
Salary increase unspoken rules, this secret you know?


1. How much is the requirement to apply for a salary increase that is easier to achieve?

Maybe the boss will take the initiative to give you a raise, but it is symbolic, not commensurate with your own ability. How much is the right amount to add? Not only can you affirm your own ability, but also within the range of the boss's acceptance. 

  First, understand the salary level of the industry. For the overall salary level in the industry to have some understanding, you can search on major recruitment websites, the so-called shop around, as much as possible to compare, take the middle level. Of course, the quickest way is to get the same position as a competitor through the headhunting company. Second, a deep awareness of one's own abilities. Ask yourself three questions: Have you used your talents? Is it possible to do the job? Do you still have use value for the company?

  Again, the company's development prospects. If the company is in trouble or just starting out, it must strive to turn the vision of a salary increase into a driving force for work. Of course, this is also a special case.

  What are your own strengths? How much value can you create for the company? The answer is the key to a raise. If every professional can combine their career development with the development of the enterprise, and take the common development of themselves and the company as the long-term goal of the work, then the salary increase is only a manifestation of the career rise, and when the work performance reaches a certain level, it must bring relevant benefits to the company. Achieving this goal also achieves the preliminary preparation for salary increases.

2. What kind of employees does the boss like to give a raise?

The first category, super hard work, overtime do not die

  "What kind of employees are the best employees, that is, every day to one or two o'clock in the morning, if you leave at eleven or twelve o'clock, you are embarrassed to say hello to people", this is a friend's mobile phone ring in the imitation of the movie "big name" in a paragraph, although a little exaggerated, but also does reflect a problem, that is, the widespread overtime problem, remember when I just arrived at a company, obviously it has reached the time of leaving work, but colleagues are not leaving, as if everyone is comparing, to see who goes first, maybe I am new, Don't understand the rules, stand up and go straight to the punch card machine, all the people look at me, that feeling, like I left work on time to offend someone, but the result is that I just entered the elevator, everyone came out, rush is this thing needs me to give a sample. Therefore, if you want the leader to give you a salary increase, you have to work overtime desperately, you think, you can do two people's work alone, the leader will give you at most half a person's salary, people also earn half a person, but such a person, if you meet the whole company people are working overtime, it will be unlucky, but this is what the boss wants to see most.

The second type is super talented, not my type

  This is the most awesome kind of person, but also everyone wants to become a kind of person, the typical characteristics of this kind of person are two points, first, strong work ability, high efficiency, do not rely on time to win, speak with quality, second, since the efficiency is high, must be commuted on time, more than a little class is not added, he is like a punch card machine, to the point of sound, block can not stop, generally such a person, really let the boss love and hate, love is that he can create value for the company in a short period of time, what is the urgent life to him, will be completed quickly, hate is, Such people are generally difficult to retain, and the company in a certain period of time, and without him can not, so, most of the time, when the person is distracted, the boss will be tempted by the salary increase, so in a company, such a person, often the salary rises quickly. But everything has advantages and disadvantages, and the greatest sadness of such a person is that one day, he will be replaced by the new people cultivated by the boss.

The third type is super patient, and the daughter-in-law has cultivated into a mother-in-law for many years

  In China, it is still a well-known truth that the rule of man is greater than the rule of law, and it is the same in the small environment of the company, in any company, there will be one or two people who are not the strongest in terms of ability, but who are in important positions, what is the reason? That is, he is the elder of the company, is a very good relationship with the leadership, such a person, when necessary, the leader will also show his salary increase, the reason is very simple, because after all, it is a person who has worked hard together, and he cannot make his brothers chill. But such people, generally in a company mixed for N years, and finally mixed into a leadership position, not relying on ability, relying on resources, this is also a shortcut to "success".

The fourth type has super bouncing power, jumping this type

  There is an old Chinese saying called "trees move to die, people move to live", in the workplace, this sentence is often understood as "do not do well to jump ship", although this sentence is not right, but in the real workplace career, there is really such a group of people, you see him last time, he is in this company, the next time he sees him, may not be a long time, he is in another company, and the salary has indeed risen, the work is not too tired, such a person, often people envy. Some people say that such people are unstable and are not conducive to the development of their careers, and some people say that such people are easy to see different ideas and cannot do great things, but I personally feel that such people, who know how to know each other and move, are the most able to find opportunities, and the reason why they can keep their salaries rising every time they jump ship is because they have this trait and know when they should go and when they should stay. Such a person can always make full use of the opportunity to jump ship, even if there is no jump in the end, it is easy to let the boss raise his salary, thus leaving himself.

One more thing:

  In fact, these types of people written above, the points are not so clear, they can also be regarded as a type of person, that is, people who are easy to raise wages, in fact, no matter how many ways there are wage increases, but there is a little core content, it will certainly not change, that is, we have to continuously improve our ability through various ways, when we really have the ability to be strong enough, no matter where we are, who is our boss, the salary increase is sooner or later, but the way to rise is different.

3, the boss does not give a raise, is it to stay or leave?

1) If the boss does not agree to the salary increase, you should talk to the boss about how to get a raise and whether it can be compensated in other ways.

  If your boss doesn't agree with a raise, you should talk to your boss about how you can get a raise or whether you can compensate for it in other ways, such as bonuses, vacations, transportation expenses, and so on. If you don't do this job for a long time, then you still have to keep your heart shut and stick to it! In addition to salary, there is another value of work, that is, employees who have worked for a long time have their own space. 

  And to deal with this problem, it is still the old saying: it should be treated on a case-by-case basis. For example, are you a new employee or an old employee? Is it a general job with a low average weighted index, or an important job with a high index? Are you a key employee or an ordinary employee? Wait a minute. These are all conditions for salary increases or not. Now if you have been working in this job for a long time, for example, for more than 2-3 years, and your boss has never given you a salary increase, then you can prompt your boss or formally apply for a salary increase, which is reasonable. If you don't do this job for a long time, then you still have to keep your heart shut and stick to it! In addition to salary, there is another value of work, that is, employees who have worked for a long time have their own space.

There is a true story: Xiao Li graduated from university and applied to work as a clerk in a professional company. In the beginning, she worked hard and soon had her own space in the company. However, as time went on, the business became familiar, and her drive gradually disappeared. At this point, I feel like an old employee and deserve a higher salary. As a result, I began to be absent-minded about the work assigned to my boss. The owner looked in the eye. Half a year later, a very diligent employee who was not as capable as Xiao Li became the head of the department. Xiao Li still held his original salary until he left the company.

This story tells us that since the boss hired you, he will notice your performance, and there is no boss who does not want to keep good employees. So don't worry about your efforts being overlooked. Paying too much attention to salary, in addition to causing yourself to be uncomfortable, will also make yourself lose the opportunity for future development. It is advisable to look at the amount of wind and things, and become an extraordinary person in ordinary work!

2), if you are capable enough, after the prompt, the boss does not add, you can quietly find other jobs in private, ready to jump ship.

   Opportunities and abilities in the early stages of workplace growth are the wealth you need to obtain the most, and it is the conservation law of energy in sociology that pays directly proportional to return. When you work hard to a certain extent, if the boss does not give you a raise, the boss who suffers losses at that time is not you.

4. In what way can you talk to your boss about salary increases? How to talk about salary increases to be successful?

1. Single-knife straight in

  When you meet a reasonable boss, he welcomes you to talk to him and tell the truth, because this helps to achieve effective communication with employees and thus reduce management risks. One thing to note is that you must have a good reason to prove that you deserve a raise.

  Case: At an employee dinner, Maria accidentally heard an "insider" from a colleague with a big mouth that she could not have dreamed of: the other party was in the same department as her, but the salary was doubled. "In terms of business ability and performance, I am better than her; in terms of qualifications, I entered the company half a year earlier than her." Is it just because her diploma is a little higher than mine, she is destined to take a lot more than me? Unable to hold back, Maria ran to the boss's office to reason.

  Under the system of "employees are not allowed to inquire about wages at will", Maria of course will not say that she knows that so-and-so's salary is higher than whom, but bluntly asked the boss to give her a salary increase, when she listed her reasons for promotion one by one, the boss smiled and said: "Okay, you are very courageous, just by virtue of this dare to do character, I will give you a salary increase!" However, the salary increase is an affirmation of your previous job, and you will have to work harder in the future, and the company will not treat you badly! ”

  Comments: If you really can, then you may wish to say it out loud; but if you just take it for granted, then it is best to advise you not to take this risk, otherwise, it is inevitable to touch a big nail, and leave a bad impression on the boss that "the work is not smart, and the money is not ambiguous".

2. Action attacks the heart

  Some leaders are not used to the kind of approach of going straight and talking about money, and they believe that "it is better to say well than to do well." For such a boss, you naturally have to use actions to impress the boss's heart.

  Case: Chengjiang has ranked high in the performance appraisal of the department several times in a row, but the salary has not risen. So he carefully summarized it, and found that it was mainly due to his lack of diligence and positivity in the office, and he only knew how to bury his head and do his own thing, and did not know how to do a better job.

  Since then, he has not only done his work well, but also tried to do his work as well as possible to the surprise of his boss. In addition, he also tries to help colleagues, overtime appropriately or something. Two months later, colleagues and supervisors have qualitatively improved their evaluation of Chengjiang, and by the time the project is successfully concluded, Chengjiang's salary bag is also much more drum than before.

  Comments: The advantage of this method is that employees do not have to spend too much effort outside of work, as long as they work diligently, they can win the "heart" of the leader.

3. Retreat to advance

  Any smart boss knows that it's worth it to spend a little more money on good employees. But the boss is the boss after all, and the lower the cost spent on the employee, the higher the profit he gets. So if you don't beat him on the side drum, he will be "confused when he can be confused."

  Case: "No way, our salaries are all negotiated during interviews." "Although Tina is the backbone of the business and the manager of the sales department in the company, although the salary is higher than that of his peers, he pays too much in his work." I'm not happy with the current salary level, and now all I can do is change jobs or get my boss a raise. So Tina expressed a resignation report, and the clever boss naturally understood, and promised to give him a raise the next day.

  Comments: Remember, you have to be the one who is qualified to beat this side drum to your boss. Failure to do so may be counterproductive. In addition, in line with the principle of "how much to take, how much to do", while you plan to ask your boss for more salary, it is best to weigh whether you have enough weight and whether you have the ability to bear more heavy work pressure in the future.

  It's time to ask your boss for a raise. But how to talk about it, how much do you hope to add? The first problem is easy to solve. Of course, you can't just go straight into your boss's office and tell him I want a long salary. You should first explain your capabilities and values to the company. For example, your sales performance last year, how you won a key customer for the company, etc., to give a comprehensive introduction to your performance and capabilities, and to emphasize your contribution to the department and the company.

  If you've always maintained a proven track record and are consistently performing well——— hard work and creativity, your raises and promotions will come faster. Starting overtime only the week before you make the request doesn't work.

  Don't talk to your boss about the fact that you're taking out a loan and have personal consumption issues like buying a car or buying a house. You have to prove to the company that you deserve a raise, not that you need a raise. If you are confident in your performance, don't be embarrassed when it comes to salary. You have to give yourself confidence, you have to encourage yourself, and you have to be confident that your performance is worth a raise. Convince yourself before you can convince your boss.

  When to ask for a raise, you also need skill. When it's easier to choose your boss, it's best not to talk about it when he's busy, such as when he's in a hurry to an important meeting. Pick the right time, such as when the company's recent performance growth, or when you have just successfully completed a large project to add glory to the department.

5. What should I do to prepare for a salary increase with my boss? What preparations can I make before talking about a raise?

Career planners suggest that you can start from the following three aspects to collect realistic evidence that you can be paid a raise. It can be said that these are the dreams of many people in the workplace. However, opportunity will only favor those who are prepared.  

1, the gold content has increased, on the industry or the profession of what to test a certificate, before joining the company is the accounting primary, through their own efforts, now is an intermediate title, their own qualifications have also increased, of course, the salary should also be expressed. Know your worth. Understand your own value in the company, the value of your position in the market, etc., correctly assess your own value, the more reasonable the number is more likely to be accepted.

  Second, performance embodiment. This year's overall sales performance has increased by many percentage points compared with last year, how many blank markets have been opened up, several large distributors have been developed, and the company's products have entered the international market.

  Third, the scope of responsibilities. Not only has the workload increased, but the scope of responsibility has also increased, as a personnel assistant, originally only responsible for recruitment, and now responsible for attendance, new employee training and follow-up job suitability surveys.

  Fourth, the negotiation content of salary increase is not only salary, but also considers benefits, responsibilities, working hours, etc.

  If you get rejected, ask why. Work with your boss to set a salary increase, make your future year's work clear, and increase your chances of success in asking for a raise next time. Maintain a positive attitude. If you don't get the salary increase you want, aim for the future.

  The work in the early stage of the salary increase is fully prepared, and with these foundations, everything is ready, only the East Wind is owed. How to talk to the boss about a raise, how to convince him, and when to propose the biggest grasp? It is generally considered that it is a good time for the boss of course. However, if the best results can be achieved, there is also a way to judge the situation.

6. When is it easiest to negotiate a salary increase with the boss?

Raise salary with the boss, we have to pick a day, for example, when the company's sales performance climbs, the boss is happy; for example, we just took over an important Case, and we are about to cut through thorns; for example, in the peak season of the industry, when people are more expensive than cutting cakes... And, unless it's a year-end appraisal, usually, talking about a raise is like... About the fire bag, privately colluding, that is the mood, publicly telling people that I want to... I just don't understand love!

  In the timing of the salary increase, we also need to pay attention to the following details.

  1, do not leave a bad impression on the leader

  For example, if you always talk to the leader for salary after completing a larger project, the leader is afraid of spoiling you, thus forming a "bad psychological habit" that every performance must be increased, and it is bound to choose to pressure you in an appropriate way at the right time; And if you always raise your salary before you are about to take on important tasks, the leader will naturally weigh it repeatedly before assigning tasks, so that you dare not give important tasks to you, which will undoubtedly affect the long-term development of individuals.

  2, do not get together to raise salary

  The end of the year is a good time for salary increases, and there are generally more people who raise salaries. At this time, when raising salaries, we must pay attention to staggering the time with everyone, and do not go to the boss to talk about salary when everyone is mysteriously looking for leaders to "report work", and after coming out, they are either depressed or dancing with their eyebrows (some people pretend to be serious, but the corners of their mouths and eyebrows always have a hint of pride that cannot be hidden). Otherwise, the leader has just finished dealing with one and you are coming again, aren't you bored?

  3, people with outstanding performance should not take the lead in raising salaries

  When the first person is given a salary increase, the leader will subconsciously use this salary increase as a reference, and the other people's salary increase level will fluctuate up and down based on this benchmark. Therefore, the first person's salary increase is generally not too high. And if your performance is outstanding, wouldn't it be a loss to raise your salary first?

  4. People with poor performance should be raised at the end

  If you think that your performance is poor, you should choose to go after everyone has talked to the leader, and you should not be stupid to fight the charge.

  First, people with good performance have not yet mentioned it, you will rush out first, and the leader will not be too happy.

  Second, generally speaking, the leader has a salary increase, and before everyone has talked about it, he generally does not "run out of bullets", but leaves a certain indicator of mobility. If everyone else has mentioned it, and this indicator is idle and wasteful, are you not picking up the leaks at this time?

  Third, after everyone else has talked about it, the leader's salary increase "year pass" is basically over, and the psychological pressure is suddenly reduced, and this is a good time for people with poor performance to talk about salary.

  In short, human resource management is a very delicate area. All kinds of decisions must talk about both science and art, which require personal feelings, and absolutely cannot be confused.

7. How does the boss think about employees applying for salary increases?

1) Employees have recent achievements and take the initiative to propose salary increases. Bosses will think that work will not always be in a state of high-grade excitement.

  Employees have been doing well recently and have some success. Offered a raise, and for good reason. If we base ourselves on the basic principle of exchanging business value, you really should give him a raise. However, be aware that there is a word in my sentence just now called "active".

  It's normal to offer a raise, and this employee has worked hard for months and has done well. Offer for a raise. What we should pay special attention to here is that the crux of the matter is that the work will not always be in a state of high-grade excitement, if next month, next month, is not done well this month. Will the employee take the initiative to say: I am not as good as the previous two months, and my grades are not as good as the previous two months, and now apply for a pay cut? I guess that's impossible. This I have to ask, why is the work performance good, with the results to take the initiative to propose a salary increase, but the work is not as good as the previous few months, the performance is somewhat declining, but can not take the initiative to propose a salary cut? According to the principle of commercial value exchange, this is also unfair.

2) When an employee applies for a salary increase, the boss will consider his personal importance, job suitability, and if you can achieve it, you can get a salary increase.

   Employees proposed salary increases, indicating that employees are no longer satisfied with the status quo, and the instability of the position has increased. As a boss, how should you deal with it? Is it to agree to the requirements, improve the treatment of employees in order to improve the loyalty of employees, and increase the stability of the position? Or do you reject the request and respond to a possible employee departure? In general, bosses never think that money is the key to solving stability problems.

Employee self-evaluation is outrageous

Some employees ask for a raise when they want to get a raise, and they don't objectively evaluate the value they create for the company. To raise the salary is still based on strength, and strength can have the right to speak. If the requesting employee is already a dispensable or unnecessary person, this behavior is undoubtedly short-sighted. It is equivalent to forcing the boss to "quickly cut the mess"

In many cases, employees who offer a raise are often already or are looking for a way back for themselves. If he doesn't agree to a raise, he'll be gone. If this employee has the ability and strength, then such a request is a forced palace. You show your hole card and give the boss two paths, yes or no. The boss is definitely re-evaluating your strength, potential, and loyalty (the objectivity of this estimate is of course also a problem) and making a choice.

  It can be seen that for employees' salary increase requirements, enterprises and bosses will generally be cautious. How can you get your pay rise plan realized? Mr. Bian Bingbin believes that:

Corporate culture and company management style need to be considered

Relatively speaking, in an open and communicative corporate culture, employee salary increase requirements are easier to achieve. Because under this value evaluation system that encourages competition, the relationship between contribution and income is closer, and the boss is also willing to discuss value issues with employees, and is also willing to use material methods to improve employees' enthusiasm for work and stimulate everyone to create more wealth for the company.

A raise needs a reason

Reason One: Personal importance

If you're a software design department in an IT business, you're more likely to be able to offer a raise than your colleagues in the HR department of your company. Because you're in the core of the company. This is very important, the market determines the value, how much you are worth is not calculated by yourself. For the company, the more wealth you create, the more valuable you are, in order to keep you such a cash cow, even the boss will take the initiative to give you a raise. If you are just a marginal person, more you are not more, less you are not less, then it is still obedient, do not rush to touch this sensitive topic, lest the lamb is not eaten, to provoke a body of sheep commotion. Whether one's position is in the core department of the company or closely linked to the company's core projects is one of the decisive factors for the success of the salary increase.

Reason two: job suitability

If the job is not on their correct career development route, it is difficult to say that the salary increase is difficult, and I am afraid that I am afraid that my current value is difficult to protect without development prospects. This is a long-term question, for the sake of the moment or for the sake of a lifetime. Everyone has their own unique professional temperament and attributes, have different career interests and tendencies, and have their own ability potential model. These factors determine that everyone has a suitable job, and the suitable position is the stage for you to realize your self-worth. Only when you find the right stage for your own development, you will have the opportunity to continue to develop. With a high degree of personal and professional matching, you can make your "salary" better.

The first two points are from the perspective of employees and analyze the views. In turn, we should also consider the problem from the perspective of the management side and base our salary increase requirements on the basis of objective rationality and justice.

Are you worth it?

This is the first issue that bosses usually consider when they encounter a request for a raise. How are you performing? How much have you contributed to the company? Do your contributions match the rewards you're getting now? If it doesn't match, how much more should you add? If you agree to your request, what changes will it bring to the company? Will it upset the pay balance and cause dissatisfaction among other employees? This series of questions boils down to three words, "Are you worth it?" ”

Are you the right fit?

Just like the previously proposed "Is it appropriate for me?" "In the same way, when companies face your requirements, they think about it from a longer-term perspective. Maybe you are good at the moment, but can you still calmly grasp the unpredictable future? Maybe your current ability is your limit, so will it make sense to renew your contract with a raise?

These are the questions you have to think about before proposing a raise.

Raising a salary increase with the boss is not a very casual thing, nor is it a thing that can happen from time to time, so make full preparations in advance, consider various possible situations, weigh the pros and cons caused by various situations, and then think about whether to raise salaries in the end, only in this way will there be a greater certainty.

8. What are the big taboos when talking to the boss about salary increases?

1. Threaten the boss with job hopping.

  Everyone likes employees who are loyal to the company, and they may not be dealt with immediately, and they may even get a raise, but a threat of blackmail has made your boss's trust in you today.

  2. Compare salaries with colleagues.

  You must have a confidentiality clause in the contract you sign with the company about salary, so even if you accidentally learn about your colleague's salary, you can't directly use it as an argument for a salary increase. The boss will think that you violate the company's personnel regulations, collude privately, and be a "troublemaker".

  3, do not lack of self-confidence and confidence.

  Don't think of talking about salary increases as a negotiation, but as an effective communication with your superiors that can bring benefits to yourself. In fact, many bosses believe that those who can take the initiative to ask for a salary increase must have a positive mentality; they feel that they have paid a lot and their work attitude is bound to be positive.

  4, do not lack of preparation, vague wording.

  What the boss wants to know is, have you really done enough to contribute to the company? Can you use data to prove what you call "giving"? Therefore, full preparation is an inevitable condition for the success of the salary increase. In addition to the year-end summary report and the daily work report, you should also record your contribution to the company in detail and organize it into written materials, such as what projects were negotiated in 2005? How much profit do these projects bring to the company? How much cost reduction, etc. has been reduced for the company? Highlight and highlight the additional tasks you complete outside of your job and the associated outcomes, and how much they benefit the company.

  5, do not compare with other colleagues or other companies' salaries.

  Never say that colleagues are not doing as well as themselves, or even simply saying that colleagues are not doing well. Proposing a raise on this basis first shows that you are suspicious of the company's salary system; second, you are suspicious of the boss's wise decision-making. So, before using this reason for the salary increase, you may wish to doubt yourself first, why does the boss give less? If it's a matter of your own ability, then keep up the effort; if it's the boss's problem, then ——— you should go. If in addition to salary, you are more satisfied with all aspects of the company, then try to make your role in the company more obvious, the purpose of talking to the boss about salary is not only to focus on the number on the payroll, but also to focus on your future development.

6. Do not involve specific data on salary increases.

  When the boss says yes to you, but vaguely says the specific number of salary increases, don't stop there, and tell the range of salary increases you want to get based on what you know. Nor should we passively accept salaries without seeing whether the amount is reasonable.

  7. Don't just stick to payroll.

  Because if the boss does not agree to the salary increase, you should talk to the boss about whether it can be compensated in other ways, such as bonuses, vacations, transportation costs, etc. Or turn the salary increase requirement into a request for the company to provide you with career development opportunities, such as training, moving to a more suitable and more important job position, asking to participate in the company's larger projects or future development plans, etc., to show your enthusiasm for the company's service.

  8, do not choose the wrong time.

  The timing of the offer is important, and sometimes a small detail determines the success or failure of the raise. If your company is hiring more employees, this is a good time to ask for a raise. Because professional human resources companies have long proved that for positions with experience and technical content requirements, the cost of salary increases for internal employees is lower than the cost of social recruitment. In addition, you have just earned a degree or professional qualification to win a big client or complete a deal, which is also a good opportunity to propose a salary increase. But don't ask for a raise when your boss is struggling with financial problems or is under pressure for something else.

  9, if the salary increase is rejected, do not make trouble.

  If you've also decided to work for this company, if you haven't been given a better chance of job hopping, don't show uncooperative emotions or use threats when your boss rejects your offer for a raise. No smart boss will let go of good employees who can create value for him. So please politely ask the boss what he has not done enough, so that he can trust himself and further explain the task while understanding himself. These tasks are your future work goals and development space.