
In 1937, when the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region was established, who were the commanders and political commissars of each military sub-district?


After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the units of our Red Army were unified into the Eighth Route Army and rushed to the anti-Japanese front. At that time, in north China, in addition to carrying out anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare in enemy-occupied areas, our Eighth Route Army also created a number of military regions, such as the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region, which was the first anti-Japanese military region created by our army.

In 1937, when the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region was established, who were the commanders and political commissars of each military sub-district?

The Jin-Cha-Ji Anti-Japanese Military Region was founded by Commander Nie Rongzhen, which belonged to the first-class military region of the Eighth Route Army, which had more than 3,000 soldiers when it was first established, and later developed, the military region reached tens of thousands of people. When the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region was established, there were four military sub-districts under its jurisdiction, so who were the commanders and political commissars of each military sub-district?

The Jin-Cha-Ji First Military Subdistrict covers the western and eastern Hebei regions, and the troops under the command of the sub-district are reorganized from the independent regiment of the former 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, so the commander of the first military sub-district is Yang Chengwu, the former head of the independent regiment, and the political commissar is Deng Hua, the former political commissar of the independent regiment.

Yang Chengwu. General Yang Chengwu was a tough general in our army, and he was an old subordinate of Marshal Nie Rongzhen. As early as the Red Army period, Yang Chengwu joined the organization, such as Lazikou, Luding Bridge and other battles, Yang Chengwu participated. General Yang Chengwu was a steel blade of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region of the Eighth Route Army, and his bravery and good fighting, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yang Chengwu was awarded the rank of general and awarded three first-class honor medals.

Deng Hua. Deng Hua is a rare military and political all-rounder in our army, and he is a native of Chenxian County, Hunan Province. During the Red Army period, Deng Hua was in charge of political work for a long time, serving as a political commissar of the division and also entering the Red Army University for further study. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Deng Hua assisted Yang Chengwu in presiding over military work for a long time, and later, he led the army independently and served as the commander of our army corps. Deng Hua was the second in command of the first batch of troops in our army to enter the DPRK, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was awarded the rank of general.

In 1937, when the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region was established, who were the commanders and political commissars of each military sub-district?

The jin-cha-ji second military sub-district was mainly under the jurisdiction of the northeast region of Shanxi, and the troops of this sub-district were reorganized from the former jin-northeast guerrilla army, while the commander and political commissar of the sub-district were Zhao Erlu.

Zhao Erlu. Before General Zhao Erlu served as the commander and political commissar of the division, he was mainly responsible for the logistics supply of the Eighth Route Army, and because of the needs of wartime, he rushed to the northeast front of Jin and served as the commander of the division. Zhao Erlu was an old subordinate of Marshal He Long, and in the early years, Zhao Erlu followed General He to participate in the Nanchang Uprising, and later, when the rebel army lost on the way south, Zhao Erlu followed General Zhu to Jinggangshan. During the red army period and the early stage of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Zhao Erlu was an expert in the logistics work of our army, and after the establishment of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region, he successively served as the chief of staff of our army.

In addition to the Second Division, the Third Military Subdistrict is also the mainstream military region of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region, and at the beginning of its establishment, the personnel and equipment of the division were not inferior to the Second Military Subdistrict. The political commissar of the Jin-Cha-Ji Third Military Subdistrict was Wang Ping, and the commander was Chen Manyuan.

Chen Manyuan. Compared with Yang Chengwu and Zhao Erlu, Chen Manyuan may be less famous, but he was also a famous general in the early days of our army. Chen Manyuan was an excellent general in our army, who studied at his hometown Chucai Middle School in his early years, and later, with the support of his relatives, he was admitted to Wuzhou No. 2 Middle School to study, where Chen Manyuan accepted Marxist ideas and formally embarked on the road of revolution.

Chen Manyuan was imprisoned by diehards during his leadership of the peasant movement in his hometown, and later, Li Mingrui and others launched the Baise Uprising in Guangxi, and Chen Manyuan joined it and joined the Red Army. In 1931, the main force of the Red Seventh Army entered the Central Soviet Region, and Chen Manyuan first served in the Red Third Army, and then was transferred to the Red First Army to preside over political work. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chen Manyuan, who was the political commissar of the Red Army Division, was reorganized and appointed as the brigade chief of staff of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and in the same year, the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region was established, and Chen Manyuan became the commander of the sub-district.

In 1937, when the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region was established, who were the commanders and political commissars of each military sub-district?

Chen Manyuan was an old subordinate of Marshal Nie Rongzhen and Marshal He Long, and his ability to write and fight was also deeply trusted by General Manager He and others. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, Chen Manyuan served in the Jinsui Military Region and the North China Military Region for a long time, and after the founding of New China, he was transferred back to his hometown to take up a post. In November 1986, Chen Manyuan died of illness in Beijing at the age of 75.

Wang ping. Wang Ping, the political commissar of the Third Division, is an excellent leader in political work in our army, and he was awarded the rank of general after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Wang Ping participated in the revolution during the Period of the Great Revolution, and later, the Red Army entered the Yangxin area, and Wang Ping officially joined the Red Army. General Wang Ping will be the old subordinate of General Peng, during the Red Army period, he mainly served in the Red Third Army, and his ability to write and fight was also deeply trusted by President Peng. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Wang Ping was awarded the rank of general and three first-class medals of honor.

The troops of the Jin-Cha-Ji Fourth Military Subdistrict were reorganized from the 685th Regiment of the former Eighth Route Army, and the commander of the division was the martyr Zhou Jianping and the political commissar was Liu Daosheng.

Zhou Jianping. Martyr Zhou Jianping was a tiger general in the early days of our army, and he was a good friend of the revolutionaries Fang Zhimin and Shao Shiping. Zhou Jianping's father, Zhou Yizhong, was an official in Xuanwei County, Yunnan in the late Qing Dynasty, so Zhou Jianping also received a good education from an early age. In 1908, at the age of 16, Zhou Jian joined the army, where Zhou Jianping accepted the new ideas and officially embarked on the road of revolution.

Zhou Jianping was an old revolutionary who participated in the Xinhai Revolution, and during his time in the Red Army, he persisted in the struggle in Fujian, Zhejiang, and Gansu for a long time, and after the main force of the Red Army was transferred, he insisted on carrying out guerrilla warfare in the south. Zhou Jianping had profound qualifications and outstanding military achievements, and he was the deputy brigade commander of the Eighth Route Army during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. In 1938, Zhou Jianping unfortunately died on the front line at the age of 46.

In 1937, when the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region was established, who were the commanders and political commissars of each military sub-district?

Liu Daosheng. General Liu Daosheng was the founding hero of New China, and he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general in 1955. Liu Daosheng joined the revolution at the age of 14, and as the old subordinate of President Peng, Liu Daosheng also made many meritorious achievements during the revolutionary years. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Daosheng transferred to the Navy and was later awarded the rank of lieutenant general.

In addition to the four military sub-districts, the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region also formed a fifth detachment in December 1937, which was formed by local anti-Japanese forces originally active in the southern Liaoning and western Pingxi regions. Wang Zhili, director of the political department of the fifth detachment, is a famous architect who served as the first vice president of the Northeast Institute of Technology after the founding of the People's Republic of China and made important contributions to the construction of national gardens.

To sum up, five of the seven sub-district commanders or political commissars of the Eighth Route Army's Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region at the time of its initial establishment were awarded military ranks, of which Zhao Erlu, Yang Chengwu, Wang Ping, and Deng Hua were awarded the rank of general, and Liu Daosheng was awarded the rank of lieutenant general.