
【Printing Lecture Hall】Ba Weizu (Wang Zhaolong, Hu Tang, Ba Shugu, Dong Xunfu)

author:Calligraphy online class

Following Cheng's rise, there are Wang Zhaolong, Ba Weizu, Hu Tang, all of whom are from Shexian County, Anhui Province, and are known as the "Four Families of She". Relatively few of the four imprints have been passed down to today, so today's printing circles do not know much about these writers.

Wang Zhaolong (1722-1780), also known as Zhaoyi ( 肇漋 ), was a Chinese poet. Ba Wei Zu (1744-1795), character Yu Zhi, Yi Zi An, Juntang, Jintang, Lotus Boat. Hu Tang (1759-1826), a Chang Geng, character Yong Tao, also known as Zi Xi and Xi Fu, was a Mu Yan Ju Shi, a Mu Yan Ju Shi, and a Chengdong Ju Shi, and the nephew of Ba Wei Zu, who had the "Wooden Goose Zhai Poem".

【Printing Lecture Hall】Ba Weizu (Wang Zhaolong, Hu Tang, Ba Shugu, Dong Xunfu)

▲Figure 1 Ba Weizu", "Foreign Minister of Peach Blossom Pass"

In the past, I only saw two volumes of Ba Weizu's "Four Xiangtang Imitation Seals", which were all ancient works in the early years. Cheng Zhihua's "Ancient Snail Seal Residence" in four volumes, divided into four families, was published in the fourth year of Daoguang (1824). From here, you can get a glimpse of the style of the four creations. That year, Hu Tang was still alive, and he personally wrote a preface to this score, indicating that Cheng Zhihua's hand was not bad. Even so, after all, it is the "Tiger Ben Zhonglang" that cannot satisfy the reader's desires.

【Printing Lecture Hall】Ba Weizu (Wang Zhaolong, Hu Tang, Ba Shugu, Dong Xunfu)

▲Figure 2 Ba Weizu's "Inner Book Book"

The good news is that in recent years we have discovered the true genealogy of Ba Wei Zu. This true score was originally the 1917 zinc version photocopy of the "Dongba Wang Huhui Engraving Notation", which was once popular. The score is divided into four volumes, and the nominal seal is engraved by Dong Xun, Ba Weizu, Wang Zhensheng and Hu Tang. The world has not seen the "Shesijia" seal, which is extremely important, and it is regarded as a representative work of the middle period of the New Anyin School. It was not until we discovered the original plutonium base of this spectrum that we determined that the full spectrum was created by Ba Weizu personally.

The reasons are: First, the full spectrum style is the same, and the original plutonium base has Ba Wei ancestral friends Hu Guangshuo Bao, pointing out that it is Ba Spectrum. Second, we found from the handwriting of Ba Weizu that he used each seal, and obtained more than ten pieces, most of which belonged to this spectrum. The "Hui carved seal score" is placed in only two pieces of the Ba Spectrum, four in the Dong Spectrum, three in the Wang Spectrum, and five in the Hu Spectrum. It is difficult to say whether Ba WeiZu used the seal, or carved by a friend. However, third, we will then proofread the Hu tang seals engraved in Cheng Zhihua's "Seal Narrative" and the Hu Tang prints of this spectrum one by one, and none of the more than forty of them are the same, and the style of work is obviously different. This is a powerful proof that the so-called "Inscribed Notation" is divided into four schools (1) (Figures 1-4).

【Printing Lecture Hall】Ba Weizu (Wang Zhaolong, Hu Tang, Ba Shugu, Dong Xunfu)

Figure 3

【Printing Lecture Hall】Ba Weizu (Wang Zhaolong, Hu Tang, Ba Shugu, Dong Xunfu)

Figure 4

Ba Weizu was a famous artist who succeeded Cheng Yi. His nephew Hu Tang and son Ba Shu Gu passed on his family's learning, but his style changed slightly. The seal of Ba Weizu came out of Zhu Jian's "broken knife", and more "astringent knife" was used instead of lustrous. Cheng Zhihua copied the engraving, and the knife was more polished. The same is true of the works of Hu Tang and Bashu Valley. The seal of Hu Tang, except for the spectrum engraved by Cheng Zhihua, the true score has been lost, and we can only glimpse a few of its imprints elsewhere (Figure 5-6).

【Printing Lecture Hall】Ba Weizu (Wang Zhaolong, Hu Tang, Ba Shugu, Dong Xunfu)

Figure 5-6

Ba Shu Gu (1767-?), also spelled Mengjia, zi yizhi, Xin Qi, Qiu Nong, Yi ["齋" upper part + "dish"], Shu Gu, Xi Cheng, the eldest son of Ba Wei Zu, has eight volumes of "Four Xiang Tang Yinyu", the eighth volume is his personal creation. In the era of Ba ShuGu, he saw that Jin Wenyuan was more Tuo, so it was more appropriate for him to use Jin Wen in his works, and he was no longer mixed with blackmails like Cheng Yi and Ba Wei Zu. This style of work, which opened the way forward for Wu Zhi and others later, deserves special mention (Figure 7-10).

【Printing Lecture Hall】Ba Weizu (Wang Zhaolong, Hu Tang, Ba Shugu, Dong Xunfu)

Figure 7-10

Dong Xun (1740-1809 was still alive), ziqiquan, trumpet Xiaochi, Nianchao, Zhejiang Shanyin (Shaoxing) people. He once served as the chief bookkeeper of Nanchong County, Sichuan Province, and was dismissed. He is the author of poems, books, paintings, and prints, including "Koike Poetry Notes" and "Tano SaiYin Sayings". If the "Dong Ba Wang Hu Hui Inscribed Seal Spectrum" is not credible, then the Dong Xun Seal Spectrum has been lost.

【Printing Lecture Hall】Ba Weizu (Wang Zhaolong, Hu Tang, Ba Shugu, Dong Xunfu)

Figure 11

On Indian scholars, either Dong Xun was subordinate to the Hui sect, or Dong Xun was subordinate to the Zhejiang school. Dong Xun praised Zhu Jian in the "Sayings of the Tano Zaiyin"; praised Cheng Jie as "a person who can change the ancient seals"; and also admired Ding Jing, saying that he "gathered the methods of Qin, Han, Song, and Yuan, participated in snow fishing, cultivated energy, and used a knife to form a family of his own".

Hu Tang's "Muyan Zhai Poem" has a Dong Nianchao seal score of five ancient poems, which records the joy of engraving with Dong Xun, Ba Weizu and others in Wuhan (see the third volume of the poetry collection, the original title "Dong Nianchao uses the engraved booklet to ask for the title, exhibits and plays the present work, reminisces about the previous journey, and gets the three hundred characters after the book"), indicating that he and Ba and Hu have a deep friendship, and the style of the work must affect each other. Ding Jing's son Ding Chuan said in the "Tatsuno Zaiyin Sayings" that he "carved the seal of the ancestors in modern times, although thousands of miles away, it will be mailed, and the rules will be imitated." Every moment is printed, the people know, 'This true Dragon Hong (Ding Jing) Mr. Sect'. So is the case with its elegance. "It can be seen that Dong Xunzhiyin, who is also the head of the division, is not the main family."

【Printing Lecture Hall】Ba Weizu (Wang Zhaolong, Hu Tang, Ba Shugu, Dong Xunfu)

Figure 12

The notation has been lost, and it is certainly difficult to judge its genre from only a small number of legacy works (Figures 11-12). Although Dong Xun was a native of Zhejiang and jiang ren was three years old, his time had not yet had the name of "Zhejiang school", so we now temporarily place him in the Xin'anYin school, and see his full spectrum in the future and make a conclusion.


(1) For the discovery of the original manuscript of Ba Weizu's creation of the seal, see Sha Menghai's "Notes on the Seal of Ba Wei's Grandfather and Son", which was published in the "Series of Books on Sha Menghai" published by Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House.

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