Province, serving as chairman of the Central Executive Bureau of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. His wife, He Baozhen, stayed in Shanghai under the cover of being a teacher and served as the head of the National Mutual Masonic Association and the head of the rescue department.

Shi Hai hooked | Zhu Wenyu, a farmer in Jiangdu, adopted Liu Shaoqi's second son, Liu Yunruo

On June 15, 1924, Liu Shaoqi, He Baozhen and the teachers of the Anyuan Road Miners' Union Workers' School took a group photo. The third row of people (second from the right) is Liu Shaoqi, and the second row of seats (fourth from the right) is He Baozhen.

One day in March 1933, He Baozhen was found by traitors on the streets of Shanghai. When she threw off her "tail" and returned home, she was preparing to take her 3-year-old young son "Mao Mao" to evacuate urgently, and a large number of plainclothes agents had surrounded her residence. He Baozhen knew that it was difficult to escape the enemy's clutches this time, but he couldn't bear to let his young son be imprisoned with her, so he was in a hurry, and casually hugged "Mao Mao" to the landlady and whispered: "Someone will pick up this child in the future, please help me take care of it for a few days, please!" ”

After He Baozhen was arrested, he was escorted to Nanjing First Model Prison. Because of the change of name and surname, the enemy could not confirm her true identity for a while, and sentenced her to 15 years in prison. The traitors identified her as the wife of Liu Shaoqi, a member of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee. In the autumn of 1934, the 32-year-old He Baozhen bravely took up his righteousness at The Yuhuatai in Nanjing.

Since then, the whereabouts of he Baozhen's youngest son "Mao Mao" who have worried him are unknown.

Zhu Wenyu went to Shanghai to visit relatives and brought "Mao Mao" back to Jiangdu to raise him

In the summer of 1933, Zhu Wenyu, an old Xuzhuang farmer in Zhulou, went to Shanghai to visit his stepmother Yao Qingling. His stepmother handed over a little boy named Mao Mao to him and asked him to take him back to the countryside to raise him well. At that time, Zhu Wenyu did not know that her stepmother, Yao Qingling, was an underground worker, and she was entrusted by the party organization to find a reliable person to raise "Mao Mao".

Zhu Wenyu was overjoyed, because he had been married for many years, had never had children, and had previously adopted a little girl, Zhu Honglou. After leading "Mao Mao" back to the countryside, he was named "Zhu Hongxing". When "Mao Mao" first arrived in the countryside, he was so thin that his skin was covered with bones, and he suffered sores all over his body.

Zhu Wenyu' milk name is "Stone", and he is an honest farmer. In addition to renting three acres of land from the landlord's family, he made a living by playing cotton, and his life was very hard. However, the couple regarded Honglou and Hongxing as their own, the adults ate thin porridge and sweet potatoes, and the rice, white noodles and eggs laid by the hens in the family were all used to increase nutrition for the children.

Six years later, Zhu Wenyu, who was thrifty and thrifty, sent his 13-year-old daughter Honglou and 9-year-old Hongxing to a local private school to read and read. The two sisters and brothers depended on each other for their lives, and Hongxing was not familiar with the endorsement, so the sister patiently taught him, and the housework was also done heavily. After School, Hongxing often carries a dung basket everywhere to collect dung.

When Zhu Honglou was 18 years old, he married Chen Jiadian in Shuanggou Township, eight or nine miles away from home. Because his sister's family has few hands, Zhu Hongxing often runs to Chen Jiadian to help his sister cultivate the land and turn the land.

One day in 1946, the democratic government of Tantao Township sent people into Zhu Wenyu's house, and since then unveiled the identity of "Mao Mao".

Assigned by Zhou Enlai, the party organization sent Liu Yunruo to Yan'an

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Party Central Committee was very concerned about the whereabouts of Shaoqi's son, and Zhou Enlai personally inquired about it. The party organization learned of the whereabouts of "Mao Mao" from Yao Qingling and specially sent people to the Central China Second Prefectural Committee to look for Zhu Wenyu.

In 1946, the situation of the struggle in Jiangdu was rather complicated. Qiao Shu was a liberated area to the north and a Kuomintang-ruled area to the south, and Mao Mao often went to his sister's house in the Kuomintang area, plus Zhu Wenyu often went out to play cotton, and the cadres sent to look for Mao Mao searched for three or four months before they found Zhu Wenyu in Old Xuzhuang. When someone told him that "Mao Mao is the son of CPC leader Liu Shaoqi," Zhu Wenyu was taken aback.

At that time, Hongxing had been sent to Shanghai to learn how to make leather shoes. Zhu Wenyu and his wife went to Shanghai with the visitors and found Hongxing, who was selling newspapers on the streets of Shanghai. Hongxing was surprised to see his parents suddenly come down from the countryside to Shanghai, followed by a stranger. When everything was revealed, Hongxing Fang suddenly realized. Seeing that he was about to leave his adoptive parents who had raised him for more than 10 years, and could not say goodbye to his sister who was dependent on each other, Hongxing burst into tears.

A responsible person of the CPC delegation expressed his gratitude to Zhu Wenyu and said: "Jade is not a tool, and people are like this, and the child's return to his biological father can better cultivate him to become a talent." The person in charge also comforted Zhu Wenyu, "Within three years, we must let the children study with peace of mind, and after three years, your father and son will still meet and communicate." "

Before parting, Zhu Wenyu and his wife and Hongxing walked into the Vientiane Photo Studio in Tilanqiao, Shanghai to take photos. Subsequently, the party organization sent "Mao Mao" to Yan'an. After fourteen years of separation, 17-year-old Liu Yunruo finally returned to his father Liu Shaoqi's side.

Do not forget the grace of nurturing, allowing you to worry about your adoptive parents' family

After returning to Shaoqi's side, Liu Yunruo entered Yan'an Education Primary School and Yan'an Middle School successively, but he never forgot to raise his adoptive parents and sisters who were brothers and sisters. In 1948, he wrote a letter to Zhu Wenyu, saying: "During the war years, my sister Aiqin and my brother Yun Bin were separated from other places and fostered in people's homes, and now they have all been found. ”

Shi Hai hooked | Zhu Wenyu, a farmer in Jiangdu, adopted Liu Shaoqi's second son, Liu Yunruo

In July 1950, Liu Shaoqi and his son Liu Yunruo took a photo at Yuquan Mountain in Beijing

In 1950, Liu Shaoqi personally wrote a letter to Zhu Wenyu, and the beginning of the letter read: "Brother Wenyu, my son Mao Mao has been raised for many years, and he is grateful to the point..." Receiving the letter sent by Liu Shaoqi, Zhu Wenyu's family was excited and treasured the letter.

In the spring of 1953, Zhu Wenyu's wife died of illness. After Liu Yunruo learned of this, he sent 600,000 yuan (old currency) and attached a letter: "Father, the country is under construction, the salary system taken by the father, and the father discussed 600,000 yuan as the mother's funeral expenses." ”

In March 1954, Zhu Wenyu died of hepatic ascites. Before dying, he looked forward to meeting Mao Mao for the last time. Unfortunately, Liu Yunruo was studying at the Moscow Aviation Institute in the Soviet Union and could not return.

In 1960, Liu Yunruo returned to China and engaged in missile design in the subordinate units of the State Seventh Aircraft Department. During this period, Liu Yunruo has been in contact with his sister Zhu Honglou. After her sister married Chen Baoding and gave birth to a child, Liu Yunruo sent letters and photos from Beijing to greet the whole family as the child's uncle. Zhu Honglou's husband, Chen Baoding, served as the captain of the Chendian Brigade in Shuanggou Commune. At that time, out of respect for the party and state leaders, the relevant departments of Jiangdu County waived the fare for travel.

During the Cultural Revolution, Comrade Liu Shaoqi's family was wrongly criticized. In January 1967, Liu Yunruo was imprisoned in Beijing Banbuqiao Prison. In 1977, Liu Yunruo died of illness in Beijing at the age of 47.

At the same time, Chen Baoding was also implicated in the criticism. Someone once vigorously tracked down the whereabouts of Liu Shaoqi's letter and asked him what kind of relationship he had with Liu Shaoqi. But the couple let them fight and never betrayed their souls. Unfortunately, after several twists and turns, the whereabouts of the letter have long been unknown.

In 1980, Liu Shaoqi's unjust case was rehabilitated. The story of Zhu Wenyu, a farmer in Jiangdu, who adopted Liu Shaoqi's son Liu Yunruo, has been passed down to this day.

Source: Jiangdu Today

Author: Jiang Durong Media Center reporter Xiao Jian intern Yan Yaqian

Edit: Gillian

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