
The long-haired girl had no head, it was

author:Mr. Liang came

I always walked with my head down and never looked at the sky. Unfortunately, there is a shallow puddle next to the train station reflecting a piece of sky. I glanced casually and saw that the sun in the deep sky reflected in the water actually gave birth to a sharp horn, so evil feeling! I immediately squinted at the sky, and the sun was still in a circle of peace, without any edges and corners.

It's faking!

I stomped on the sun in the water... Countless evil fragments are laughing eerily...

I ignored it and continued toward the station waiting hall.

Xu Haofei, the girlfriend who came to send me, said, "Why are you treading water?" I still have a child's temper!"

I ignored her and continued walking toward the station waiting hall.

When I got in the car, I said, "Goodbye, Xu Haofei!" I'll be back soon!"

The long-haired girl had no head, it was

As the car started slowly, a girl with a strong smell of water in her hair came up and sat by the window opposite me. The train started to run at a constant speed, and she started trying to drive the window but couldn't open it, so I got up and helped her pull away a little. The air is much more comfortable after the cool breeze blows in a little. I squinted until she was looking at me and smiling, her hair pulled up in style.

I suddenly had a strange thought: I helped her open the window, she said thank you, and then jumped out of the incense...

hehe...... It's a wild idea.

"Thank you!" She did say so, but she didn't jump out of the car.

I took off my headphones and looked at her and said, "No thanks!" Looking at her, I suddenly opened my eyes – she was very much like my former girlfriend Zhang Haohan! Staring at her sheepishly, I was suddenly a little sentimental, because Zhang Haohan had stumbled and fallen into the tracks while taking the train...

"What's wrong with you?" She still smiled and looked at me. I immediately realized that I was out of shape and quickly laughed awkwardly: "Ah! It's okay...... yes...... I'm sorry I get dizzy as soon as I smell the perfume..."

She said: "I am most afraid of messy hair, which is the smell of gel water." Is it all right to open the window?"

"Well, don't faint!" It was boring on the train. The two of us started chatting...

After passing Gaoyi Station, the train travels at high speed and will soon arrive in Shijiazhuang. The sky suddenly darkened! It was as dark as a cloudy day, and the scenery outside the window was a blur of black shadows. The weather forecast is not cloudy and rainy! Is it a total solar eclipse? Strangely enough, the carriage was still stable, and no one panicked and was surprised by it.

Don't...... Could it be that only I felt the sky suddenly darken?

The girl across from her sat calmly watching the panicked me as if nothing had happened. I was scared. I weakly asked her across from me, "How is it getting dark?" She said quietly, "Yeah, how it's getting dark." Saying that, she poked her head out of the window of the high-speed train to check... I said, "Sit back and don't be so dangerous!" She was still peeking out the car window, her shoulders sticking out, and she said, "It's all right!"

"Don't do this, aren't you the most afraid of messy hair?" Sit back, you're blowing your hair out the window like that!" I was even about to stand up and pull her.

"Really? Do you see if my hair is messed up?" She said as she pulled her shoulders back into the car...

My eyes instantly burst round, and my heart seemed to burst through her chest and explode into the body at once— her head was gone!

"Is my hair messy?" Her headless body asked me. The sky was clear again, and the evil sun was still scorching the earth in the sky. No one else in the carriage seemed to see her headless, nor could they see me with a paper-colored face of surprise and panic. I understand.

I was isolated!

After the fear overwhelmed my three souls, I gradually regained my composure. I looked at her and said sheepishly, "You don't have a head, so your hair is not messy." ”

"But your hair is messy." She didn't have a head but I felt her laughing, "I'll help you sort it out." ”

Her headless body put her hand on my head...

My head drifted away from the body that had been connected for 26 years. There is no perception.

Her headless body held my bodyless head, and my head looked at my body without a head on the opposite seat...

The long-haired girl had no head, it was

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The next day. There was a news in the local newspaper:

Yesterday, a man on a high-speed train rushed to put his head out of the window, was scraped off by the guardrail along the railway line, the head is unknown, according to the analysis of railway staff may be crushed by the high-speed train...

The news didn't mention the girl who looked like Zhang Haohan sitting across from me. And also, my head wasn't crushed by the train.

After a long time, my girlfriend Xu Haofei found a new boyfriend.

One day Xu Haofei took a train to Shijiazhuang. There were very few people in the car, and across from her sat a boy who looked a lot like me. It was stuffy in the car, and the boy pulled the window open a little...

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