
Suitable for autumn drinking yam hibiscus soup, children drink twice a week to cultivate a good spleen and stomach

author:Back pot big crab

Yam contains a variety of trace elements, and the content is relatively rich, has a tonic effect, yam is also rich in vitamins and minerals, the calorie content is relatively low. Yam contains a lot of protein and vitamins, children eat it can enhance physical fitness, improve immunity, and promote good health.

Autumn must eat more yam, healthy spleen and stomach, this yam hibiscus soup, especially suitable for the elderly and children, the taste is smooth, drink twice a week, raise a good spleen and stomach.

1. Yam hibiscus soup

Ingredients: 1 yam, 1 tbsp salt, 1/2 carrot, green vegetable leaves, 1 egg, 2 shiitake mushrooms

1. Peel the yam and crush it into mud, remember to wear gloves, otherwise the hands will be itchy, pat well and set aside

Suitable for autumn drinking yam hibiscus soup, children drink twice a week to cultivate a good spleen and stomach

2. Carrots and shiitake mushrooms cut into small cubes, pot into oil, oil heat pour into the chopped carrots and diced mushrooms stir-fry fragrant

Suitable for autumn drinking yam hibiscus soup, children drink twice a week to cultivate a good spleen and stomach

3. Add an appropriate amount of water

Suitable for autumn drinking yam hibiscus soup, children drink twice a week to cultivate a good spleen and stomach

4. Add the yam puree

Suitable for autumn drinking yam hibiscus soup, children drink twice a week to cultivate a good spleen and stomach

5. Stir clockwise with chopsticks

Suitable for autumn drinking yam hibiscus soup, children drink twice a week to cultivate a good spleen and stomach

6. Bring the water to a boil and pour in the egg mixture

Suitable for autumn drinking yam hibiscus soup, children drink twice a week to cultivate a good spleen and stomach

7. Stir well

Suitable for autumn drinking yam hibiscus soup, children drink twice a week to cultivate a good spleen and stomach

8. Season with salt

Suitable for autumn drinking yam hibiscus soup, children drink twice a week to cultivate a good spleen and stomach

9. Stir in the green vegetable leaves and cook well for 1 minute to get out of the pot

Suitable for autumn drinking yam hibiscus soup, children drink twice a week to cultivate a good spleen and stomach

It is particularly delicious, healthy spleen and stomach, and it is especially good to drink in autumn.

Suitable for autumn drinking yam hibiscus soup, children drink twice a week to cultivate a good spleen and stomach

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