
Dog: Eat me for thousands of years, fate is pitiful, superficially a friend, but actually under the wine meat

author:Cold eyes

After the state promulgated the "Decision on Comprehensively Banning illegal wildlife trade, eliminating the bad habit of indiscriminately eating wild animals, and effectively protecting the people's life, health and safety" on February 24, 2020, the state's protection of animals is about to go further, but this step has hurt the hearts of many "dog meat food" fans across the country.

First of all, if you don't talk about anything else, this dog meat that has been eaten for thousands of years can still be eaten!?

Dog: Eat me for thousands of years, fate is pitiful, superficially a friend, but actually under the wine meat

During the collapse of the Fujian isolation hotel in early March, a soldier tearfully kissed his search and rescue dog

It's possible! On April 8, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs published the National Inventory of Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources (Draft for Solicitation of Comments) to solicit comments from the public. The directory includes a total of 31 species of domestic traditional livestock and poultry and special livestock and poultry, they are: 18 kinds of traditional livestock and poultry, including pigs, ordinary cattle, tumor cattle, buffalo, yaks, large cattle, sheep, goats, horses, donkeys, camels, rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, pigeons, quails, etc.; 13 kinds of special livestock and poultry, including sika deer, red deer, reindeer, alpacas, guinea fowl, pheasant, partridge, green-headed duck, ostrich, mink, silver fox, blue fox, raccoon, etc. Comments are available for a period of one month and are due on May 8, 2020.

What do you mean?

@Cold Eyes bluntly said that only those in the list are called livestock and poultry, and it is allowed to eat or take furs; if they are not inside, they are prohibited.

Haven't dogs always been domesticated? Not called a domestic animal?

It used to be, but probably not in the future, including cats.

Dog: Eat me for thousands of years, fate is pitiful, superficially a friend, but actually under the wine meat

The Ministry of Agriculture issued a statement: "Dogs have been 'specialized' from traditional domestic animals to companion animals, and they are generally not treated as livestock and poultry in the world, and China should not be included in livestock and poultry management." ”

Since it is said that people's dogs are friends, then treat them as friends! Don't say that you are friends on the surface, but in fact, you are just wine and meat under the bowl.

I seem to hear the cries of the dog meat gourmets... It was as if hearing the heartbreaking voice of the Yulin people... It was as if Another cheer was heard...

Although there are many people who eat dog meat in China, as far as the ethnic groups are concerned, there are probably only Han and Koreans; others who do not eat such as the Manchus are because dogs are said to have saved the life of Nurhaci, the founding emperor of the Qing Dynasty, so dogs are worshipped by them as guardian gods; peoples who believe in Islam do not eat because they are forbidden by doctrine.

In addition, the She, Yao, Miao, and Gelao people even honor the dog king "Pan 瓠 (hù)" as their ancestors; the customs of the Wa, Mongolian, Yi, Gaoshan and other ethnic groups are very reluctant to eat dog meat.

Dog: Eat me for thousands of years, fate is pitiful, superficially a friend, but actually under the wine meat

In 2017, CCTV launched the intangible cultural heritage animation drama

China is famous for eating dog meat in Yulin, Guangxi, Pei County, Jiangsu, Huajiang, Guizhou, and Yanbian, Jilin. Among them, Yulin loves to eat dog meat in fact, and the Hakka people who account for most of Yulin do not traditionally have this tradition.

When it comes to the largest group that eats dog meat, I think it should be in Guangdong. Guangdong people's "no taboo" eating habits have long been famous all over the world; every winter, dog meat, mutton has become extremely popular, on the day of the winter solstice, dog meat is more cantonese standard; Zhanjiang Leizhou, across the sea from Hainan, is the most famous area for cooking dog meat in Guangdong.

Dog: Eat me for thousands of years, fate is pitiful, superficially a friend, but actually under the wine meat

The method is special Leizhou clear soup dog meat pot

After entering the contemporary civilization, because most people in developed countries regard the consumption of cats and dogs as taboo, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macao, which have been popular for a long time, have long banned the killing, consumption and trafficking of cats and dogs.

Our neighbor "big" Korea, is a well-deserved big consumer of dog meat, in the 1960s and 1970s began to appear large-scale intensive dog breeding farms, has now developed to about 20,000; South Korea consumes as many as 2 million dogs a year, an average of 26 people eat one, domestic production is in short supply, so every year to import 20% of dog meat from neighboring countries, which must be from China.

Dog: Eat me for thousands of years, fate is pitiful, superficially a friend, but actually under the wine meat

Puppies in a meat dog farm

But South Korea has also improved, with young people and elders going against the grain of dog meat. According to a 2018 survey, only about 20 percent of young people have eaten dog meat, compared with about 50 percent in their parents' generation; 81.5 percent of citizens disapprove of eating dog meat, and 39.7 percent favor legislative fasting.

In August 2018, more than 200,000 people in South Korea petitioned the presidential office to amend the Livestock Law to make the slaughter of dogs illegal, and the South Korean presidential office responded that it would actively consider amending the relevant regulations to exclude dogs from the range of domestic animals.

Dog: Eat me for thousands of years, fate is pitiful, superficially a friend, but actually under the wine meat

South Korean animal protection activists oppose the consumption of dog meat

It seems that improving the status of dogs and prohibiting slaughter and consumption is a global trend, not just the "work" of domestic "dog lovers".

Taking advantage of the public opinion of banning wild animals, it seems a bit natural to ban dog meat.

After all, taboos are the embodiment of human civilization, no taboos that are the animal stage, just like today's slaughter of pigs and cattle advocates minimizing their pain, and the civilization of diet is ultimately one of the development directions of human beings.

However, considering the habits and psychological states of many people in The country, even if dogs are excluded from the list of domestic animals this time, they should not be completely fasted by one size fits all, and may be a gradual tightening process.

Dog: Eat me for thousands of years, fate is pitiful, superficially a friend, but actually under the wine meat

A search and rescue dog died of exhaustion at the scene of the search and rescue

Do you think dogs should be banned? Please express your opinion in the comments section.

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