
Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, teach you the right way, clean and hygienic

author:Lily Food Talk
Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, teach you the right way, clean and hygienic

Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, no wonder the stomach hurts, teach you the right way. Raisins are one of the most common snack snacks in life, and it is usually very nutritious to eat directly or to make a snack filling and eat it with nuts. High sugar content, is a typical high-energy nutrition, is a nutrient-rich natural carbohydrate food source, usually hungry when eating two is very helpful for the body to replenish energy. The taste is sweet, and many people love to eat it, especially children like to use raisins as snacks. The raisins on the market are also divided into many kinds, according to the quality of different prices are also unequal, there are sealed packages, there are also bulk, everyone in the purchase of raisins, many people take home are directly put in the mouth to eat, then eat raisins before eating in the end whether to clean it.

Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, teach you the right way, clean and hygienic

Let's first understand how raisins are made, raisins are not washed with water during the drying process, and the bunches of fresh grapes use the most primitive drying method. Ventilation and drying in the drying room, so as to maintain the best taste of raisins, but a long period of wind and sand blowing, wait until the raisins lose water and become dry, the folds will be mixed with a lot of sand, a simple blow is not clean, this direct entrance to eat, there will be gravel to the teeth of the reason, and people with bad stomach, eating is also easy to make a stomach. The common raisins on the market are also packaged, a small package of a small package, this raisin packaging is GB certified, can be eaten directly. If it is a bulk raisin, it must be washed first, so that it is cleaner and more hygienic.

Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, teach you the right way, clean and hygienic

The cleaning of raisins also requires skill, direct and simple water washing is not clean, because the raisins have a lot of folds, dirty things are hidden in it, direct washing is not clean, we need to use warm water to add flour or corn starch, stir evenly into corn starch water, and then put the raisins into clean water to wash, repeatedly scratch and wash clean, and then rinse clean with cool white, take out to dry in the sun for 2 hours and then eat, and usually buy raisins taste as delicious, and cleaner and healthier, You can wash more at a time, seal and keep it well, and take it as you go, which is more convenient and convenient. Raisins are dirty to eat directly? Teach you the right way, dirty things automatically run out, clean and hygienic. Let's take a look at the detailed methods.

Here's a practical grape detailed method step:

Prepare ingredients: Bulk raisins to taste.

Prepare the ingredients: a pinch of starch or an appropriate amount of flour.

Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, teach you the right way, clean and hygienic

1, first prepare a large bowl, add warm water, with the effect of warm water cleaning will be better, no use of cold water can also do.

Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, teach you the right way, clean and hygienic

2. Then add a little starch (or flour) to warm water and stir well.

Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, teach you the right way, clean and hygienic

3. Then pour the raisins into the water starch water, the water starch can well adsorb the fine dust and impurities on the surface.

Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, teach you the right way, clean and hygienic

4, remember not to soak the raisins for a long time, so as not to affect the taste of the foam, like this repeatedly grasp and wash about 20 times.

Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, teach you the right way, clean and hygienic

5, grab the washed raisins and fish up, obviously see the starch water has become turbid.

Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, teach you the right way, clean and hygienic

6. Wash it a second time with cold water and rinse off the excess water starch.

Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, teach you the right way, clean and hygienic

7, so that the raisins are very clean, the small impurities in the raisin folds are washed clean.

Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, teach you the right way, clean and hygienic

8, then control the water to dry, the raisins are flat, put in the sun to dry for 2 hours and almost dry, after drying the taste is still delicious and unchanged.

Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, teach you the right way, clean and hygienic

9, look at the water starch just cleaned, starch water mixed with a lot of black substances, this is the raisin surface cleaned down the dust and impurities, if not cleaned clean will really eat.

Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, teach you the right way, clean and hygienic

Dried raisins, you can eat directly, the taste is as delicious as when you just bought it, the key is that the raisins after cleaning are more assured, a wash can be wrapped in a clean and sealed bag, put in the refrigerator to eat as you go, it is particularly convenient to take it. Washed the child to eat is also more assured, the method is also very simple, 2 minutes to get it done, the delay can not be long, washed clean family eat is also healthier. Simple and clean methods to share with you, you can try it when eating loose raisins.

Should the raisins be washed? A lot of people are doing it wrong, teach you the right way, clean and hygienic

Lily Food Talks Cooking Tips:

1, if the raisins are sealed and packaged and certified, you can eat directly, but the bulk raisins are recommended to be cleaned first, because the raisins are directly sunburned in the process of drying, there is no cleaning, and it is easy to accumulate dust and impurities.

2, here is the use of starch water can also use flour water, how to facilitate how to come, the method is also very simple.

3, raisins in starch water can be grasped and washed, do not need to soak for too long, so as not to affect the taste of raisins, wash clean raisins and then put in the sun for 2 hours, you can enjoy it with confidence.

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