
Business agency: the supply is tight The price of phosphoric acid is ten thousand yuan


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First, the price trend

Business agency: the supply is tight The price of phosphoric acid is ten thousand yuan

According to the bulk data list of the business company, the average price of domestic phosphoric acid on September 10 was 8700 yuan / ton, an increase of 883 yuan from the beginning of the week, an increase of 11.3% during the week, and an increase of 80.62% compared with the same period last year.

Second, market analysis

This week, the phosphoric acid market continued its upward trend, rising about 11% during the week, the market center of gravity moved up sharply, and low-end prices were scarce. This week, yellow phosphorus enterprises limit voltage load, production capacity reduction, spot tight, prices continue to soar to about 30,0003, cost support is strong, boost the phosphoric acid market rose sharply, enterprise quotations are mostly near 8000-9000 yuan / ton, the highest price is now 9900 yuan / ton, the sword refers to 10,000 yuan, much higher than the same period last year, and there is no downward trend.

At present, the central environmental protection inspection team in the Sichuan region, the manufacturers started at a low level, the supply of goods intensified, the wet phosphoric acid is nearly no inventory, with production and sales, and now the number of enterprise closures and suspensions has increased, and the multi-main pre-orders are the mainstay, and the industry's wait-and-see mood is not reduced. According to the monitoring of the business agency, the current quotation in Jiangsu is 8900-9000 yuan / ton, the quotation in Hebei region is 9200 yuan / ton, the quotation in Hubei region is about 8000-9000 yuan / ton, the quotation in Shandong region is about 9500-9800 yuan / ton, the guangzhou quotation is about 8800 yuan / ton, and the Sichuan region is quoted at 8100-9900 yuan / ton, and the price of phosphoric acid in various places has risen sharply.

Business agency: the supply is tight The price of phosphoric acid is ten thousand yuan

Phosphate ore, this week's domestic phosphate ore market overall performance of high and stable operation, the supply of phosphate ore in the mine is still tight, some mining enterprises in Guizhou area spot tight, the external temporary do not accept new orders, suspend external quotations, under the high price, the overall trading atmosphere of the phosphate ore market is acceptable, the current phosphate ore market under the high price, downstream demand can still be supported, therefore, the business community phosphate ore analysts believe that in the short term, China's phosphate ore market will be temporarily stable and running.

Business agency: the supply is tight The price of phosphoric acid is ten thousand yuan

Yellow phosphorus, this week the price of yellow phosphorus continued to rise, enterprises limit voltage load, production capacity compared with last week has been reduced, yellow phosphorus manufacturers mainly issued early orders, spot supply is tight, some manufacturers temporarily stopped external quotations. Up to now, Yunnan yellow phosphorus is reported at about 35,000 yuan / ton; the mainstream quotation in Sichuan is about 33,000-35,000 yuan / ton; the mainstream quotation in Guizhou is about 32,000-35,000 yuan / ton. This week, yellow phosphorus mainly issued early orders, new orders are limited, downstream sporadic replenishment, and the acceptance of high-priced yellow phosphorus pesticide enterprises is acceptable.

Business agency: the supply is tight The price of phosphoric acid is ten thousand yuan

Third, the future market forecast

Phosphoric acid analysts of the chemical branch of the business company believe that the current raw material prices continue to be high, the production cost pressure of phosphoric acid enterprises is relatively large, the start of work is low, the supply of goods in the field is tightened, the price of phosphoric acid is rapidly rising to the 10,000 yuan mark, it is expected that there will still be an upward adjustment in the short term, and it is necessary to pay careful attention to the trend of raw material prices.

Business agency: the supply is tight The price of phosphoric acid is ten thousand yuan

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