
Guangdong candidates love to drink a bowl of Porridge, Zhuangyuan and The First Porridge before going out on the expedition!


Zhuangyuan and the first porridge, is one of the traditional snacks in Guangdong Province, the name is pleasing, and the taste is smooth and delicious, mellow and delicious, Cantonese people love to drink porridge, so such a colorful and delicious porridge, deeply loved by Yangcheng, the Pearl River Delta region and Hong Kong and Macao regions.

Guangdong candidates love to drink a bowl of Porridge, Zhuangyuan and The First Porridge before going out on the expedition!

In Guangdong, the color head that people talk about is the meaning of asking for an auspicious one. From buying vegetables to bargaining, to buying a car and buying a house, as long as you have 8 in the tail number, the buyer's heart is happy. There are also fish every year, windfall on the hand - refers to a dish made with pig hands, and so on, etc., which do not reflect the characteristics of Guangdong people's happy color head. What we are talking about today, the name of the champion and the first porridge, the name is already colorful enough, plus, its origin is indeed related to a real champion, so, every time the exam is college entrance examination, such a bowl of porridge also ushered in its best business time of the year.

Guangdong candidates love to drink a bowl of Porridge, Zhuangyuan and The First Porridge before going out on the expedition!

Such a bowl of porridge originated in the Ming Dynasty, according to folklore, during the Ming Dynasty, there was a famous talent in Lingnan, called Lun Wenshu, who was talented and excellent, but since childhood, his family was poor, and in order to be busy with his livelihood, he had to buy vegetables for a living. The owner of a porridge shop pitied him for his young age, did not want him to waste his time on vitality, and pity his talent, so he bought a load of dishes from Lun Wenshu every day and let him send them to the store, and when Lun Wenshu delivered the dishes to the store, the boss used some scraps to cook white porridge, put ginger and onions, and sent them to him to eat. This situation lasted for several years, during which Time Lun Wenshu was favored by his boss and silently thought about it.

Later, when Lun Wenshu was the head of high school and returned to his hometown, he specially went to the porridge shop to thank the boss. Because this porridge is nameless, Lun Wenshu personally named it "Zhuangyuan and Di Congee" and engraved it on the plaque, since then, the reputation of the congee shop has been greatly enhanced, and the Zhuangyuan and Di Congee have also spread in Yangcheng, the Pearl River Delta region and Hong Kong and Macao.

Guangdong candidates love to drink a bowl of Porridge, Zhuangyuan and The First Porridge before going out on the expedition!

The method of porridge and porridge is not difficult, but there are more ingredients used, and the traditional materials used are pig powder intestines, pork liver, pork loin, pork belly, and finally the indispensable is fresh pork balls, and finally the accessories, fritters, fried rotten bamboo, coriander, green onions and so on.

The practice of the first and the first porridge is shared.

1. Prepare ingredients: rice to taste, fresh pork powder sausage, pork liver, pork loin, pork belly, pork balls. Accessories, one fritter, ginger shallots, lettuce to taste.

2. Rinse the rice, add a little oil and salt, bring to a boil over high heat, and simmer slowly.

3. Powder sausage, pork liver, pork loin, pork belly washed, sliced, together with meatballs into rice porridge, add fine salt and accessories

Guangdong candidates love to drink a bowl of Porridge, Zhuangyuan and The First Porridge before going out on the expedition!

4. Finally, boil until the porridge taste overflows, tear the fritters into sections, put them into the porridge, and you can get out of the pot. Such a bowl of nutritious, mellow flavor and porridge is ready.

Guangdong candidates love to drink a bowl of Porridge, Zhuangyuan and The First Porridge before going out on the expedition!
Guangdong candidates love to drink a bowl of Porridge, Zhuangyuan and The First Porridge before going out on the expedition!

Coinciding with the eventful autumn, it is another year of college entrance examination season, the college entrance examination has been postponed to July, the mood of candidates and parents may be different from previous years, but the expectation is no different from previous years, I hope that the candidates can treat it with a normal attitude, and finally wish the world's candidates to win the championship in one fell swoop, and the first and the first!

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