
Tea suitable for patients with irritable bowel syndrome

author:Dr. Duan Fei, a chinese medicine gastroenterologist
Tea suitable for patients with irritable bowel syndrome

(1) Hawthorn honey drink

Ingredients: 500 grams of fresh hawthorn, 100 grams of walnut kernels, 50 grams of honey, 500 ml of cold boiled water.

Preparation method: the fresh hawthorn pitted, stalked, washed, cut into pieces, and washed walnut kernels into the juicer to get the juice, into honey and cold boiled water, mix well and eat as needed. The residue after taking the juice can also be decocted.

Indications for efficacy: moisturizing the stomach and intestines, tonifying the lungs and kidneys, raw liquid, eliminating diet. It is suitable for patients with irritable bowel syndrome, anorexia, loss of appetite, lung deficiency cough, kidney deficiency impotence, jin deficiency thirst, constipation knots and other patients.

Tea suitable for patients with irritable bowel syndrome

(2) Lotus jujube honey juice drink

Ingredients: 250 grams of lotus rice and red dates, 100 grams of honey, 200 grams of sugar.

Preparation method: soak the lotus rice in warm water and wash it, remove the lotus heart; wash the red dates, remove the jujube core; put it into the steaming bowl, add a small amount of water, steam until it is crispy, then take out the lotus rice and red dates and put them on a large plate, set aside. The original soup of steamed lotus rice and red dates is transferred into the pot, add white sugar and boil until it dissolves, add honey, collect the thick juice, and pour over the lotus rice and red dates. On an empty stomach, you can take 3 honey dates and 10 lotus rice 3 times per day.

Efficacy indications: nourish qi and nourish blood, replenish the heart and calm the mind, and improve sleep. It is suitable for patients with IRR syndrome, mental tension, stressful candidates, etc.

Note: People who are full of wet resistance or stop drinking phlegm fire should not eat.